What the pet food television commercials forget to tell pet owners about: the smell.
Unless you live near a pet food manufacturing facility or a pet food ingredient facility, you probably don’t think much about the smell of manufacturing. But those that do live near these pet food plants, complain about the horrible odors.
Recently, the Blue Buffalo pet food manufacturing facility in Joplin, MO – Heartland Pet Food – has had numerous complaints filed against it for strong odors. Below are screen shot images from multiple documents provided in a search of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources website.

Source: https://dnr.mo.gov/env/apcp/docs/macc-concernreport-january312019.pdf

Pet food/feed ingredient manufacturing can be stinky business too. Below are more odor complaints regarding “Protein Solutions” in Joplin, MO obtained in a search on the Missouri Department of Natural Resources website.

It is unknown if this has been filed in court, but news stations in the Joplin area reported on a story of a potential lawsuit against Protein Solutions for odor issues.
A St. Louis, MO Fox News story on April 7, 2019 stated Blue Buffalo and Protein Solutions “were flagged last week for violations.”
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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~Pet Owner~
April 11, 2019 at 2:03 pm
It’s kind of sad when people are more concerned about the “smell” of a manufacturing plant, than the nature of it. If it wasn’t for that indication, people wouldn’t be thinking about a PF manufacturer at all. But this way, at least the company is in the public’s eye and if they have other violations, the complaints might add up to something.
Over the years we’ve looked at the PF issue as an “if only they would do” kind of condition. Just use wholesome ingredients, best practices, safety protocol, sanitation and follow regulation. Seems like a no brainer. Because to us this is a consumer issue! But in reality (to the government and the state) this issue is in defense of manufacturing, agriculture, business taxes, and employment. They see completely the opposite side of our own advocate interests.
The odor is but the tip of the iceberg. And what concessions they’re forced to make or correct, will probably be just to keep the plant more anonymous, make people forget about it. In this region there was (or perhaps still is) a rendering plant. When looking to relocate everyone said be sure not to move “down wind.” Like don’t buy a house near a long established major airport. But the rendering plant is no longer noticed, and therefore we have no idea what’s going on.
After all, that’s their goal in the first place!
Lee morris
April 11, 2019 at 2:04 pm
Anything new on No Hides?
Susan Thixton
April 11, 2019 at 2:07 pm
Not to my knowledge.
Paula Cohen
April 11, 2019 at 2:18 pm
Pardon my ignorance – but what is causing the smell? Is this because of bad ingredients? Bad procedures?
Susan Thixton
April 11, 2019 at 2:23 pm
That’s a great question. But I don’t have the answer to it. I don’t know what is causing the smell.
April 12, 2019 at 3:06 am
Is it a already dead animal smell?
Linda Gero
April 13, 2019 at 11:53 am
Shouldn’t the CAUSE of the foul odor be investigated rather than just noting that it exists? Is this a new issue, or has it been happening routinely? I suspect it might be due to rendering practices. Decades ago I worked at a vet clinic that had it’s own (licensed) crematoreum. When we were burning, the smell was something awful. I wouldn’t have wanted to live nearby.