I just have to share a recent experience with one of my dogs; proving that although pets might not speak words, they definitely talk to us.
I’m typically at the computer until late in the evening. Errands and household chores are accomplished in between researching pet foods and writing about pet foods. I’m faithful at walking the dogs, combing dogs and cats, and interacting with all the creatures daily, but household chores…well, lets just say there are dust bunnies that have names around our house.
Yesterday was typical. Late afternoon I threw Echo’s (one of my dogs) bed into the washer. And then I forgot about it; forgot to put it into the dryer.
Echo is an early to bed, early to rise dog. She naps near me through the day, when I’m at my computer, but at night it’s a different story. At bedtime (which is around 9 PM for her) she goes to her bed. Well, last night at 9 PM, her bed was soaking wet in the washer. And she kept trying to tell me that (I forgot about it) for an hour until I finally ‘heard’ what she was saying.
She stared at me; she laid her head in my lap. She wiggled, stared, head in lap, wiggled again. She woo-woo-ed at me. She laid ON my feet. She jumped on my bed (she’s only allowed on my bed when she’s invited – not at her own discretion). She gave me the sad, sleepy eyes. She repeated and repeated these moves until I finally realized what she was trying to tell me. ‘Mom…where’s my bed? I need some sleep!’ Looking back at it, she couldn’t have been more clear with her message.
It was much later than normal, but by 11 PM Echo was sound asleep on her freshly washed (and dried) bed. I felt bad for not ‘listening’ to her sooner.
Listen to your pet. They know what they are talking about.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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January 5, 2013 at 12:19 am
Many behaviorists posture that a dog’s bark (or other sounds) are attempts to mimic human language. Of course they talk. It is only humans, in our boundless arrogance, who insist that animals “cannot talk,” simply because they do not “speak english.”