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No, I Don’t Work for Purina

Lately, I’ve received several emails from consumers asking if I work for Purina or if is owned by Purina. I want to make this very clear…ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Lately, I’ve received several emails from consumers asking if I work for Purina or if is owned by Purina. I want to make this very clear…ABSOLUTELY NOT!

It seems someone posted somewhere that I (Susan Thixton) am employed by Purina and that is owned by Purina. When I got the first email about this, I almost thought it was funny. How could anyone post or believe that I was an employee of Purina? But then I received more questions asking the same question, it’s no longer funny.

I do not, would not – for any amount of money – work for Purina. I do not, would not – for any amount of money – work for anyone in Big Pet Food. Honestly – they could offer me a million dollars a month, and I would say NO. I’m not kidding, there is no offer I would accept.

I do not work for any pet food company, I do not accept money from any pet food company. I am 100% supported by pet food consumers.

I’d have to guess, that Purina – as well as other members of The Pet Food Institute (PFI – lobby organization of Big Pet Food) – actually hates me. Hates the air I breathe. If those that ever questioned my allegiance to pet food consumers would see how these companies treat me and  other consumer advocates at AAFCO meetings – you would have no doubt to how they really feel and that they themselves want nothing to do with me. You can actually see them cringe when I walk into a meeting room. They rarely make direct eye contact, and only when forced to – do they ever acknowledge my presence. At one meeting several years ago, when I walked to the microphone to make a statement, Big Pet Food representatives moaned out loud and made audible statements such as ‘She has no right being here’. At another meeting when I sat down at the table next to the two representatives of the PFI, they collected their stuff and promptly moved to the other side of the room. It is crystal clear how they feel about this consumer advocate. They would never want me – as I would never work for them.

So no – absolutely not. I do not work for Purina, is not owned by Purina.

The domain is owned by me (Susan Thixton) and I work for pet food consumers. I don’t know if this ‘rumor’ was started by Big Pet Food to undermine consumer trust of me or if the rumor was simply an error by someone that doesn’t know me or very well. Regardless as to how/why – it is not true. Just wanted to set the record straight.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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  1. Kelley

    May 11, 2015 at 1:22 pm

    Hi Susan,
    I can’t believe someone would even say that! IGNORANT people that think Purina is actually a GOOD Food must have been posting that!
    You are excellent with what you do in educating people about Pet Nutrition, and making a HUGE impact on how Pet Foods are looked at! You are the VOICE for all of those Pets out there that have Pet Parents that are clueless about what horrible foods they are feeding their pets!
    You ARE making a difference, just shrug off the HATERS and let them feed their pets disusting Slaughter House West, GMO, Propolyene Gylocole, Sugar, Roadkill, and even more thant makes me sick to even list! Thank you for doing what you do, and just keep on with your Legacy!
    Kelley Dockx
    Pet Owner

    • Sarah

      May 11, 2015 at 9:26 pm

      I had the opposite thought – that it might be Blue supporters trying to convince people to not follow TAPF’s coverage of the court case by implying she’s biased, since Blue is the one really looking bad. Too many people believe their schtick.

    • Jowella

      May 23, 2015 at 1:15 am

      Interesting discussion, where are the vets , controlled studies that are long term. Ignorant me fed Purina to my lab for over seventeen years? Never had a health problem. ???? Dogs DNA, food, etc. Maybe a dogs system needs junk. Wolves in the wild on raw food live how long

      • Kelley

        August 22, 2015 at 9:25 am

        @jowella I suggest you do some more research about veterinarians! Did you know that in a 4 years span in Vet Medical School. they students get a ONE WEEK study on Pet Nutrition? And guess who hosts the trainings and the material – Hills, Science Diet, Royal Canin, and Purina! They get free food while in school, and make money once their practice is up and running for kick backs on selling this food! Not al Veterinarians intentionally sell this horrible food just to make money, some just do not know any better, or even worse afraid to deviate away from their curriculum and offfer natural diets to patients and then they can be sued. The BEST vets out their stay out of the world of Pet Nutrition, and stick to the Medication and Illnesses being treated. When you go to the doctor does the Doctor give you a bag of food to eat? No he gives you meds or does surgery if an issues comes arise. Dogs and Cats are CARNIVORES and if you read the ingredients on the bags of PURINA, Science Diet etc. you will see an extremely low protein, CORN, Wheat, Soy (cheap ways of getting the protein count up). It’s proven that Corn and Soy are tied to GMO’s proven to cause tumors, growths, and cancer and proven to destroy your pets liver and kidney (1 out of every 4 dogs a year die of canine cancer). In addition, their foods include Bi-Products (slaughter house waste), that include feet, beaks, toe nails, dead or dying livingstock, dead on arrival love stock, road kill, even Euthenized Pets from animal shelters! Do you reasearch and be thankful that your pet was the exception to what many pet owners have had to deal with, and remember it’s the quality of your pets life, not how long they live. Goodluck, and please do more research!

        • Laura

          August 22, 2015 at 12:37 pm

          I just want to point out that not all vet schools have crappy nutrition courses. The one vet school in my state, UGA, I believe does have one of those useless nutrition courses that you described, but that doesn’t mean all schools do. I’d like to be a vet and specialize in nutrition (among other things, if possible), which means going out of state, and which also means becoming certified by the American College of Veterinary Nutrition, which subscribes to the same thought patterns and opinions as Big Pet Feed. This attack on alternatives to Big Pet Feed is actually a systemic issue in veterinary education, as the American Veterinary Medical Association, which accredits all veterinary schools and “recognizes” many different veterinary specialty organizations, has a hostile attitude towards raw feeding. To your comment about the best vets staying out of the field of nutrition, Susan works with a vet by the name of Dr. Gary Pusillo, who, if my research is correct, is an animal nutritionist, and obviously he is not a corrupt or misguided veterinarian. I just wish the epidemic of vets smearing anything outside of conventional, conservative medicine was gone. It’s a horrible system, but one I’m willing to deal with to follow my dream and help animals.

          • Kelley

            October 25, 2015 at 8:02 am

            Vetinary Schools hae FINALLY realized the importance of Pet Nutrition and the links to DISEASE because of food, which is why you are seeing schools with better Nutrion Schooling. There is even Veterinarian’s that can now SPECIALIZE in Pet Nutrition. I believe Dr. WYSONG is one of the BEST Holistic Veterinarian, and EXTREMELY knowledgable about Nutrition, and has now dedicated his CAREER to this. The Veterinarians I am talking about not knowing anything but Science Diet and Royal Canin etc, are “Old School Vets”, that need to either learn about the NEW findings of importance of NUTRITION and/or STOP selling HILLS Prescription, Royal Canin, Science Diet and Purina.

    • Kenneth COLE

      January 12, 2022 at 5:00 pm

      THANK YOU Susan.
      Always a learning experience from your efforts and advocacy.
      Standing up to these “cold blooded killers” for profit is a rare quality.
      Keep up your VALUED WORK.
      Ken & Our critters.
      WE HAVE 11 CATS & an Alaskan Husky.
      On rural 5 acres. God Bless

    • Mike

      March 27, 2024 at 10:40 pm

      I agree 100%.I am a Canine Behaviorist and Pet Nutritionist with 30 years experience. I am asked all the time what food I recommend. And I never recommend any specific brands, because you need to find the food that is best for your dog. But there is one food that I tell everyone to stay as far away from as possible. And that’s Purina. Or as it should be called ‘Pure garbage’.

  2. Nina Wolf

    May 11, 2015 at 1:36 pm

    Anyone who truly follows you would bet their life on the fact that you would never, ever, not in a million billion years, come anywhere close to working for BPF. No worries, Susan, it is just craziness.

  3. Carol Kerewich

    May 11, 2015 at 1:56 pm

    Way to go Susan! Set ’em straight!
    Thank you from all of us pet moms and dads for all you do for us and our babies.

  4. Marika

    May 11, 2015 at 1:57 pm

    The fact that lies are being spread about you speaks volumes about the positive impact you’re having. Keep up the great work, Susan! I’m so thankful for pet advocates like you.

  5. Jeb Pronto

    May 11, 2015 at 2:00 pm

    This was not an Ignorant statement! This was a deliberate statement by big industry (just my opinion) to discredit someone who is puting out the facts about their products. Facts they dont want people to know about. Facts that can cut into their bottom line. Big industry has a long history of spending unlimmited dollars and energy discredtiting people who place the truth above profits! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK SUSAN. For this kind of thing to surface is proof you are making a difference! Thank you!

  6. Laurie

    May 11, 2015 at 2:01 pm

    Susan, I would be willing to bet that advocates for dramatically improved pet food, like you are more likely to end up as ingredients IN Purina pet feed rather than ever working for the company. The big companies throw just about everything else in their feed, from euthanized strays to rotting supermarket meat still in its styrofoam packages. So why not? But if they started using human remains, we’d know it — they would be braggng about their “human” grade ingredients.

    • Regina

      May 11, 2015 at 3:28 pm

      I cannot LOL loud enough!!!!
      Thanks for the chuckle, Laurie!

  7. Ann*

    May 11, 2015 at 2:02 pm

    You must have lots of supporters coming to your defense because I tried to post a different comment and the computer crashed. Anyway, thanks for all of your great work in getting quality and safety into our pets’ food dishes. In my house, that never includes a Purina product.

  8. Julie

    May 11, 2015 at 2:09 pm

    As another consumer advocate who has had countless lies told about me by veterinarians, I think it’s just a hazard of speaking truth to power, especially the massive power wielded by pet food companies, Big Pharma, the veterinary industry machine and related industries. Thanks for sharing your experiences attending AAFCO meetings. Very similar to the early days of some of us attending state veterinary board meetings. It’s gotten a little better, but I’m sure there are some vets there who wish we would all just go away. Unfortunately for them, we never will. ☺️

    • Laura

      May 11, 2015 at 6:07 pm

      What kind of advocacy work do you do? I’m tired of the unethical vets as well.

  9. Dawn Beattie

    May 11, 2015 at 2:18 pm

    Seems like Purina and parent company Nestle are spamming everyone everywhere who are only trying to offer the truth or trying to find the truth for ourselves….That must have a huge brown bag lunch seminar!!!

  10. Dori Hassett

    May 11, 2015 at 2:36 pm

    Huh? How on earth can anyone come up with that conclusion? That’s one of the more strange ideas I’ve heard in quite a while. I’m wondering if they’re just not familiar with you and your site. Maybe new to your site? How bizarre.

  11. Gitta

    May 11, 2015 at 2:45 pm

    Kudos to the ones that asked!
    They do have functional brains. Let’s give them praise and credit.

    Worried about the ones who don’t ask and believe, ’cause they’ve read it on the internet’ and will pass it on.

  12. Valerie Noyes

    May 11, 2015 at 3:15 pm

    How strange. No one who has ever followed you or read even one of your articles could ever believe you work for Purina. I’m sure it’s big pet food, AGAIN, trying anything they can to discredit you.

  13. Mark

    May 11, 2015 at 3:18 pm

    God bless you, Susan!

  14. AR

    May 11, 2015 at 4:02 pm

    Purina Pet food Company is the largest and oldest Pet food company not only in the USA; in the world ! Purina has 400 nutritionists alone! Purina makes Dog Food; Cat Food; Sheep feed; Camel feed; Horse Feed rabbit feed; I really doubt Purina is too upset by “one person”; and no I do not work for Purina either; I would though!

  15. Christine

    May 11, 2015 at 4:07 pm

    The way politics happen today, I wouldn’t put it past the liberal pet food industry to start that rumor, Susan. Their battle cry, well, at least we know this of the leftist in this country, is seek and destroy even if one has to lie or start an untruth. So predictable but those of us who think for ourselves know better. You’ve got them scared, Susan, and we’re behind you all the way.

    • Dave

      May 11, 2015 at 7:23 pm

      Really, you must turn this into politics? But who knows, maybe Obama started this rumor 😉

  16. Elizabeth

    May 11, 2015 at 4:16 pm

    Wow! When I first saw part of the post title “No I do not Work for Purina,” in my email coming from TruthAboutPetFood, I literally laughed at loud! As if, you, Susan would EVER work for, or much less support such a company. I couldn’t believe it. But as I read your post, I began to see why you would be concerned about the misinformation. I’m sorry anyone would ever associate you with Purina or possibly try to spread such a rumor. Maybe they’re seeing the Purina vs. Blue Buffalo post titles and drawing a wacky conclusion? That’s all I can think of.
    I any case, thanks for all you do–keep up the good fight!

  17. Sharon

    May 11, 2015 at 5:47 pm

    I don’t know the technicalities, but around year end I landed on a website that I knew was not yours, and definitely belonged to a pet food company. It appears there was some sort of search engine re-direct, even though I was confident I had entered your URL correctly. I don’t remember which issue, specifically, but it was during a time when you went toe-to-toe, with the pet food industry, in a very BIG way. There are two pet food company re-directs when someone enters strings close to your domain name . . . “the” truth, etc. . . . and ” . . .petfood” with an “s.” It is also possible that because I am on your email list and had made a contribution, my own computer pinged the redirect. Others not on your email list may not have had the same redirect. This is a lot of “techie talk” and I am definitely NOT, but I can see how that rumor got started from my own personal, very frustrating experience at year end.

  18. Cynth

    May 11, 2015 at 5:50 pm

    Huh? How could anyone ever think that??? I don’t even understand for what reason that rumor would get started. Can someone tell me? So confused….

    Susan, thank you for the great work you continue for all of our animals. Pet guardians everywhere thank you….

  19. Debi Cohen

    May 11, 2015 at 6:24 pm

    Pretty absurd observation.

  20. Marcia

    May 11, 2015 at 10:41 pm

    Boy, i wish they had some brave, conscientious soul at Purina that would become a Whistleblower on that crappy arse company! One charity group in Atlanta area gets pallots of large bags of Beneful and every bag on the pallot is moldy. The group immediately throws it in their dumpster. The aisles in pet stores with the worst infestation of bugs is the Purina isle!

    Whoever said that about our Truth Teller Susan Thixton, i have this to say to you: “STFU!”

    My opinion and experience in the pet food industry. M

    • AR

      May 12, 2015 at 10:19 am

      these are the ingredients for Purina proplan trout recipe what IS THE PROBLEM WITH THIS cat food??! ar

      Pro Plan True Nature Adult 45% Protein Formula Natural Trout & Rice

      TROUT is the first ingredient;’ trout is a native freshwater fish;

      Trout, brewer’s rice, chicken meal, pea protein, soy protein isolate, dried egg product, animal fat preserved with mixed tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), soy protein concentrate, sodium caseinate, cassava root flour, brewer’s dried yeast, natural flavor, L Lysine monohydrochloride, gelatin, phosphoric acid, potassium chloride, calcium carbonate, salt, choline chloride, taurine, Vitamin E supplement, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, L ascorbyl 2 polyphosphate (source of Vitamin C), niacin, manganese sulfate, Vitamin A supplement, calcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, copper sulfate, riboflavin supplement, Vitamin B 12 supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, Vitamin D 3 supplement, calcium iodate, biotin, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), and sodium selenite

      Pro Plan True Nature Adult 45% Protein Formula Natural Trout & Rice Recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Cat Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance of adult cats.

      Phosphorus (P) (Min)
      Vitamin A (Min)
      15000 IU kg
      Vitamin E (Min)
      400 IU kg
      Taurine* (Min)

      MAYBE THE BENEFUL WENT MOLDY BECAUE THE FOOD WAS FROM A FOOD BANK AND NOT STORED WELL. I HASVE BEEN BUYING PURINA FOR 20 YEARS I HAVE NOT SEEN MOLD OR A BUG YET and do not expect to; Susan : this forum was supposed to be abut Home cooked cat and dog food!!! signing out! AR:)

      • Susan Thixton

        May 12, 2015 at 11:04 am

        AR – for one, Purina Pet Foods all utilize feed grade ingredients – not food grade. Ask them – they will tell you ingredients are “pet grade” – which translates to feed grade in regulatory language. Feed grade ingredients are not required to be held, transported, or warehoused in clean conditions or under refrigeration (as food is). Feed grade ingredient can also be sourced from diseased animals or animals that have died other than by slaughter (please read FDA Compliance Policies). With the pet food you mention – trout being the animal protein ingredient, can you imagine the quality of the trout being transported in a non-refrigerated truck?

        Next – brewer’s rice. The legal definition of Brewers rice falls under “Brewers Dried Grains” – “the dried extracted residue of barley malt alone or in mixture with other cereal grain or grain products resulting from the manufacture of wort or beer and may contain pulverized dried spent hops in an amount not to exceed 3%.” In other words, this ingredient is left over waste from the manufacture of alcohol.

        Next chicken meal. Many chicken meal ingredients include high levels of bone. Science ( has linked high levels of bone with high levels of fluoride. Science links high levels of fluoride with bone cancer.

        Pea Protein – has only become a legal ingredient within this calendar year. However many pet foods were using this ingredient years prior including Purina. High levels of peas – legumes – is linked to gut disorders.

        Soy Protein Isolate and a few ingredient later Soy Protein Concentrate – guaranteed to be a GMO soy, much science is linking tumors and illness to GMO ingredients.

        Dried Egg Product – “is product obtained from egg graders, egg breakers and/or hatchery operations that is dehydrated, handled as liquid, or frozen.” Eggs that do not pass for human consumption are used in this pet food ingredient (again, feed grade).

        Animal Fat – quoting the FDA website: “There appear to be associations between rendered or hydrolyzed ingredients and the presence of pentobarbital in dog food. The ingredients Meat and Bone Meal (MBM), Beef and Bone Meal (BBM), Animal Fat (AF), and Animal Digest (AD) are rendered or hydrolyzed from animal sources that could include euthanized animals.”

        For me, and most people that follow this site – no ingredient that is feed grade is acceptable ‘food’ for our pets. No ingredient linked to euthanized animals is acceptable ‘food’ for our pets.

        This website is about pet food, educating pet food consumers about the regulations that govern the industry, the risks with some ingredients and much more. This website is not to bash any particular pet food or endorse any particular pet food. It is education about the entire industry – provided to consumers that can then make up their own minds if they want to provide their pets a ‘food’ or a ‘feed’.

        • AR

          May 12, 2015 at 4:09 pm

          Hey Susie Q: you got your facts wrong: Barley is one grain and Rice is another; Brewer’s Rice is not Barley!!!
          Brewers Rice is the “broken bits of Rice after the Rice has been refined which is called White Rice; not Barley!
          and Peas are not Legumes !! Beans are Legumes…!(will finish email tomorrow) AR USA

          • Susan Thixton

            May 12, 2015 at 8:02 pm

            Well AR – “Susie Q” was quoting from the AAFCO Official Publication (book of pet food regulations) with Brewers Rice – so if anyone is wrong it is either you or AAFCO. And sorry to tell you, peas are legumes.

        • AR

          May 13, 2015 at 11:51 am

          Next – brewer’s rice. The legal definition of Brewers rice falls under “Brewers Dried Grains” – “the dried extracted residue of barley malt alone or in mixture with other cereal grain or grain products resulting from the manufacture of wort or beer and may contain pulverized dried spent hops in an amount not to exceed 3%.” In other words, this ingredient is left over waste from the manufacture of alcohol.


          • AR

            May 13, 2015 at 12:01 pm

            Susie Q the AAFCO is not right; distillers grains are not Brewers Rice; Whole rice is Rice flour; Broken rice is called Brewers Rice; Broken rice is sold to Pet food co.’s and “brewery”; the AAFCO definition of Brewers Rice is that of “Distilled Dried Grains” which are not related to Brewers Rice ! Brewer’s Rice is another name for “2nd grade Rice Flour”
            (How did you get the Residue of MaltBarleyHops as “Rice”?
            SUMMARY rice is rice corn is corn wheat is wheat rye is rye!

          • Susan Thixton

            May 13, 2015 at 1:25 pm

            As I told you a brewer’s grain falls under the legal definition of “Brewers Dried Grains” or “Brewers Wet Grains”. The ingredient name stating “Brewers” should give you a clue.

          • AR

            May 13, 2015 at 12:08 pm

            Trout Fish is not crap Babe!
            AAFCO IS WRONG WAY WRONG (retired FDA Officials)
            The truth about brewer’s rice in pet food

            By Stacey McIntyre-Gonzalez Paws For Reaction
            The truth about brewer’s rice in pet food
            Brewer’s rice is small fragments of rice kernels that have been separated from the larger kernels of milled rice and can be found in some dog and cat foods

            Snall fragments of Rice are then ground into Rice flour;
            Brewers Rice is used to make 2nd grade RICE FLOUR!!! 🙂
            By Stacey McIntyre-Gonzalez Paws For Reaction

            When reading the ingredient’s list on a bag of dog food it is easy to become confused. Some ingredients are simple- meats, fruits and vegetables. Even some vitamins and nutrients are familiar. But some items in that list baffle pet owners.
            I often get questions about brewer’s rice. What is it? Why is it in dog food? Where does it come from? There are common misconceptions about brewer’s rice that should be cleared up. With the right information you can make the best decisions for your dog’s diet.
            Brewer’s rice is small fragments of rice kernels that have been separated from the larger kernels of milled rice and can be found in some dog and cat foods. This type of rice was traditionally used for brewing alcohol and is where the name ‘brewer’s rice’ originated from. The brewer’s rice in pet food however likely did not come from a brewery. The fragments of rice are just not aesthetically pleasing. The perfect kernels go to human food and the broken kernels go to dog food. Rice is a grain. Grains are easy to obtain and inexpensive and are often used in pet food as a filler.
            Brewer’s rice- also known as broken rice- is an easily digested carbohydrate that contains fiber. Fiber is important in a dog’s diet. Although fragments may contain fewer nutrients than a whole grain of rice it is not necessarily a bad ingredient. It is filler- a by-product created when milling human grade food. It does not contain a large amount of nutritional value nor is it harmful to cats and dogs unless they are allergic.
            Brewer’s rice is sold exclusively for dairy feed and pet food. This bulky fiber will fill your dog up without harming him. It is found in some super premium dog foods and almost all grocery grade dog foods.
            The key to your dog’s health in regards to brewer’s rice is where it is located on the ingredient’s list. Most super premium foods use ground rice which is richer in nutrients. It is not uncommon to see ground rice listed third or fourth on the ingredients list. Brewer’s rice however should not come third or fourth. The more brewers’ rice, the more carbohydrates and too many carbs can make your pet gain weight rapidly.
            Selecting the right dog food with the right ingredients can be tricky and it changes from dog to dog. Every dog is different and that should be taken into account. But the low down on brewer’s rice is that it is not harmful but also not overly helpful.
            – See more at:

          • Susan Thixton

            May 13, 2015 at 1:22 pm

            AR – you are trying to argue with the legal official definition of an ingredient. I am quoting the AAFCO Official Publication. Do you have this book? Have you ever been to an AAFCO meeting? I have the book and I have been to many AAFCO meetings. You are stating incorrect information – I am not. Get the AAFCO Official Publication – read it. Then we’ll talk. And by the way – my name is not Babe or Susie Q – it is Susan.

            And you state that AAFCO is “retired FDA officials” – wrong again. AAFCO members consist of State Department of Agriculture representatives and FDA representatives.

          • Linda M

            May 16, 2015 at 6:10 pm

            It appears that AR needs to take a course in reading comprehension. He appears to not understand Ms. Thixton’s statement that she is quoting the AFFCO definitions. His argument has become meaningless.

            The probelm with ppl thinking that and Susan Thixton are owned by Purina is that there are ppl who listen to others like AR and never do their own research. Then they repeat misinformation to their friends, co-workers, etc who, like them, are lazy and just past on the misinformation w/o doing their due diligence so it goes on and one. Some of these rumors could certainly be planted by Big Pharma, Big Petfood Co’s but I’m willing to bet that most of the misinformation comes from lazy everyday ppl who like to look like they know it all but don’t want to put the hard work in to educate themselves.

            Susan, keep up the hard work. You are valued!

      • Sondra

        May 12, 2015 at 11:21 am

        As a pet lover, I’m always interested in what’s best for my snowflake. As a successful businesswoman, it pains me to see the zeal with which many on this site attack “Big Pet” and Purina in particular as evil and existing at the expense of the lives of our pets.

        Simply put, no business would survive if every breathless allegation is true. Should pet owners be vigilant? Of course. However, the gleeful hatred expressed on this site for many companies disturbs me.

        If one believes in a free market, then market conditions will determine if a business can be successful or even survive. So long as there are price points with which consumers are most comfortable, all industries (including pet food) will produce in accordance with demand. For those wishing to spend more in a belief that overall quality will be better, they are free to do so. However, one shouldn’t disparage simply because another may not agree with your position.

        • Cheryl Bond

          May 12, 2015 at 8:33 pm

          WOW! I am floored by your comment. As an Intelligent woman, (as I assume you are), you are strictly looking at this issue from a singular point of view. The ONLY reason these businesses survive, is NOT because “big pet food co’s” are selling quality products, it is because they get away with LYING to the public about what is actually in their products & because they use their high paid lawyers to know how to skirt around the fringe of the laws. They also spend big bucks in advertisement of the “so called” healthy ingredients that they use in the manufacturing of their food’s & they pull the wool over the average consumer’s eye’s about exactly what those ingredient’s can do negatively to impact their pet’s health! On the contrary Susan Thixton is uncovering the TRUTH! & now because of her unwaivering dedication to uncovering those TRUTH’S, “WE”, “the intelligent consumer” are now INFURIATED! about the LIES we have been told & made to believe!; so when you wonder why all the hostility? It is because we have all spent our hard earned $$$ feeding g our beloved pet’s CRAP ingredients & thinking g we were doing right by our pet’s…now we all know better, thanks to Susan’s fierce dedication & intelligence to decipher the TRUTH!. so, once again, that is why we are mad as HELL! please educate yourself about these truth’s before making such a comment as you have. Once you read what the truth IS, you will understand WHY so many are livid at big petfood manufacturer’s….their lies, are costing our beloved pet’s damaged health & worse! DEATH! THE FACTS speak for themselves…read up!!!!!?!

        • AR

          May 13, 2015 at 12:15 pm

          A Free Market is “the American Way”; this gives consumers their choice of which Pet Foods they wish to by for their home pets.

          There are so many brands and types of Dry Cat and Dog Feeds; I do not know how anyone could make a “blanket statement all are bad”!

          Some have junk and artificial colors flavors; some are natural and healthy. Corn as a first ingredient is always a “warning.


      • Cheryl Bond

        May 12, 2015 at 10:27 pm

        You have been buying CRAP “FEED”, for 20 yrs!, & maybe you cannot cone to terms w/ that! If you are not reading ALL the info that has been being uncovered over much time, than you are basng your opinions you are expressing here, on emotion & NOT factual information. If you choose to continue believing fictional information, than shame on you…& sad for your pet(s). Susan is beyond thorough in her uncovering of deceitful information from the petfood co’s & she is dilegent beyond measure about clarifying the legal terminology of the FDA legal guidelines. In my opinion, & in MANY MANY others, the FDA is ” bought out” & influenced by major corporations in regards to leanancy of these laws & their categorizations. It is a technical slippery slope, meant to confuse the average consumer. Susan’s razor sharp intellect to uncover the descrepency’s of these catagorizations & law’s is what is shaking things up & rattling big pet food manufacturer’s. The laughable childish action’s/comments of big pet food representatives, w/ their babyish comments: “You don’t belong here”, OH, YES SHE DOES!!!! & getting up & moving far away from her, when she sits next to them at AFFCO meetings…makes me LOL!!! Truth be told, they are trying juvinile behavior to try to intimidate her & feel bad…so that maybe, just maybe, she will give up & stop coming back. Grow up babies!!!!! Susan is NEVER going away! & we love her for it! If I had the $ myself I would take out ads all over the place further exposing the lies she is uncovering! If ignorant people want to keep their head in the sand & keep believing the lies at thr expense of their pet’s, than that is their choice; the rest of us, intelligent & now informed consumers will choose another option! When big co’s have a lot to loose, they will work diligently to discredit people that are exposing their lies! I find it interesting that people that are posting here that are trying to discredit information that Susan is exposing, post w/ initials instead of their full name! What are YOU PEOPLE trying g to hide!? Post your full name….or….maybe you are ALL SHILLERS for big pet food co’s. STOP! hiding…whether or not you work for pet food co’s. Oh yeah, you said in your post to Susan, that this site was supposed to be about home cooked foods…..NO! the purpose of this site is as it states….TRUTH ABOUT PET FOOD! home cooked foods/recipes, is further information for the educated consumer, but that is NOT the totality of what this site is about.

  21. Debbie Daniel

    May 12, 2015 at 8:51 pm

    Oh Thats funny! We all know better. I am not even sure why anyone would ask you that. Doesnt make sense if they read!

  22. AR

    May 17, 2015 at 9:29 am

    @ Susan: Why doe you say “the AAFCO is the “legal definition”; although they are not a “regulatory agency”; the AAFCO is a VOLUNTEER organization does NOT define scientific words; The FDA defines terms; not AAFCO.

    • Susan Thixton

      May 17, 2015 at 9:49 am

      AAFCO is responsible for almost all of the legal definitions of pet food ingredients – they work in cooperation with the FDA (representatives of FDA are at every meeting). I hold an advisory position on the Ingredient Definitions Committee and the Pet Food Committee at AAFCO – it took me years to get them to allow me this (as a representative of consumers). There are two consumer representatives on these committees and probably ten representatives of industry – along with members of AAFCO and FDA. This is why I quoted AAFCO on the Brewers Rice ingredient – because they are who write almost all of the definitions of ingredients used in pet foods. The few exceptions would be GRAS (generally recognized as safe) ingredients submitted to FDA. Each year AAFCO publishes what is known as the Official Publication – a book that includes all the definitions of animal feed and pet food ingredients and includes all the laws that each state implements that govern animal feed/pet food. I understand that you don’t want to believe me, but this is something that I have a good bit of experience with (first hand) and know about. The AAFCO OP sits on my desk – I consult it often. Even though you don’t agree – I am telling you the truth about this ingredient and the truth about AAFCO.

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