Stories like this should never happen. An abused dog, rescued and nursed back to health, only to be euthanized despite having been offered a permanent home. This is Oreo’s story.
Oreo was thrown from a six story apartment building in Brooklyn, NY by her owner. Neighbors found her on the ground and called 911. She was taken by NY ASPCA for treatment of her severe injuries; multiple fractures in her front legs as well as ligament damage, bruised lungs, a fractured rib, liver injury and internal bleeding. The pet owner was arrested, has pled guilty to felony charges and will be sentenced on December 1, 2009.
Oreo’s story made headlines in NY; here is the link to the initial NY Times story:
And then this horrible story of dog abuse turned even uglier.
On November 12, 2009 the NY ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) announced that Oreo would be euthanized.
The NY Times article quotes Ed Sayres, NY ASPCA President as saying it is (was) a “most difficult and heartbreaking decision”. Sayres stated that Oreo became extremely aggressive and stated that the she would have to live out her life in seclusion away from other dogs and people. Oreo was scheduled to be euthanized the next day, November 13, 2009.
The ‘animal rescue Calvary’ came charging to Oreo’s rescue after it was announced she would be euthanized. Pets Alive, an animal rescue organization with thirty years experience rehabilitating aggressive dogs offered to provide Oreo a permanent home. Pets Alive called Ed Sayres (NY ASPCA President), called the NY ASPCA, emailed Ed Sayres, emailed the NY ASPCA, and even visited the shelter where Oreo was housed – no one would listen to their pleas to save her life – no one would give Oreo the chance for a permanent home with people highly experienced at rehabilitating abused aggressive dogs.
Oreo was euthanized on Friday November 13, 2009.
The follow is excerpts from the Pets Alive Blog on November 11, 2009 (the day they learned she would be euthanized)…
“I’m speaking of the New York City ASPCA – $85 million in donations last year, a President named Ed Sayres, whose salary is more than our budget for the year. They spent $10 million on advertising last year. $10 million. And we struggle to buy stamps.
“Know what though? If they’re saving animals then we support them one hundred percent. And they saved 4000 last year. That’s great. That comes to roughly $20,000 an animal, but at least they’re saved, right?
“You would think so. You’d be wrong.
“Oreo was a pit bull mix that was thrown from the top of a six story building. She ended up at the ASPCA, who set her broken legs, fixed her shattered body and got her back on her feet. Then they killed her.
“Before they killed her, Pets Alive stepped up and offered the SPCA another alternative. We offered to take Oreo to our facility and work with her. If she was adoptable we would adopt her out. If not she would live at the sanctuary for the rest of her life. That’s our standard offer.
“Ed Sayres, their President is simply a coward.
“He ducked phone calls, emails and personal visits. They refused to acknowledge the existence of Pets Alive and our offer to help.”
Although they are difficult to read, here are links to more stories about Oreo…
Failing Oreo
The Meaning of Oreo
Petition to Demand the Resignation of ASPCA President Ed Sayres
There are many loving, caring, Rescue and Shelter organizations…full of volunteers that work tirelessly day in and day out to save pets. This story is probably one they are all too familiar with. Many (more than likely all) of these Rescues and Shelters work on a tiny budget struggling to save as many lives as they possibly can. Oreo’s death points out that some of the largest, wealthiest animal rescue organizations spend more time trying to look good than do good. Oreo…I am so sorry you were not allowed to be saved.
The following is a quote from Pets Alive Blog post titled Failing Oreo…
“They are all equal. Every soul is as precious as the next. Each one is completely innocent and each one deserves life.”
Updates to this story…
Introduced into NY, Oreo’s Law
No Kill Advocacy Center Letter of Support of Oreo’s Law
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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