On a recent morning, still half asleep, I staggered into the kitchen to begin the feeding of the animals. When I found a surprise in their water bowl. The water looked brown, and there was something in the bowl. Here’s what I found and what we determined must have happened.
But on that morning, the water looked dark and there was clearly ‘something’ in there. A close look left me thinking – No, it couldn’t be. But a second close look…yep, it was. There was poop in the water bowl. (I did not take a picture of that!)
How in the world?
Three of my five animals sleep in my room, the door is closed at night. So I knew that Echo, Kirby, and Tarzan were not the guilty party. That left Chi and Mikey (both cats). Both Chi and Mikey sleep with my daughter and her door remains open at night to give the cats the run of the house. Looking back, during the middle of that night, either Chi or Mikey scratched at my door to get in. I dismissed it because these are my young cats and they tend to want to party into wee hours of the night. I assumed this was another attempt to wake me to play.
When Liane got up, I learned that she found the litter box in her room (a covered litter box) to be inverted – the door to get into the litter box was facing the ceiling. So someone, who really had to go – couldn’t get in.
We have determined it was Mikey. Mikey likes water. He plays in the sink (in fact we have to get him out of it many times to wash off a plate); just for fun we’ll let the water trickle for him and he will play in it for ten minutes or more.
I can just imagine, Mikey wandering the house in an attempt to find the appropriate container to relieve himself in. He tries to tell me he needs to use the litter box in my room, but I didn’t respond. Then he comes across a bowl…the water bowl. I image he thought…’Water…not bad, I like water. Right size, I can fit in there. Ok, here goes’.
And by the way, the rug under the water bowl was very wet too. We assumed Mikey was being a good kitty and covering ‘it’ up – with water.
Never a dull moment with our pets!
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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