Two very common pet food ingredients have no official definition in U.S. pet food regulations; Pea Protein and Pea Fiber. What is ‘pea protein’ or ‘pea fiber’? With no definition to legally define the ingredient…who knows?
Within the past two or three years, pet food has seen a significant increase in the use of pea protein and pea fiber ingredients in dog foods and cat foods. We find these ingredients in many ‘Grain Free’ pet foods. Because of the known risks associated with grain ingredients – deadly mycotoxins with grains such as corn and soy, arsenic with rice – pet food consumers have sought out perceived safer/healthier ‘grain free’ pet foods. But are they really safer or healthier?
A little over a year ago, friend and pet food safety advocate Kim Kalendar provided readers with some health concerns of high levels of pea proteins in pet foods. Kim’s personal experience as the owner of an independent pet food store and her research of pea protein ingredient pet foods (linked to high levels of lectin) found many pets suffered with gastrointestinal issues when consuming these types of foods.
But there is more to be concerned about with pea protein and pea fiber ingredients. The concern is that neither of these very common pet food ingredients have an official definition. No definition means ingredient suppliers are held to no requirements and no standards with these ingredients. No official definition means the pet food consumer has no idea what a pea protein or pea fiber ingredient really consists of.
How can so many pet food manufacturers be allowed to use an ingredient that has no definition? Is that legal?
It depends on the state you live in.
AAFCO (American Association of Feed Control Officials) develops pet food/animal food ingredient definitions, but it is up to the individual state to accept and implement into law the pet food ingredient definitions developed by AAFCO. Some states automatically accept AAFCO definitions (and all model regulations developed by AAFCO) into law, others might take years to implement.
However, with the pet food ingredients pea protein and pea fiber…these ingredients haven’t even begun the AAFCO process to be officially defined never the less accepted by states into law as legal pet food ingredients. Here’s how it is supposed to go…
- Pet food/animal food ingredient supplier develops a new ingredient;
- Ingredient supplier or pet food manufacturer petitions AAFCO to begin the process to define the ingredient and in many cases establish nutrient parameters;
- AAFCO Ingredient Definitions Committee develops the ingredient definition and members vote on its approval;
- Once approved, the ingredient becomes ‘official’ when it is published in the AAFCO Official Publication;
- States accept the AAFCO new ingredient definition into law;
- Pet food companies begin to include newly approved ingredient into their formulas.
The entire process could take several years.
So again, why or how can these ingredients be used in so many pet foods when they are not ‘official’ pet food ingredients?
I was told (by a State Department of Agriculture representative) that most states “allow for enforcement discretion for unapproved ingredients.” (Sad words so common in pet food…enforcement discretion.) In other words, most states allow for pet foods to include ingredients that have no official definition (meaning who knows what is in the ingredient and nobody cares!). States that allow ‘enforcement discretion for unapproved ingredients’ are allowing pet food manufacturers to decide what they want to include in their pet foods – not insisting manufacturers abide by law.
This is so wrong – in so many ways. By states allowing ingredients that are not official, states are telling pet food manufacturers they (basically) don’t care about what goes into the pet food. Throw anything in there – call it a balanced diet – we’re good with that.
And the blame doesn’t stop with state pet food regulators…pet food manufacturers have no excuse either. Any pet food manufacturer should know what ingredients are ‘legal’ and should only use those ingredients. Pet food manufacturers should not – on a whim – jump to include a trend ingredient when that ingredient has not gone through the regulatory process (have an official definition).
I’ve heard through the pet food grape vine that some states are taking action – advising pet food manufacturers to remove the ingredients pea protein and pea fiber within 30 days or risk the product being removed from store shelves (by the State Department of Agriculture). I hope this information is true.
The pea protein and pea fiber ingredients need to go through the AAFCO process and become an officially defined pet food/animal food ingredient. Which I’m certain they will. But until then, no pet food manufacturer should put their own preferences of ingredients in front of the regulatory process. They are not legal official ingredients until they are legal official ingredients. Don’t use them until they are. Cart before the horse don’t you think?
Let’s hope that State Department of Agriculture Representatives in all states take action and demand pet food manufacturers remove ingredients that have no legal – official – definition. Thanks to those states that have already taken action!
If your pet food contains either the ingredient pea protein or pea fiber, you might want to call the company and ask why they are using an ingredient that has no official definition. I’ll be curious to see what they tell you – please forward me their responses.
And one last thing – the pet food ingredient ‘pea’ is a legal ingredient. My own dogs eat peas in their home prepared foods – and my cats eat them when they steal them from the dogs bowls.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Association for Truth in Pet Food
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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October 31, 2013 at 11:20 am
Sorry to sound not upset but if AAFCO actually approves anything I am not sure I want it in my Pet’s food after what they have approved. Pea fiber is used as a binder just as potatoes have been used for many years. rather if we like it or not there has t be a binder in dry food or otherwise it would crumble and become dust. The one thing I would caution is where is it on the ingredient list. If it is in the top 5 then it is being used as a filler. If it is lower in the list then it is being used as a binder.
October 31, 2013 at 11:43 am
What if it is just “peas”? Brodie eats canned food that has whole peas in them.
Susan Thixton
October 31, 2013 at 11:53 am
Peas are a legally defined ingredient – no problem.
Lori S.
October 31, 2013 at 1:08 pm
Another excellent article. I wondered why all of a sudden pea protein, pea fiber, and peas were suddenly everywhere in pet food. I figured that either someone had an excess they could sell cheaply or they were just cheap to grow. Interesting to contemplate that maybe the protein and fiber are being chosen specifically because they are outside of AAFCO approval – if they are in a gray area of the law and approval system, they can be used in any way the pet food company desires (and any claims for their wholesomeness can be made, verified or not). I found that my dogs develop digestive problems with pea products and that they offer few benefits over high quality grains for that reason.
October 31, 2013 at 1:34 pm
Pea protein means they take the water out of the pea so it just pea which is the protein and vitamins and no watee
Pacific Sun
October 31, 2013 at 2:48 pm
I had to read the article a couple of times. Realizing that it’s not really about the ingredient itself. The point is, that ANY ingredient in PF should go through the regulatory process, in order to be officially defined and accepted. It’s a matter of “compliance” which (once again) PF manufacturers seem to be overlooking. Pea Protein probably isn’t the worst ingredient to be considered, but if PF companies get away with doing this short-cut, then who knows what other ingredients are next? In fact, an uncomfortable precedent could be unintentionally set.
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October 31, 2013 at 10:30 pm
I personally think that this pea fibre is being used as a filler in many grain-free foods to trick consumers. Also watch out for tapioca or potato. Grain-free food did not work for my dog with allergies as even though it’s grain-free it’s still full of carbohydrates when potato, tapioca or peas are used instead…which helps yeast grow causing ear and skin infections. On a raw mainly meat diet my labs allergies have almost completely gone away!
Jay Smith
October 31, 2013 at 11:03 pm
SOOO important is the distinction that Susan draws that we absolutely MUST have the definition that manufacturers are using to identify ingredients.
In human food, pure pea protein powder is used in a variety of ways and gets rave reviews from vegans and those individuals (humans) that have problems assimilating meat-based proteins.
It’s also used as an additive for yogurts, cheeses, etc.
And, pet food manufacturers already use our PRESUMPTIONS about what ingredient names mean – as carryover from human food experiences – to perpetuate a quality food perception where there may really be none. Example: Chicken, which to humans means, well, chicken. As in “Hey! Pick up some chicken tonight on your way home.” If what arrived home included mostly gizzards, livers, hearts, combs, cartilage, and backs, we’d be pretty upset.
Manufacturers disguise this reality pretty successfully by grinding the daylights out of everything “chicken” they sell. But, you still get the chicken “pictures” that you picture when you say “Hey! Pick up some chicken.”
So, we already know about this reliance on presumption being important to manufacturers. So, we DON’T know that pea protein means the same in the pet food world as it does in the human world. And, as Susan aptly points out: THAT’S A PROBLEM.
Agglutinating lectins are really less of a concern. They’re really, really, really pervasive throughout the vegetable world. Here’s a short list of the babies we’d have to throw out if we throw out the lectin bathwater:
Tomato, Potato, String Bean, Carrot, Zucchini, Green Peas, Soybean (& sprouts), Mung beans, Lentils, Cantaloupe, Grapes, Cherries, Pomegranate, Raspberries, Blackberries, Wheat Germ, Garlic, Marjoram, Peanuts, Mushrooms….
The best and fastest way to re-create the conditions that allow great GI health, is to remove processed foods from our (and our dogs’ & cats’) diets. That will restore natural GI transit times, allow proper microbiota to flourish (without constant probiotic supplementation), and that microbiome will then appropriately begin to create the vitamin and fatty acid complements (acetate, butyrate & propionate) that keep the GI tract healthy, and avoid permeability. Then the foods that dogs (and humans) adapted to eat will continue to be edible for many long years.
Pacific Sun
November 1, 2013 at 5:07 pm
Your statement about PF Manufacturers preying upon the consumer’s presumptions is so accurate! Not only are we influenced by the images of “food” displayed on packaging, but we have no concept of how the nutrients from what is barely “whole food” is broken down and then reconstituted with additives and corrections. We are certainly advertising victims of manipulation. What is so sorely needed is an expose done on the myths and manipulation of the PFI. Thank you for continuing to be a voice (along with Susan and Mollie) of education, clarity and transparency.
November 1, 2013 at 2:41 pm
As I browsed ingredients at a local pet food store I came across Nutri-Source Pure Vita. (not to pick on one food.. but this one stood out) I was shocked to see (all in the top 3-10 ingredients) peas, pea fiber, pea protein!! Pea this, Pea that… WHERE IS THE REAL MEAT!!! The buffalo brand only had buffalo as an ingredient with no inclusion of buffalo meal. So, needless to say there is very little buffalo in the food. If they were to be honest, it would be called PEA FLAVORED kibble. Not saying its a terrible food but to say it is misleading would be a massive understatement!
December 4, 2013 at 6:30 pm
I e-mailed Earthborn Holistic Grain Free Dry Dog Food to find out about the pea protein and pea Fiber. Here is the answer I was given. Mind you I do feed my dogs Earthborn and they are doing wonderful on it. Their coats are softer and shinier than they have ever been. Their weight stays the same and has for over a year.
Here’s what they wrote to me.
Thank you for you interest in Earthborn Holistic Natural Food for Pets. Pea protein comes from the inside of the pea; pea fiber comes from the outside of the pea. We use yellow peas in our Earthborn products. Pea protein is an excellent source of highly digestible vegetable protein. It is particularly rich in lysine and other essential amino acids which are critical for active pets to rebuild muscle tissue. Pea protein is becoming more and more dominate in pet food and pet treats. We are starting to come across pets that have sensitivities and sometimes allergies to potatoes and grains which also serve as a carbohydrate source.
The protein in peas is a good source for most of the essential amino acids, especially lysine. The sulfur amino acids (i.e.. methionine and cysteine) are considered first limiting, with tryptopan close behind. This makes peas a good amino acid complement to most grains and meats.
Peas are relatively low in fat but have a good fatty acid profile. With nearly half derived from essential polyunsaturated linoleic acid. And they contain a small component of the Omega-3 linolenic acid. The ash level in peas is lower than that found in animal protein meals (relative to protein content) making them a good option in low ash cat formulas. Among minerals, peas are a rich source of potassium.
When we need to increase the fiber in a formula both pea protein and additional pea fiber are used.
June 24, 2016 at 2:36 am
I emailed Nulo about the issue of pea fiber added in their dog formulas.
Here’s my email and Nulo’s response:
I noticed that in some of your formulas pea fiber is included in the ingredient (either ninth or eighth on the list). Why is pea fiber used and not peas?
Hi Sanz,
Thank you for reaching out, and for your interest in our products!
Our Nulo’s products are designed to be low in carbohydrates and high in animal-based protein. In order to achieve this we aim to minimize the amount of plant-based protein and digestible carbohydrates in the overall diet. Pea fiber provides a highly concentrated source of both soluble and insoluble fiber without the extra carbohydrate and plant-based protein that would result from adding more whole peas, chickpeas, lentils, or sweet potatoes.
An optimal level of dietary fiber is essential for your pet’s digestive health and stool quality, and can help to lower the risk of many health conditions, including obesity and diabetes. The insoluble fiber portion has a water-holding ability that increases stool bulk, stimulates the movement of the digestive tract, and promotes the feeling of fullness – helping your pet to feel satisfied longer. The soluble fiber portion has a prebiotic effect, resulting in the production of short–chain fatty acids and vitamins by bacterial fermentation, nourishing the cells lining the colon and providing a source of energy for your pet.
I hope this has answered your question. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to me and I’d be glad to help. Have a nice day!
Heather Acuff, M.S.
Customer Care Manager
Nulo Pet Food | Healthier Together
512.476.6856 Ext. 111
What do you guys think about her response? Is it accurate?