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Pet Food News

More than 100 Dogs Sickened in Australia

The Mars Petcare Advance Dermocare pet food has been pulled from store shelves, but the number of sick pets linked to the pet food continues to rise. ABC Australia reports more than 100 dogs have been diagnosed with the devastating disease megaesophagus.

The Mars Petcare Advance Dermocare pet food has been pulled from store shelves, but the number of sick pets linked to the pet food continues to rise. ABC Australia reports more than 100 dogs have been diagnosed with the devastating disease megaesophagus. reports

The number of dogs struck down by a debilitating and potentially fatal condition believed to be linked to a popular Australian dog food has jumped from 74 to more than 100.

Melbourne University believes there is a link between the condition and the food, but is yet to scientifically prove it.

It says its investigation includes looking for known toxins in the food, but its work will take some time as some of the tests have never been done on pet food and require validating.

Megaesophagus causes a dog’s oesophagus to lose its elasticity, making it difficult to swallow.

Advance Dermocare is made by the multi-billion dollar global company Mars Petcare.

It says while a definitive cause has not been found, it has offered compensation as a “gesture of goodwill”.

But the substance of the offer and conditions attached have angered Rachel Dola and Jodi Burnett, both of whom are affected owners.

“So far, the best Mars can do is offer to consider people’s claims for reimbursement of veterinary costs,” Ms Burnett told 7.30.

“Not because they are admitting liability, but ‘as a gesture of goodwill’, as they claim to know how stressful it can be to have a sick pet.

A consumer interviewed for this story asked the perfect question…

“If this was a baby food company, and people’s babies were sick and dying, would it be acceptable for the manufacturer to offer to pay medical costs at the company’s discretion, and then suggest that people have another child to replace the one they just buried? Of course not.”

Consumers in Australia are asking for strong regulations of pet food through this petition (which has 44,000 signatures to date).

We’re behind you Australia! Keep pushing for the safety of pet food. Our pets deserve it.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Jan

    June 6, 2018 at 1:44 pm

    This is awful! Steam is coming out of my ears at these pet food companies. I can only hope and pray something worthwhile comes from this. What a tragedy.

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