Perfectly questioned in a article, “Aren’t critics of genetically engineered food anti-science? Isn’t the debate over GMOs (genetically modified organisms) a spat between emotional but ignorant activists on one hand and rational GM-supporting scientists on the other?” A new peer-reviewed report (from genetic engineers) looked over the evidence and determined “there are good scientific reasons to be wary of GM foods and crops.”
Two of the authors of this GMO report is what makes the information so significant; they come from the genetic engineering field. Dr. Michael Antoniou of King’s College London School of Medicine in the UK, uses genetic engineering for medical applications, Dr. John Fagan is a former genetic engineer. The third author is research director of Earth Open Source.
Highlights of “GMO Myths and Truths, An evidence-based examination of the claims made for the safety and efficacy of genetically modified crops”…
Genetic engineering as used in crop development is not precise or predictable and has not been shown to be safe. The technique can result in the unexpected production of toxins or allergens in food that are unlikely to be spotted in current regulatory checks.
GM crops, including some that are already in our food and animal feed supply, have shown clear signs of toxicity in animal feeding trials – notably disturbances in liver and kidney function and immune responses.
Certain EU-commissioned animal feeding trials with GM foods and crops are often claimed by GM proponents to show they are safe. In fact, examination of these studies shows significant differences between the GM-fed and control animals that give cause for concern.
No long-term toxicological testing of GMOs on animals or testing on humans is required by any regulatory agency in the world.
Roundup, the herbicide that over 50% of all GM crops are engineered to tolerate, is not safe or benign as has been claimed but has been found to cause malformations (birth defects), reproductive problems, DNA damage, and cancer in test animals.
And this goes on and on. The report is 123 pages and is available here:
Ask your pet food manufacturer if they actively seek non-GMO ingredients, ask them what efforts they go through to guarantee the pet food contains no GMO.
Pet food labels AND human food labels should clearly state if any GMO ingredient is included in the food. Members of AAFCO (State Department of Agriculture representatives) would probably be the best place to start. Call or write your State Department of Agriculture (the pet food officer) and tell them you want pet food labels to disclose GMO information on pet food labels. Provide them the link to the GMO Myths and Truths report as scientific reasoning to do so.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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