Virbac has issued an expanded recall (originated in April 2013) for Iverhart Plus Flavored Chewables heartworm preventative. Several lots are below the potency levels to protect dogs against heartworms.
The following lot numbers of Iverhart Plus Flavored Chewables are included in the expanded recall:
Small (up to 25lbs)
120092: Small (up to 25lbs)
120397: Small (up to 25lbs)
120398: Small (up to 25lbs)
120798: Small (up to 25lbs)
Medium (26-50lbs)
120090: Medium (26-50lbs)
120301: Medium (26-50lbs)
120378: Medium (26-50lbs)
120450: Medium (26-50lbs)
121282: Medium (26-50lbs)
Large (51-100lbs)
120091: Large (51-100lbs)
120127:Large (51-100lbs)
120195: Large (51-100lbs)
120207: Large (51-100lbs)
120256: Large (51-100lbs)
120289: Large(51-100lbs)
120300: Large (51-100lbs)
120305: Large (51-100lbs)
120306: Large (51-100lbs)
120377: Large (51-100lbs)
120379: Large (51-100lbs)
120434: Large (51-100lbs)
120440: Large (51-100lbs)
120464: Large (51-100lbs)
120651: Large (51-100lbs)
120658: Large (51-100lbs)
120678: Large (51-100lbs)
120831: Large (51-100lbs)
121110: Large (51-100lbs)
121150: Large (51-100lbs)
121283: Large (51-100lbs)
121386: Large (51-100lbs)
This recall does not affect Iverhart Max products.
According to a Virbac letter obtained by Pet360, testing revealed that fourteen lots were below Ivermectin potency levels prior to their expiration. The company also notes that the other seventeen lots remain within specification, but are being recalled as a precautionary measure.
For questions or concerns about the Iverhart Plus recall, please contact Virbac Technical Services at 1-800-338-3659 ext. 3052.
The Virbac website did not provide a notice regarding this recall. The FDA website provided the following two Enforcement Reports (see below – reports dated week of July 3, 2013) for this recall – but no recall press release was available on the FDA website. This is most likely due to the classification of this recall (Class III) being not life threatening.

Pingback: Virbac issues expanded recall on heartworm preventative for dogs | Loonies for Paws
Mary Sue
August 22, 2013 at 7:28 pm
This is not the first recall. I have a different lot that was recalled some time ago. When I called, they said not to worry (yeah, right)because my dog was in the lower weight category. They said I could send back the unused portion for a refund, but the postage would cost more than they would refund to me.
September 2, 2013 at 8:42 pm
Unsubstantiated Effectiveness Claims:
These representations or suggestions have not been approved or permitted for use in the labeling of Iverhart® products. In addition, CVM is not aware of substantial evidence or substantial clinical experience to support the effectiveness of Iverhart® products for the prevention of zoonotic disease in humans. The tri-fold brochure and the Iverhart products website thus contain representations or suggestions, not approved or permitted for use in the labeling, that Iverhart® products are more effective than has been demonstrated by substantial evidence or substantial clinical experience. Statements that the use of Iverhart Max® and Iverhart Plus® in dogs prevent zoonotic disease in humans are particularly troublesome because early diagnosis and treatment in humans may be delayed.
The Iverhart Max® brochure and Iverhart® products website overstate the effectiveness of Iverhart Max® and Iverhart Plus® in violation of 21 CFR 202.1(e)(6)(1). Accordingly, these drugs are misbranded. 21 U.S.C. §§ 352(a) and 352(n).
The above statements are from the FDA/CVM website addressed to Virbac president in 2008. In 2005 the company was sued because the then management misrepresented financial earnings to earn more bonuses. In 2012 there was another recall of their heart worm preventives and now this call. Judge for yourself whether you want to purchase any products from this company with a history of misrepresentations.
Pingback: Iverhart Plus Expanded Recall - Doberman Forum : Doberman Breed Dog Forums
August 22, 2013 at 7:49 pm
Phew… I was afraid there was something harmful for my dog when I first seen this recall notice. But I see it’s just potency levels that are the concern. My little dog is only 14 pounds and the smallest size available to purchase in this product is for 25 pound dogs. As it is, I fear so much of these drugs are overused with higher dosages than necessary. I have done tons of research on line and I know giving her half the prescribed amount and only every 45 days instead of every 30 days is great plenty for her. And the year round routine I don’t follow either. (I’ve read that the only reason vets or manufacturers of this product insist on year round dosing is to make sure dog owners stay in the habit of giving this medication to their dogs. What a horrible reason to overmedicate your animal!) Once we have a hard freeze here in Minnesota, that’s the end of the mosquitos. I do NOT believe in overmedicating my dog. So the heartworm regimen ends until 30 days into springtime.
August 23, 2013 at 10:37 am
I too have a small dog that only weighs 6 pounds. My vet recommended giving her half a dose, and only every 6 weeks. So what you are doing is right. And you are also right about stopping it during the winter, I do the same thing.
August 23, 2013 at 11:16 am
As long as you live up north where you get the hard freeze but down south this is not recommended BECAUSE the mosquitos are not always killed. Please check with your vet in your area before changing how you give heart worm medication as it does vary by where you live. It is much cheaper to prevent heartworms then to treat them once your dog or cat is infected with them.
August 23, 2013 at 2:59 pm
We do live up north, I stop them in December and start back up in April.
August 22, 2013 at 8:20 pm
Thanks, Susan, for sending this out….I was not aware of the first notification and actually my dog is ON this stuff, but the box I have doesn’t include any of those lot numbers…I will call them in the a.m. He has been on this stuff for several years.
We are about ready to take him in for shots and will make sure we do a heartworm test. He is a lab, about 75 pounds and he is on the big dog stuff, 50 to 100 pounds, so if if there was a doseage problem, it could get dicey for him. I so appreciate your sending out this notice.
Susan P
August 22, 2013 at 8:36 pm
My dogs refused to take the Iverheart after they changed the formula. I wish there was an alternative way to deal with heart worms.
August 22, 2013 at 8:54 pm
Check with your vet. There are many different heartworm preventatives.
August 23, 2013 at 9:57 am
We use Heartgard. Ask your vet about that one.
August 23, 2013 at 4:51 pm
We use Ivermectin inject-able, we put it in their food. We have for years. We get it at the cattle and feed store. Both our rescue and the Greyhound rescue we work with have use it for years. Our vet gave us the correct amount to use in their food. We only have to have a heart worm test done every three years. And we have never had a heart worm problem, with living in Florida.
August 23, 2013 at 8:39 pm
I’m a little confused…….you say the Ivermectin is injectable, but you “put it in their food” …? Is the Ivermectin a vaccine used for cattle? And, your dogs are taking this orally? Please explain.
August 31, 2013 at 11:39 am
Yes it is a vaccine for cattle but what you buy in the feed stores is a 1% solution not the same strength that the vets use for cattle it is safe for dogs if you give the correct amount which is 1/10 of a cc for ten pounds of weight in your dog which would be like .1 .2 .3 and so on or you can get propalene glygol and mix with the ivermec 9 parts propalene to 1 part ivermectin or a 9 to 1 racio and then you can give 1cc to every 25lbs
Pingback: Another Expanded Recall – The Virginian | My Doggy
Susan Carlin
September 10, 2013 at 9:56 am
I am so glad that you wrote about this so everyone would know. If it had not been for you we would have continued giving our doggie the heartworms pills without even knowing. What I don’t understand is why our Vet. didn’t notify us by email of this recall as they have records of all the dogs/cats that are seen there. It would have been nice to have gotten an email when this first came out as a problem and it wasn’t until I received your letter did we go by the Vet. and get some Heartguard Brand Heartworm Pills instead. They have never anything to us regarding this recall. Thanks again!!!
john DVM
November 21, 2013 at 10:13 am
ALL the comments in this article are incorrect. Ivermectin based heartworm preventative is not as effective as it once was. the efficacy has dropped 50% and only partially protects your dog. a recent study in 2010 shows there are 5 new genetic strains of heartworms and they are immune to ivermectin. there for ivermectin should no longer be used as a heartworm preventative. most vet dont know this because they lack continuing education. Advantage multi . Trifexis and pro heart are the only medications proven to prevent against all strains of heartworms.. Just thought all should know . my clinic does not recommend ivermectin for heartworm prevention.
November 21, 2013 at 7:38 pm
Thank you for your comments, Dr. Is the Ivermectin losing effectiveness due to the new strains that it isn’t addressing? Or is it, in general, not being made as well now? Or both?
john DVM
November 21, 2013 at 10:15 am
I have seen many dogs get heartworms while on heartguard and other ivermectin based HW preventatives
Peter Paradissis
May 28, 2016 at 10:24 am
My Dog just did 04/27/2016. People please don’t buy this product!
April 7, 2014 at 10:26 am
Our local free clinic vet stopped carrying Iverhart in March 2013. When my dog got really sick in mid-June July with IMTP our regular vet stopped all preventative meds including heartworm and rabies. When Snoop was well enough to take ‘some’ preventative meds both vets were no longer carrying Iverhart. Having missed this one announcement I was disappointed at first because small dog Iverhart pills are small, round & smooth – easy to administer. Even chew-able my dog refuses all medicated “treats”. No one in this area carries the small breed Iverhart any longer. I too had stopped the 12 mo. regimen of heartworm and flea/tick treatment and take a 3 mo. break of both and only administer the heartworm every 5-6 wks. We have had fleas and in a 4 story fully carpeted townhouse (except basement) I can’t get rid of them and don’t have the resources to remove all this carpet. Thank God my vets are health and not profit motivated.
September 25, 2014 at 12:27 am
Flea busters is awesome for getting fleas non toxically in florida they apply it or buy and brush into carpet your selves…lasts until gets wet handled florida fleas!
It is white powder less toxic thasn table salt…seems to dry fleas out….kills them even if cats went out and brought in new ones they get off and die….never treated cats again with anything for fleas cause i walk them outside on leash’ otherwise inside….took care of a horrendous flea problem great stuff Flea busters….