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Is This Money Well Spent?

Personal opinion: No it is not.

There is a veterinarian conference coming to Orlando Florida this weekend (January 14 – 18, 2023). This conference boasts some BIG Hollywood and music headliners for the veterinarian attendees.

Such as the actor Cole Hauser (“Best-known for his current role as the fan-favorite “Rip Wheeler” on Paramount’s Yellowstone, Cole Hauser has delivered a range of great characters over the years in films like Good Will HuntingDazed and Confused2 Fast 2 FuriousThe Break-Up, and A Good Day to Die Hard.”) will make a visit to the veterinary conference. His visit is sponsored by Hill’s Pet Food.

According to Celebrity Talent International, Cole Hauser charges a fee of “$150,000-$299,000” to appear at a corporate event.

The VMX veterinary conference is also bringing in actor Kevin Bacon (“His critically acclaimed body of work includes Footloose, She’s Having a Baby, A Few Good Men, The River Wild, Murder in the First, Apollo 13 and countless other favorites beloved by fans far and wide.”) Kevin Bacon’s visit is sponsored by animal drug manufacturer Boehringer Ingelheim.

According to Celebrity Talent International, Kevin Bacon charges a similar fee of “$150,000-$299,000” to appear at corporate events.

And then…also at the conference is the country music group Lady Antebellum. The band’s performance is sponsored by animal drug manufacturer Merck Animal Health.

According to Celebrity Talent International, Lady Antebellum charges a fee of “$300,000-$499,000” to perform at a corporate event.

Totaling up…

This veterinary conference is spending anywhere from $600,000 to $1.1 million dollars for JUST 3 celebrity moments.

Is this necessary at a veterinary conference?

Is this why animal drugs and Hill’s prescription pet foods are so expensive (have to pay for those celebrities)?

Is it money well spent?

Or should the $1.1 million dollar fee for these three celebrity moments have been spent in much better ways? (Such as funding pet food banks or helping families pay veterinary bills.)

Our thanks to Dr. Laurie Coger for sharing this information about the VMX veterinary conference.

Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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  1. Linda Saslow

    January 10, 2023 at 2:34 pm

    Certainly not a good choice . Less entertainment and more. Information! Based on your list I am transitioning to EverMore food. A great upgrade from Natural Balance canned.

  2. Kimberly Baker

    January 10, 2023 at 5:01 pm

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. They will be getting a polite e-mail from me.

  3. B Dawson

    January 10, 2023 at 5:18 pm

    Just curious…what the heck are the two actors going to do for entertainment? It’s not like they are stand up comedians or presenting research? Maybe they are going to give acting lessons so vets can keep a straight face when they tell clients about all the great nutrition in Hill’s diets.

    Regardless, YES. This is why prescription food and drugs cost so much.

  4. Barbara Richards

    January 11, 2023 at 7:25 am

    What is wrong with these people? Why not invite Vet Nutritionists to teach them how to guide the clients to healing foods? Uuuggghhhhhhh 😡

  5. Dori Hassett

    January 11, 2023 at 9:49 am

    This is plain and simple, disgusting! This is not how the money should be spent. There is no need whatsoever to have entertainment at this type of event.

  6. Rox

    January 11, 2023 at 2:18 pm

    Considering that vets are required under licensing laws to attend conferences allegedly for “continuing education” – and the conference attendance fees and travel/hotel costs are exorbitant and OF COURSE passed along to pet parents who are already facing astronomical veterinary fees…no no no a thousand times NO. Conferences are SUPPOSED TO BE for continuing education. What they have turned into: round table discussions from experts on ever more strategies to extract more dollars out of pet parents’ wallets, a long weekend chock full of sales pitches for the latest and allegedly greatest veterinary equipment priced in the six or even seven figures, and comic relief provided by those overpaid under-talented “celebs.” The corruption in veterinary medicine approaches that level now seen in human medicine and IT IS DISGUSTING.

  7. Darci

    January 14, 2023 at 6:10 pm

    This is absolutely wrong! There is no need to entertain people at a conference! As the former comments have stated this is an overpriced weekend that sounds like a party and money capillary most definitely be used to fund needy animals and shelters. Even better bring some the cost of prescription animal food.

  8. Brenda Hartley

    January 14, 2023 at 11:17 pm

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Unbelievable but not too surprising considering that they are all about money on the backs of sick animals. Because sick animals bring in profits, so pet food companies and some veterinary clinics can reap profits just like the human medical establishment. Who cares about healthy food when becoming sick makes lots of people rich.

  9. Patricia Del Re

    March 3, 2023 at 2:44 am

    Well this disgusts me to no end! I’m so sick of hearing what they (government) are putting in ours and our pets food. No wonder they dye at a young age. Their little bodies can’t take all that poison. My god you I thought we just had to choose between real ingredients or fillers . Obvious there’s nothing being done about this. How long has your group been going on ? Why are we not hearing about this more. Why is this crap always kept deep in the back round. I want to know how to change how we get our food for us and our pets. How we can take this job away from government .I’m old now and just finding out about it . How can we do this to our pets. They depend on us.

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