The hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) recall by Basic Foods was announced by the FDA on March 4, 2010. Since that date, 177 different human foods have been recalled. More than five weeks later, a pet supplement containing Basic Foods HVP has been recalled. Pet products remain at the very bottom of the safety list.
The Associated Press announced that Response Products voluntarily recalled Advanced Cetyl M Joint Action Supplement on Monday April 12, 2010; the FDA sent out notice by press release (still dated 4/12/10) on Tuesday April 13, 2010. The reason for the recall, was due to a possible Salmonella contamination from “the hydrolyzed vegetable protein component provided by Basic Foods of Las Vegas, NV.”
Problem is, Basic Foods announced a recall of their HVP in early March, more than five weeks ago. Within the first week to ten days after Basic Foods announced their recall, recall notices of many human foods were released by the FDA. Everything from gravy mixes to snack products to soup mixes have been recalled. And now, finally, we learn of the first pet product containing HVP recalled by Basic Foods.
So, what happened? Why the huge delay? Did Response Products, five weeks later, suddenly realize that their dog supplement contains HVP from Basic Foods? Did Basic Foods finally go down the list of human food customers and realize they had (have some) pet product customers? Why is it – always – that pet products are last on the list to be recalled?
I’m not saying that pet foods/products should have more importance than human foods when it comes to recall notification. I am saying that pet products should be recalled in a timely fashion; just as timely a fashion as human foods. There must be a better system. It needs to be implemented yesterday. Whether the responsibility of delay of recall for this dog supplement lies with the manufacturer (Response Products), the supplier (Basic Foods), or the FDA…this simply must be improved upon.
My guess would be, over the next few weeks, we will learn of more pet products that contain Basic Foods HVP; we will learn of more recalls due to Salmonella. Five weeks (and counting) after the original recall by Basic Foods. Here’s hoping pets and their human families are not getting sick in the mean time.
For more information…
FDA list of recalled products due to HVP from Basic Foods
Response Products Recall notification from the FDA
MSNBC report on original Basic Foods recall
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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