A new award from TruthaboutPetFood.com recognizes the efforts of Pet Food towards achieving transparency of the industry. The very first Hats Off Award goes to Halo Pet Food.
Hats Off – a sign of respect, job well done. Often a pet food will take a brave step towards honesty and transparency in the pet food industry and this step goes unnoticed; more often the steps towards transparency are stopped in their tracks for numerous reasons. It is time that pet foods who take brave steps towards transparency in the industry are recognized for their efforts. The Hats Off Award is to recognize Pet Food Manufacturers that have acted or taken action encouraging the pet food industry to become accountable for their ingredients, labels, and manufacturing of pet foods and treats. Hats Off is not an endorsement of any particular pet food, it is solely intended to recognize an action – not a product.
The very first Hats Off Award goes to Halo Pet Food. Congrats Halo.
You have been honored with this award because of your efforts to defend statements made on your website which were challenged by Science Diet Pet Food. You have been awarded Hats Off because Halo Pet Foods had the courage to inform pet food consumers that pet foods are allowed to use dead, dying, diseased, and disabled animals as common pet food ingredients. A truth that is hidden from the majority of pet food consumers. Halo Pet Foods bothered to provide pet food consumers with the information that your meat ingredient chicken is made with human grade meat. Halo Pet Foods tried to provide your customers with needed information to the quality of your ingredients, despite regulations designed to prevent the public from knowing the truth.
What did the industry give you for your efforts?
Pet Food competitor Science Diet challenged you in ‘advertising court’ squashing your attempts to provide pet food consumers with transparency to your pet food ingredients. Your challenger Science Diet took objection to your (Halo Pet Food) statements that chicken meal and chicken by-product meal are “bad” for pets, insisting there is no validity to this. Your challenger forgot to mention the independent testing done by Environmental Working Group (EWG.org) that found a direct connection of chicken by-product meal and chicken meal to high levels of fluoride. High levels of fluoride are scientifically linked to risk of osteosarcoma; “nearly ten times more dogs are diagnosed with osteosarcomas than humans.”
Your challenger, Science Diet, “maintained, none of the ingredients (chicken, chicken meal, chicken by-product meal) are likely to be comparable in form, content or grade to the human-edible chicken, nor are they intended to be.” Science Diet utilizes human food references in many of the descriptions of its products and even many of their pet food names. Human food terms such as ‘tender chicken,’ ‘roasted chicken,’ ‘gourmet,’ and ‘savory’. It is perplexing how your challenger, Science Diet, feels free to state chicken or chicken meal is not intended to be comparable to human-edible chicken yet their own advertising appears to utilize human food terms.
Your challenger, Science Diet, argued that “AAFCO’s definitions require chicken by-meal to meet applicable health and safety standards to be suitable for use in animal food.” But Science Diet neglected to mention FDA Compliance Policies that allow diseased animals and 4D animals to become ‘suitable for use in animal food’. (CPG Sec. 690.300 Canned Pet Food, CPG Sec. 675.400 Rendered Animal Feed Ingredients)
Hats Off to you, Halo Pet Food. You tried to make pet food an industry accountable to the numerous loopholes designed to hide the truth from petsumers. We recognize you for your efforts.
Hats Off is not an endorsement of any particular pet food, it is solely intended to recognize an action – not a product.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
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