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Pet Food News

Great News to Start a New Year

The FDA has announced a possible online system for Pet Owners to report adverse effects from a pet food; they are seeking comments. Here’s an open door for you to tell the FDA it’s about time!

The FDA has announced a possible online system for Pet Owners to report adverse effects from a pet food; they are seeking comments. Here’s an open door for you to tell the FDA it’s about time!

The FDA has announced a possible online system for Pet Owners to report adverse effects from a pet food; they are seeking comments.  Here’s an open door for you to tell the FDA it’s about time!

Currently, when a pet becomes ill from a suspect food, the pet owner must contact an FDA complaint coordinator for their region and hope the coordinator cares enough to return their call.  I’ve heard from many pet owners that have never received a follow up call from their FDA complaint coordinator.  Now, the FDA is proposing an alternative method for pet owners to report concerns of a pet food contamination and they are asking for your comments.

“FDA is requesting public comment on data elements associated with the roll out of the Pet Food Early Warning System component of the overall MedWatch\Plus\Portal and Rational Questionnaire initiative, whose framework and burden hours were approved under OMB Control Number 0910-0645.”

Below are some of the sample questions suggested by the FDA
*What type of report are you submitting? (This describes the type of report being submitted (e.g., adverse event, product problem, or both).)
Number of animals given the product
*Number of animals reacted
Prior to the event what was the animal’s overall state of health?
Did the animal have any health problems and/or was the animal taking medication prior to the event?
*Describe what happened
*Date problem started
*Outcome to date
*Product Brand Name
Was product recalled?
Date last purchased product
Were there any other foods or products given to the animal during this period of time?
Describe how the product was stored before and after opening.
Date first fed the animal product from this purchase
Date last fed the animal product from this purchase
Amount of time from use of product to onset of the event?
Was the product use stopped after the onset of the adverse event?
Did the adverse event diminish or stop after the product use was stopped?
In your opinion, how likely is it that the use of this product is related to the adverse event?
Was a veterinarian consulted?

So…here is your opportunity to tell the FDA what you think about the pet owner online pet food reporting program, suggest questions to include, and provide input.  To participate…

Read the full document at

Next go to in the document list (described inside the box towards the bottom of the page) and click on ‘Submit a Comment’.  Complete the information and type your comment in the box provided; click ‘Submit’.

Yes of course we will have to depend on the FDA to take action with the information they receive, however this appears to be a wonderful beginning.  If pet owners can report issues with pet food promptly and easily, maybe…just maybe…the FDA will take action on pet food illness trends and investigate more Pet Food Companies.  It is a beginning.

Please send the FDA your comments.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible

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The Many Styles of Pet Food
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The Ingredients
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Sick Pet Caused by a Pet Food?

If your pet has become sick or has died you believe is linked to a pet food, it is important to report the issue to FDA and your State Department of Agriculture.

Save all pet food – do not return it for a refund.

If your pet required veterinary care, ask your veterinarian to report to FDA.

Click Here for FDA and State contacts.

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