How much do you think Friskies Cat Food, just this one brand made by Purina PetCare, spent on advertising?
The New York Times article published last week about Friskies new cat food commercial (the commercial that seems to show the cat hallucinating visions) gives us some interesting insight on just how much money is spent by the mega pet food manufacturers on advertising. So…with just this one brand of pet food – Friskies – take a guess. How much money is spent on advertising?
“Nestle Purina PetCare spent $17.7 million to advertise the various varieties of Friskies in major media in 2007.”
“And increased that to almost $25.9 million in 2008.”
“In the first three quarters of 2009, close to $29.7 million was spent to advertise Friskies in major media.”
That’s a grand total of $73.3 million dollars in less than three years ONLY on advertising in major media for one product.
For the little guys and gals of pet food, that unlike many of Big Pet Food do not use Chinese imported ingredients, by-products, animal fat, meat and bone meal, dyes, and more…competing against $73 million dollars in advertising is impossible. The little guys and gals depend on quality of product for their advertising (and they spend their advertising budget on quality ingredients). These small companies depend on us…educated pet owners.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
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