After 11 months and 13 email requests, FDA won’t agree to meet with pet owners. Why is that?
I (Susan Thixton) have met with FDA face to face many times. I deal with them face to face twice a year at AAFCO meetings, we’ve had special meetings arranged at AAFCO sessions, we’ve met with the Agency in Washington D.C. But you (pet owners) don’t get that opportunity. You – the people that trust their pet’s lives with pet food, the people that depend on the regulations that FDA enforces (or should enforce) – deserve the opportunity to meet face to face with FDA.
In October of 2018 – almost 1 year ago – our consumer association asked FDA to meet with pet owners. As FDA had just met with industry in the same month (October 2018), we felt our request was more than fair. This was our email request – sent to FDA on October 18, 2018:
Association for Truth in Pet Food – the association representing Pet Food Consumers, the largest stakeholder group in pet food – would like to arrange a question and answer public meeting with FDA/CVM. We would prefer to meet with FDA in Washington DC or during any AAFCO meeting. We are requesting a minimum of 3 hours for consumers to ask FDA questions. We will provide the venue.
Washington DC television station WJLA will be participating in this meeting, video recording the entire meeting. We will also make arrangements to provide the meeting to pet owners unable to attend as a Facebook Live event on the Truth about Pet Food page. Please provide us three possible dates over the next six months and three more possible dates within the next 12 months (1 year from receipt of this email).
For two months – and through 7 follow up emails (to multiple FDA employees) – the FDA ignored our request. But finally, on December 14, 2018, the FDA responded (bold added):
Dear Ms. Thixton,
Thank you for your email requesting a question and answer public meeting with FDA/CVM. Over the past few months, we have received several similar requests for meetings. We are currently considering how best to accommodate all the requests we have received. We appreciate your patience while we look at various options for hearing from stakeholders on pet food safety issues. We intend to get back to you early in the New Year with more information and potential dates.
But FDA did not “get back” to us as they promised. In fact, for 9 more months (since FDA response) and 6 more follow up email requests (to multiple individuals) – the FDA has completely ignored our request for a public meeting.
The FDA has a policy on these types of meetings – which states (bold added):
Public meetings may provide an ideal forum for stimulating questions and debate. Speeches before various industry and consumer organizations provide an excellent opportunity for the Center to discuss regulatory requirements and expectations.
If public meetings are part of FDA policy, why won’t the agency meet with pet owners? We MORE than deserve an opportunity to ask FDA “stimulating questions” – face to face. We are stakeholders of pet food/stakeholders of pet food regulation, we are the largest pet food stakeholder segment. Pet owners deserve the opportunity for FDA to hear our concerns, hear the real life challenges we face on a day to day basis feeding our pets.
Clearly, FDA isn’t very willing to give us that opportunity. It’s time to go to FDA’s boss to ask for help to get our meeting.
If you want your opportunity to meet face to face with FDA to tell them your pet food concerns, please send an email to your Representatives in Congress. You can find your Congressional Representatives by clicking here. And here is another link with information to locate and contact your Representatives in Congress. The following is an example email:
The pet owner association – Association for Truth in Pet Food (ATPF) – requested a public meeting for pet owners with FDA in October 2018. FDA told us in December 2018 “We intend to get back to you early in the New Year with more information and potential dates.” We are 8 months past the date FDA promised to respond; FDA has never ‘gotten back to us’ and has never provided “potential dates”. ATPF followed up on this request for a public meeting a total of 13 times, FDA has continued to ignore us month after month.
I need your help as my Representative in Congress to facilitate this public meeting for myself and for other pet owners with FDA. I would ask you to require that FDA host a yearly event to publicly meet with and respond to pet owner questions regarding the regulation of pet food (preferably twice a year). Please contact Dr. Steven Solomon, Director FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine and urge him to provide us with a meeting date promptly. Pet owners have waited long enough for FDA/Dr. Solomon to directly answer our questions. Thank you.
Just maybe, someone in Congress will help us get the meeting FDA doesn’t want to happen, but all of you deserve.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

Become a member of our pet food consumer Association. Association for Truth in Pet Food is a a stakeholder organization representing the voice of pet food consumers at AAFCO and with FDA. Your membership helps representatives attend meetings and voice consumer concerns with regulatory authorities. Click Here to learn more.
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Martin St John
September 19, 2019 at 4:10 pm
Imagine if any other “Employee” refused to meet with their Employer. Isn’t it about time we put this back into perspective?
September 19, 2019 at 5:33 pm
Perhaps FDA considers your meeting to be too confrontational. I spoke briefly today with Richard TenEyck who chairs the AAFCO Ingredient Definitions committee
and he mentioned two conference calls he just had with committee members (including FDA). He also discussed the consumer input AAFCO is seeking on their new labels.
It might be easier if you could just get included in the numerous Pet Food and other committee phone calls and melt the ice so that it’s not so much of an “us vs them” game with Mr. Solomon.
I don’t think CVM wants a public record but may be amenable to public input on a more informal basis (if that meets your needs). I know (from prior experience) that getting congressional pressure is not any agency’s fondest wish.
… just a suggestion.
Susan Thixton
September 19, 2019 at 6:02 pm
I agree, FDA probably does think the meeting will be confrontational. However just because they might be uncomfortable with it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t happen. And with the consumer input AAFCO is requesting – I offered to help AAFCO with that (actually multiple times) – they refused. They chose to hire a survey company for the consumer input. And – have to add – that when AAFCO wants industry input they ask the industry trade associations for that input. They did not/have not done the same for our consumer association.
~Pet Owner~
September 19, 2019 at 7:46 pm
Not saying it wouldn’t be a good idea (in theory). Or that owners don’t deserve it. But unless the agency really wants the input, what can they say? They’re going to get a ton of questions they can’t answer. The only way those meetings work, is when a ton of people show up. And create such controversy that the media is forced to cover it. I see that happening when local councils hold school issue meetings. Or neighborhood meetings about housing. It’s very hard getting traction out of them.
Most things get done through Lobbyists. And through a direct threat to councilmen (of any official) not getting re-elected..
Rob C.
September 20, 2019 at 6:28 pm
Susan, and all concerned pet owners:
…I love my dog and I try make him home made dog food , so I am relieved of the worry that our criminal “government” is conspiring with pet food manufacturers that “sneak in” Chinese toxic waste, for profit.
…..You have to understand that the “FDA”, and all of our Federal “government” is run and owned by criminal corporations, and the Zionist banking cartel.
……You are dealing with the same criminal government that has “covered up” 9-11, and many other crimes.
……So, do the best you can ……..try to make your pet’s food home made.
…Thank you….
September 23, 2019 at 8:30 am
Don’t fool yourself…. even the food that WE eat is often not healthy for us! After my dog passed away, I decided never to own a pet again because of all the garbage that goes into their food and ours as well. We used to make food for all of the dogs, but when you find out how they grow the vegetables and spray them, or treat the animals that your dog food is made from, it’s sickening! I am still trying to figure out how organic farmers produce such beautiful vegetables without the use of pesticides or other chemicals!