The FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine never ceases to amaze (but not in a good way).
After Purdue University released a study finding that 8% of pet owners (adults and children) have eaten a pet food or treat, we asked FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) if they were willing to risk human health in the same manner as the agency has put our pet’s health at risk: “Will the FDA ignore the human health risk of 8% of 68 million US homes with pets? Or will FDA finally enforce the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act with pet food? At the very least, will FDA promptly implement a required warning label on any pet product that contains condemned animal material, diseased animal material or material from animals that have died other than by slaughter?“
FDA responded by saying: “we do not believe that the use of diseased animals or animals that died otherwise than by slaughter to make animal food poses a safety concern…”
And the FDA said they will NOT require pet foods to be properly labeled; “In addition, we do not intend to require labeling specifically related to ingredients derived from animals that died other than by slaughter.”
In review…
- Pet food ingredients sourced from diseased animals or animals that have died other than by slaughter are a direct violation of the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act. FDA CVM ignores federal law and allows these ingredients to be used in pet feed/animal feed.
- Not only does FDA CVM allow illegal ingredients to be used in pet feed/animal feed, the agency refuses to require pet food manufacturers to disclose their use on a pet feed label. No pet owner is informed if they are buying an illegal ingredient pet feed. And…
- After being provided with evidence that an estimated 5 million US adults and children are or have consumed a pet feed that could (probably) contain(s) a dangerous illegal ingredient, the agency still refuses to enforce law in pet food.
How dangerous are pet food ingredients sourced from diseased animals or animals that died other than by slaughter?
To understand the risk of illegal ingredients, we can look at what type of diseased animals are condemned (and allowed into pet food by FDA). Federal regulations “Disposal of Diseased or Otherwise Adulterated Carcasses and Parts” explains (in part) that animals with “lesions of tuberculosis“, “anthrax“, and “tapeworm cysts” are condemned.
Even though federal law prohibits condemned material in human or animal food/feed, the FDA CVM allows this material in pet feed. Further, the FDA has established NO restrictions for pet feed ingredients sourced from condemned animal material. Any condemned animal material is allowed by FDA into pet feed, including those with tuberculosis lesions, anthrax and tapeworm cysts – with no warning or disclosure to the pet owner.
If there are warnings required on pod laundry detergent labels…

…shouldn’t pet feed be required to include a warning too?
Keep Pet Feed Out of Reach of Children (and Adults)
Warning: Pet feed may contain ingredients sourced from
diseased animals or decomposing animal carcasses.
If no one in government (Congress) will stop FDA from allowing illegal ingredients in pet products (feed and treats), at the VERY LEAST don’t pet owners deserve to know which of these products include illegal ingredients?
To read our initial email and questions to FDA CVM, Click here.
To read the FDA CVM response, Click Here.
Should you wish to send FDA CVM your opinion on this topic, you can email the agency at:
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Association for Truth in Pet Food

Become a member of our pet food consumer Association. Association for Truth in Pet Food is a a stakeholder organization representing the voice of pet food consumers at AAFCO and with FDA. Your membership helps representatives attend meetings and voice consumer concerns with regulatory authorities. Click Here to learn more.
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November 20, 2020 at 12:36 pm
Just watching TV commercials tells me how dishonest the FDA is allowing carcinogenic prescriptions to be sold to humans I would never trust them with pet products. People should know not to eat their pets’food.