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FDA is Testing Raw Pet Food (and only raw pet food)

FDA just announced an ‘assignment to collect official samples of raw foods for dogs or cats”, testing raw pet food products for Salmonella, Listeria, and E coli. The FDA is ONLY testing raw pet food. So wrong in so many ways.

FDA just announced an ‘assignment to collect official samples of raw foods for dogs or cats”, testing raw pet food products for Salmonella, Listeria, and E coli. The FDA is ONLY testing raw pet food. So wrong in so many ways.

The FDA made if official today – they are on a Salmonella, Listeria, and E coli hunt. Trouble is, their ONLY hunting ground for this bacteria is raw pet food. The press release from FDA did not mention kibble pet food or canned pet food – these products will not be tested. Only raw pet food will be tested for this bacteria.

While FDA’s dislike of any pet food other than kibble or can is no surprise, a statement within their press release is a surprising admission. “In recent years, an increasing number of dog and cat owners have begun feeding their pets various foods that are labeled or advertised as raw with/without minimal processing. The FDA has not yet defined raw or minimally processed foods for dogs or cats.”

Raw and minimally processed pet food have been the fastest growing segment of commercial pet food for at least ten straight years. Now why hasn’t FDA “defined raw or minimally processed food for dogs or cats”? Especially considering the popularity of these products. Why has FDA never bothered – in this ten year time frame – to define this style of pet food? A theory: could it be that FDA has refused to ‘define’ raw or minimally processed pet foods because just maybe they might learn that less processing is healthier for our pets (just as minimally processed foods are healthier for humans).

I support FDA testing for dangerous bacteria in pet food. I do not support FDA only testing one style of pet food. Testing only one style of pet food is clear bias.

A true unbiased bacteria testing of pet food would include all styles of commercial pet food.

A true unbiased testing of raw pet food would include testing an equal number of raw human grade meats purchased directly from grocery stores.

Do you know what FDA would find if they did a side by side comparison of bacteria found in raw meat for human consumption and raw meat pet foods? We already know. Human grade meat purchased in grocery stores tested significantly higher for bacteria contamination than raw meat pet food – both testing performed by FDA. From CNN regarding FDA testing of raw meat for human consumption. “A recently released report from Food and Drug Administration found that of all the raw ground turkey tested, 81% was contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Also, according to the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System, or NARMS, Retail Meat Annual Report, ground turkey wasn’t the only problem. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria were found in some 69% of pork chops, 55% of ground beef and 39% of chicken.”

As comparison, the FDA performed ‘surveillance’ testing of raw pet food in 2012. The agency found only 7% of raw pet foods (15 of 196 pet foods) tested positive for Salmonella;  16% (32 of 196 pet foods) tested positive for Listeria.

Pet food 7%, 16% positive – human food 81%, 69%, 55% and 39% positive.

Now here is another kick to the gut to raw pet food consumers. The FDA press release about testing of raw pet food states: “Positive findings of Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, E. coli O157:H7 in a sample of raw foods for dogs or cats product collected from a retail store may result in a Class I recall, press release, and Reportable Food Registry (RFR) submission.”

Strange thing, the 2013 FDA testing of retail human grade meat finding 81%, 69%, 55% and 39% containing antibiotic resistant bacteria…did not result in one single recall. Not one brand name of meat testing positive for antibiotic resistant bacteria was made public by FDA, not one Class I recall occurred.

No pet food or human food should be contaminated with Salmonella, Listeria, and E coli. But for FDA to hold raw pet food to a zero tolerance with threat of Class I recall when the agency did NOT hold human food to the very same standard is absurd. It is as well absurd for FDA to only search for this bacteria in raw pet food (and not all other styles of pet food).

One more quote. The FDA press release states: “FDA does not believe raw meat foods for animals are consistent with the goal of protecting the public from significant health risks, particularly when such products are brought into the home…” Isn’t human grade raw meat purchased in grocery stores (such as that ground turkey – 81% of which tested positive for bacteria) brought into the same homes as raw meat pet food? Does FDA believe pet food consumers are just not smart enough to know that all raw meat – pet food or human food – should be handled safely?

C’mon FDA, really? Why can’t you regulate ‘food’ fairly and consistently? You allow any pet food to violate federal food safety laws, you allow any pet food to be made from putrid meat sourced from diseased animals with no disclosure to the consumer. You hold raw pet food to a recall threat when the same raw meat for humans is not held to the same standard. There are just too many inconsistencies. This smells.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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  1. B Dawson

    June 3, 2015 at 10:28 pm

    How is it that our tax dollars get wasted on this biased, bought-by-the-highest-bidder enforcement? If it can’t be stopped by media smear tactics, use “backdoor legislation” to get the product off the shelf. Make it so hard and/or expensive for a company that they give up in frustration or the product becomes so expensive no one can afford it. You know what’s coming next, insurance companies will not offer coverage to companies producing raw food because of liability.

    I think I’m just gonna start my own country – Greece should be up for auction anytime now. Citizenship will only be open to those who can pass a test proving they have commonsense.

    • Kathryn

      June 4, 2015 at 4:42 am

      let me know – I have my passport in hand!

    • V.J. Sudol

      June 24, 2015 at 8:49 am

      This article is based on a false premise. The FDA didn’t ONLY test raw pet foods, as anyone who checked out the results can see.

      They tested 1,000 samples, including food in these categories:
      Raw pet food
      Dry exotic pet food
      Jerky-type treats
      Semi-moist dog food
      Semi-moist cat food
      Dry dog food
      Dry cat food

      • Aneisha

        September 11, 2018 at 11:33 am

        Also the reason why food meant for human consumption isn’t targeted for testing is because the assumption is the raw meat will be cooked. I think all areas deserve to be properly looked into to get a fair objective understanding so that we can make informed decisions as pet parents. Further down the comments there are lots of opinions and not always respectfully expressed, some of which are factual and some of which are not. For example vets are not nutritional experts and do receive training from brands. I wouldn’t completely dismiss the training as the likes of Mars (owners of Royal canin/James well beloved) have pioneered a lot of the science for pet nutrition. I personally wouldn’t support them as I don’t believe their interests are objective and I prefer small businesses. And there is plenty of profits to be made from having a Raw food business, (I know as I’ve worked for a number of pet food brands) so I would argue that’s not the reason why larger businesses haven’t yet moved into Raw – I stress yet as I believe they will if the popularity increases just as Burns switched to grain free after long saying they didn’t agree with it and that they would never do it. Food isn’t the sole driver of a long life and every cat and dog is different – I met the lady who had the oldest cat in the U.K. that died at 30 (google her she was covered in the news quite a bit) and she fed what most (myself included) would consider a terrible food. Genes are strong influencers. I hope the popularity of Raw food encourages more research on pet nutrition as a whole.

        FYI I recently launched my own natural pet food brand. I don’t sell nor feed raw simply because I haven’t found any scientific evidence nor consensus amongst pet nutritionists to support it over conventional foods. I’m excited for more studies to improve our understanding of pet nutrition as a whole as I come across daily inaccuracies being presented as facts to unknowing pet parents that always want the best for their pet.

        • per Mahogany

          December 11, 2018 at 10:11 am

          Hi Aneisha, I really appreciate your response here. What is the name of your company?

  2. Allison

    June 3, 2015 at 10:39 pm

    I was at a veterinary pet food conference and they were trying to convince us how bad raw food is for our pets (go figure as it was sponsored by Royal Canin). I had already been feeding my dogs raw for a few years at this point so I was holding back my opinions the entire time. At the end the speaker asked if anyone had any questions. I asked him ‘if raw food is so bad for our pets why were there more recalls of dry/kibble based pet foods last year than of raw based pet foods?’ His reply was ‘no pet food is safe’. I wish I had a tape recorder!

    • Louise

      June 3, 2015 at 10:56 pm

      That is probably exactly what they are trying to do with the testing of raw food, trying to get some recalls happening so that it looks worse in the recall department than kibble.

  3. Jeanette Owen

    June 3, 2015 at 10:41 pm

    Well said B Dawson!

  4. Mona

    June 3, 2015 at 11:04 pm

    Raw foods are nutritionally imbalanced. They also pose risks for intestinal and esophageal perforations, obstructions, broken teeth, etc.

    Raw foods pose risks for humans due to bacteria which are vectors of disease.

    There is no vendetta or secret agenda against raw pet food companies; raw foods have been scientifically and medically proven to not be beneficial for pets. If they were, the pet food companies that make “kibble” like you call it, would jump on the bandwagon; think about it. Why don’t they? Because of contamination and liability again, for the surgeries and death that at some point down the line will affect the pets ( if you have been feeding raw for ten years abd your pets are fibe, lucky you).

    Doctors and Veterinarians go to school to learn; this is their area of expertise.

    Pets that eat balanced, processed diets without nutrient excessess or deficiencies easily live 18+ years; that should say somethibg. I myself have had three cats live to be 21 abd the always ate Hill’s

    There is a lot of misinformation on the internet; it is a medium in which anyone and everyone posts appearing to know what they say.

    Educate yourselves so your pets do not have to suffer; your pets deserve it and will appreciate it.

    • Susan Thixton

      June 3, 2015 at 11:11 pm

      Mona – I wholehearted disagree with everything you’ve just stated. It’s honestly too long of a list of errors to post.

      • Louise

        June 3, 2015 at 11:42 pm

        I also disagree with everything you just said, especially the “science to prove it” part.

      • Joanne

        June 4, 2015 at 5:13 pm

        Totally agree with you Susan Thixton…..a very ignorant and ill informed statement. It’s so ridiculous I had to laugh. Someone (Mona) needs to do some major research.

    • Valerie Noyes

      June 3, 2015 at 11:26 pm

      Mona, I seriously want to address each and every sentence you wrote, but I am so angry with the nonsense you have spouted I simply cannot do it.

      • Hope Williams

        June 3, 2015 at 11:46 pm

        Again, you couldn’t have said it better Susan! Thank you!

    • Laurie Matson

      June 3, 2015 at 11:46 pm

      No Mona, You have it really wrong. YOU need to educate Yourself!!! Quite obviously you do not follow Pet food as closely as you should be. If you did you never would have written the backward Comment you did. sorry, you are in the minority and uneducated about Raw meat, and Pet Food in general.

      • JH

        June 4, 2015 at 12:03 am

        Well said, Laurie.

    • John Sturgess

      June 3, 2015 at 11:51 pm

      Mona = Lobbyist for the Pet Food Industry that she proclaims makes safe Kibble. Dr’s and Vets go to school and this is there area of expertise…. WOW ( Shaking my head – I guess Ron White is right , you cant fix S _ _ _ _ D ) Why is the FDA doing this – cause the LOBBYIST for PET FOOD Companies have the money to fight a dirty fight with payola, trips and future employment once you leave the Govt Sector. BIG MONEY PET FOOD , just like Coca Cola is seeing a decline in SUGARY DRINK, Kibble Makers are seeing a decline to al the new fresh raw food companies. Why do you see all these ads on TV for BRAIN FOOD for your pet or Breed specific Diets or no more grains – yet for decades they shoveled this junk with out remorse… You cant start making RAW and say Kibble sucks because your profit margins would shrivel away,,, its all about the Benjamin’s. Follow the money and the lobbyist

    • Andrea

      June 4, 2015 at 12:02 am

      If raw is so ‘dangerous’ to our pets, then why didn’t they go extinct millennia ago? Cats and dogs have been eating raw for thousands of years. Big Pet Food won’t as you say, “jump on the bandwagon.” There’s no money in it for them. Why would they when they can use junk, cheap ingredients like Roundup GMO corn, discarded scraps from slaughterhouses, 4D animals, cancerous tumors, maggots, road kill, euthanized pets, zoo animals, etc. and make more profit? They then turn around and lie to vets and convince them that their product is superior and safer than raw meat. This creates even more profit for Big Pet Food and the vet. More sales for Big Pet Food, and more visits to the vet with sick pets.

    • Andrea

      June 4, 2015 at 12:21 am

      Also, most processed pet food is loaded with carcinogenic ingredients. Cancer rates are up in pets more now, then before pet food was invented. I LOST a cat to cancer a couple years ago at the young age of 14. His type of cancer is commonly linked with the kinds of molds found in the grains used. Most of his life he was on cheap kibble. He was always throwing up. When he was 12, I took him off the cheap crap and put him on high protein, low carb, grain free kibble for 2 years. Energy increased when he was off the cheap junk. As soon as I put him on raw, he blossomed! Eyes cleared up, more energy, etc. (I only had 6 months to enjoy this transformation on raw before I lost him.) The truth is in the pudding! If a pet reaches their 20s on the cheap stuff, then they were just lucky. I would never knowingly risk my pets’ lives over a few bucks…

    • TS

      June 4, 2015 at 12:47 am

      Mona, which BIG PET FOOD company do YOU work for??? If you don’t, maybe you should!
      Every single thing you stated is FALSE. And as for commercial Kibble manufacturers not jumping on the band wagon – there is 1 simple reason – PROFITS. They would need to charge so much per lb for high quality safe raw ingredients – to equal the ill-gained profits they currently enjoy from over processed garbage ingredients – no one would buy their food. Do you really think that Pedigree kibble dog food in 40 + lb bags at LESS THAN FIFTY CENTS a pound is safe OR that it contains high quality ingredients? Think again.

    • Anne

      June 4, 2015 at 1:13 am

      Mona, do you work for Hill’s or Purina? I have educated myself about foods and nutrition. I am a degreed animal scientist with formal training in feeds and feeding animals. Feeding your pets foods that manufacturers have made with diseased, dead, dying, or euthanized animals is not in their best interests. Wise up, Mona. Or as the song says, “I’ve got some oceanfront property in Arizona”.

    • Grateful

      June 4, 2015 at 5:50 am

      You want to know why Big Pet Food don’t make raw diets? Because it’s not as profitable as making kibble and cheap canned food. Raw food is real food, expensive to make. Kibble and cheap canned contains pure junk, very cheap to make, and keeps the pets at the vet too. Your ignorance about what an animal should eat is frightening.

      • LJ

        June 5, 2015 at 12:47 pm

        Exactly. It’s all about money.

    • Kristi Johnson

      June 4, 2015 at 11:01 am

      I took the same “animal nutrition” course the vet students did back in ag college. It was how to maximize growth for livestock – chickens, sheep, cattle, hogs. You looked at fat, protein, lignin and fiber and basic “vitamins” like iron and zinc for maximum production. Period. Vet students know nothing about nutrition. Science diet gives them free food for their pets as well.

    • Peg

      June 4, 2015 at 12:42 pm

      Mona, after I read your post with utter disgust, I was off to the vet’s office with my 15 year old cat who has been eating raw for 4 years. Vet looked 4 times and was so amused that Edgar Winter is 15. She thought he was my 8 year old!!

      I also asked my vet how much education in nutrition she got from vet school.
      She replied that her nutrition education was not from school, but rather from the pet food reps who attack the newly licensed vets, wine them and dine them and take them on the corporate jets to their”state of the art food manufacturing facility”

      The youngest, newly licensed vet to the practice was attacked by the PFI reps and when she told them she has been home cooking and feeding raw for her dogs and cats, they told her she would never be hired in a vet office. She has been in our office for 2 years now, we are so lucky, she directs clients to Susan’s site, she encourages and gives talks on raw and home cooked feeding. She has a 23 year old raw fed kitty with ZERO kidney issues and a 12 year old raw fed Great Dane!!!! How cool is that when the “average” life expectancy of a Great Dane is 7-8 years!!

      • Hope Williams

        June 4, 2015 at 8:18 pm

        Dear Peg–what a fabulous post about your vet and her pets and yours! Thanks for rebutting with what is real and important! Thank you so much.

        • Peg

          June 5, 2015 at 9:46 am

          Dear Hope Williams,
          You are most welcome! The vets are getting it and mine has friends nationwide who refer to Susan’s site and me!? (Blushing) for additional info
          Happy dancing!

    • Colleen yates

      June 4, 2015 at 3:15 pm

      My friend’s 10 year old cat that ate Vet kibble, (controlled portions) just had to be put down from complications of diabetes. Another friend’s cat was eating raw since 2000 lived past 20. From talking to other pet owners and experiences this seems to be more of the norm. From what I can tell most of the cats I have come across that successful live on kibble, are usually outdoor cats, I’m assuming because they are getting other sources of food outside of kibble. I didn’t know any better and fed my cat vet kibble, and my vet bills from health complications went through the roof, switched to raw 8 years ago, and so far so good and no more vet bills. Recently I found out on his last check up, my vet has been doing research and agreed that his raw diet is a good, and keep on feeding it to him. Shocked but happy because it was the same vet that chewed me out years ago when I took him off the prescription food.

    • Melinda

      June 4, 2015 at 4:23 pm

      Who teaches nutrition at vet school? Science Diet? Royal Canin? Let me see…yes, they are kibble makers. Complete and balanced raw food formulas are not deficient in nutrition. I think you need to get your facts straight before making such and absurd statement. Throwing your dog a chicken or a, that is not the correct way to feed raw food. I agree with one thing, there certainly is alot of misinformation about raw food feeding on the internet. People need to research ancestral diets for their canine companions and then ask questions. Obviously not from misinformed people such as yourself.
      Think about it…what in the heck did dogs eat before the invention of “Fake Food?” (KIBBLE)

    • Cheryl Mallon-Bond

      June 4, 2015 at 11:51 pm

      Mona–YOU are the one that is sadly misinformed. Who is it that you work for?…Hill’s?.
      Have you read all the scientific proof of the mycotoxin’s that have been found in many many dry kibble? Have you read about the tainted, putrid, rendered, phenobarbital contaminated meat sources used in way too many pet FEED products sold to consumer’s? Tell me WHY the FDA is not testing all these food’s ?, when there has been MANY reported sick or dead pet’s? Why is it that the FDA has allowed all this time go by STILL allowing dog treats made in China on the shelves that are poisoning our pet’s?, yet they think that putting all this effort into now testing raw pet food’s ONLY!, is of the up most importance? Do you want to answer any of those question’s? & tell me how that makes ANY sense whatsoever?. There have been extremely minimal complaints of ANY illnesses due to raw pet food’s, yet massive complaints of illnesses & DEATH’S from many other forms of pet feed, & treats. So, how can ANY reasonably intelligent person believe that this is where the FDA should be putting their efforts? This is nothing more than a WITCH HUNT!, against manufacturer’s of raw pet food companies, & we all KNOW IT!!!!

      • Andrea

        June 5, 2015 at 2:54 pm

        I think you mean pentobarbital, not phenobarbital. Phenobarbital is for seizures.

    • Nicole

      June 5, 2015 at 11:51 am

      I am the owner of Steve’s Real Food a raw pet food company. Let me help you understand a few things.
      The reason kibble companies do not jump on the raw bandwagon is because selling raw pet food is a whole different game.

      It starts with sourcing. We buy whole animal parts and produce, not meals. We buy most of our ingredients from local farmers, where kibble companies buy their ingredients from suppliers such as Wilbur-Ellis.

      Then it goes into processing. We use a simple process that involves a grinder, mixer and freezer. There are no extrudes or ovens in our plant. In fact we process at 40 degrees to ensure product safety. That would not work well if we also used ovens. We also use a lot of water in both production and clean up. If you introduce an ounce of water into a kibble factory you will have a mold problem instantly.

      Next is the distribution process. Our warehouse is a giant freezer. It is extremely costly to keep everything frozen and it would be ridiculous to waste space by putting kibble in there. Everything we ship goes on a freezer truck and has to go to distributors with freezer in their warehouse. Kibble companies use completely different shippers than us and they pay quite a bit less for it. We also choose to work with distributors that are good at selling raw food because it is an education based sell. If a distributor rep does not feed raw food, and does not have a personal experience with how beneficial it is then they will fail at getting our foods into retail stores.

      Which brings me to the next step, selling the food at the retail level. We do not follow the same marketing programs as kibble companies. They typically will offer huge discounts and promotions to sell pallets of food at a time. If I were to do a promotional program where a retailer could get 50% off if they ordered a pallet of food, I may have 3-4 retailers in the entire country that could do that. Why you ask? Because the food has to be stored in a freezer and retailers do not have that kind of freezer space.

      So why doesn’t a big kibble company buy us, use our processes and put their name on it? That answer is simple also, we don’t have the profits and margins they want. When I started in this industry my father kept saying “you will never make a million buck selling raw dog food”, and he was right. We do this out of passion not for profits and kibble companies do not share those motives.

      Also, just to clarify veterinarians and most doctors do not have nutritional education. A traditional veterinarian’s educations consists of one semester of education. Here is where a vet talks about the subject –

      • Hope Williams

        June 5, 2015 at 12:34 pm

        Dear Steve: thank you so much for saying it like it is from a raw food company perspective! Bravo and thanks. Hope

    • Susan

      June 5, 2015 at 12:07 pm

      Veterinarians do not go to school to learn about nutrition requirements for your pets and any vet who tells you differently is not being truthful. Nutrition information is provided through free seminars given by Science Diet and Royal Canin (the two most common vet school resources) and both of these companies sell their foods via Veterinarians. Kibble companies are not going to get on the RAW Food bandwagon – not because Raw is unsafe and in healthy for out animals, but because the insane profit margins are not there for them in RAW and RAW doesn’t have a 6 month or longer shelf life.

    • Lori

      June 6, 2015 at 4:32 pm

      I have never seen a more uneducated post in my life! You have no clue what you are talking about. I think you have been eating to much Purina! Do yourself and your cats a favor and “Go Raw”

  5. Andrea

    June 3, 2015 at 11:06 pm

    Allison, I would have loved to say to the Royal Canin rep: “If no pet food is safe, then I guess we should make it ourselves with fresh, wholesome, people food!”

  6. Hope Williams

    June 3, 2015 at 11:07 pm

    This is a finely written testimony to the basics of what is wrong with the FDA, Susan! Fundamentally, as B Dawson said above, the FDA has been “bought-by-the-highest-bidder-enforcement”, or, as we say, Big Pet Products giants protecting their turf from profit damage. It is so very difficult being a part of the pet industry today because the reality of this billion dollar industry has almost nothing to do with dogs and cats. Only bucks!

    Again, the above is a very finely written testimony and I implore you to do a mass press release to every entity you can imagine. No one could say it any better. And so many people need to hear you, now! I am circulating for sure! And thank you!

  7. Michelle

    June 3, 2015 at 11:08 pm

    They are purposely wasting time and money to pull peoples attention away from the real poisonous food!!!! Pet food is the tip of the iceberg. The country has been bought and paid for by big corporations and no one is accountable!!!! I am SO disgusted!!!

  8. Tina Fitzpatrick

    June 3, 2015 at 11:10 pm

    I have yet to understand why I can be trusted to prepare my families food in a way that prevents illness and I cannot be trusted to feed my pets the same foods safely. I’m so tired of having to explain and defend.

    They absolutely should test kibble and canned but they won’t. Not enough financial pressure from raw food producers.

  9. Mona

    June 3, 2015 at 11:20 pm


    I have been a veterinary technician for 25 years. I speak based on facts. We see all those pets with issues from those foods. And that is not an error; it is reality

    • Susan Thixton

      June 3, 2015 at 11:37 pm

      What about the veterinarians that highly endorse minimally processed foods? And what about their veterinary technicians that have seen first hand the benefits of minimally processed pet food? Are they wrong? And what about the science behind the health benefits to humans of minimally processed food? It is wrong as well? We’ll have to agree to disagree.

      • Hope Williams

        June 3, 2015 at 11:43 pm

        I think I’ll believe my experience of selling raw–both HPP and non-HPP–pet foods for years and receiving all the accolades of all the pet parents who have the healthiest dogs on earth. Not to mention Dr. Karen Becker who is one of the biggest advocates of feeding balanced raw.

    • Louise

      June 3, 2015 at 11:48 pm

      I’m sure you also see the MANY other issues that pets on processed kibble come in with, which, I’m sure greatly outnumber the things you see with raw diets. Sorry, don’t buy it, and I have done a lot of research and looked at a lot of studies over the past 30 years. My experience and research say the opposite.

      Of course, you are welcome to have your opinion based on your experience, but the “science to prove it” part just is not true as there is “science” on both sides and they all have to be read to get the full picture plus they have to be “unbiased” research, not something done by a pet food company.

      • JH

        June 4, 2015 at 12:00 am

        But that’s the only “science” supporting krapple. ……that bought and paid for by the companies who make it. And don’t even get me started on the so called feeding trails.

        • JH

          June 4, 2015 at 12:13 am

          “trials” not “trails”

    • Louise

      June 4, 2015 at 1:17 pm

      Probably what is happening is you are NOT seeing the majority of pets that are being fed real, wholesome food, as they are in good health and not having to go to the veterinarian. You are only seeing sick animals so not the entire picture.

    • Shawna

      June 4, 2015 at 4:22 pm

      Mona — Dr. Meg Smart is a Veterinarian a Veterinary Nutritionist AND taught veterinary nutrition for over 30 years. She endorses homemade cooked and raw foods. Of course she wants them balanced but some of us are quite capable of handling that.

      What is being discussed above however is commercially made complete and balanced diets. Those that are held to the same standard and laws as complete and balanced kibbled diets.

  10. Andrea

    June 3, 2015 at 11:23 pm

    Cats and dogs have been eating raw for thousands of years. Well before the FDA came into existence. I’m pretty sure cats and dogs know much more about their nutritional needs than the FDA does…

  11. JH

    June 3, 2015 at 11:53 pm

    Mona, I’m sorry but there is so much error in your statement one hardly knows where to begin. Firstly any honest conventional vet will tell you he/she knows next to nothing about nutrition. It is not a significant part of their vet school training. What they do get is sponsored by the kibble companies…down to the textbook used. If you think that it’s an objective view, think again

    Secondly, dogs and cats lived longer before they were eating over processed garbage. Anyone who has been paying attention can read a can or bag of Hill’s and see that it’s substandard quality. Couple that with the lovely compliance policy of the FDA which allows pet food companies to put 4D sourced garbage into the food and it’s a recipe for ill health for our animals without doubt.

    There have been far more recalls for kibble than raw, which is one big reason this move is so transparently biased. Any honest agency would play with an even hand or at least look closely at the types of feed making pets sick. It’s public record so this is not even up for debate.

    Perhaps your doctor would recommend heavily processed garbage for you over fresh food, but only a fool would listen to that advice. Why would anyone think our pets don’t also need fresh clean healthy food? The idea that only kibble or processed feed is balanced is patent nonsense. Putting aside the very checkered history of cats going blind from kibble with low levels of taurine and dogs becoming ill from too much Vitamin D in kibble, its just not that hard to do it well. There are many sources from those who have done more research than the average vet in this area and many companies who are doing it right. Please put down the Kool Aid and so some serious research in this area. Your pets will thank you.

    • JH

      June 4, 2015 at 12:09 am

      “do” not “so”

  12. Dianne

    June 4, 2015 at 12:29 am

    And this is happening at some Petmarts this weekend. Nature’s Variety Instinct – Join a nutritional expert from Nature’s Variety Instinct to discover the benefits of a RAW diet and how you can easily incorporate raw into your pet’s diet.

    I agree with all your points, Susan. What the FDA is planning is the height of hypocrisy.

  13. Pam Nadelman

    June 4, 2015 at 12:59 am

    OMG Mona, I would say if you’ve been feeding your cats (or any living thing) Hill’s & they’ve lived to be 21, lucky you. Some animals, like some people, are born with good genes. That is the only explanation for anything living beyond 10 years, cancer-free, on anything by Hill’s. You almost sound like a Hill’s (Colgate-Palmolive’s) employee! Canines & felines have been eating raw food since creation, certainly pre the corrupt FDA. Science to prove it? Highly doubtful. Science fiction, maybe?

  14. Heather

    June 4, 2015 at 3:42 am

    I hope this isn’t a stupid question, but I am still learning about RAW. I know that the FDA allows diseased animals to be used in kibble, but do they allow diseased animals to be used in commercial RAW food?
    I am currently feeding my puppy Orijen, but I am curious about the RAW diet, as I want the best for my baby.
    Thank you to anyone who can answer my question 🙂

    • Susan Thixton

      June 4, 2015 at 8:31 am

      Yes – the FDA allows USDA condemned meats in any pet food, raw, kibble, can, cooked. There is always a concern of quality of ingredients regardless to the style of pet food. Always ask the company if meat and vegetable ingredients are USDA inspected and approved edible. Some companies try not to respond directly – giving a response such as ‘Yes, we source all our ingredients from USDA facilities’. This doesn’t answer your question – you want to know if ingredients themselves are approved human edible. If they are not USDA inspected and approved human edible, they can be (allowed to be) condemned meats, diseased tissue, putrid meat – and they are treated with a denaturing agent that will also be toxic to a pet.

  15. Margaret gates

    June 4, 2015 at 4:15 am

    This just supports what we have been telling people for years. At Feline Nutrition (, a non-profit advocacy organization) we try to educate pet parents on the benefits of feeding raw meat diets. We strongly discourage people from buying grocery store grounds meats, as the stores are counting on the fact that the meat will be cooked before it is eaten. Commercially made ground raw meat products intended for pets, on the other hand, are processed much differently. The meat is immediately frozen after grinding (and sometimes even ground while it is still frozen) to prevent bacterial proliferation. The makers are acutely aware that their product will be eaten raw, and take every step possible to minimize risk. The difference in bacterial levels really shows how simple measures make a big difference. You have to wonder why we humans don’t deserve the extra care that these pets are getting!

    The meat industry has shifted a great deal of the responsibility for meat safety onto the consumer, by emphasizing the thorough cooking of meat. The bacteria shouldn’t be there in the first place. People in general are terrified of raw meat. Most people have the idea that raw meat itself is inherently dangerous; it isn’t. I believe that people that feed raw meat diets to their pets are in a unique position to influence the meat industry itself. Maybe, once the industry realizes how much human-grade meat is being purchased for pets, and being fed raw, the demand for safer meat will become more of a priority. In my household, we purchase about 10 lbs a month for the humans, and about 90 lbs a month for the pets.

    Bacterial contamination of kibble-type foods is much more dangerous to humans. People who feed raw meat diets to their pets are extremely cautious about safe food handling (because of the well-learned fear of meat that has been drilled into our heads). Instances of humans becoming ill from raw pet food are virtually non-existent. But, people don’t think twice about handling kibble. They don’t feel like they need to go decontaminate themselves after touching it, when maybe they should.

    The benefits of a raw meat diet for pets, cats especially, far outweigh the risks. The FDA is looking to protect humans, not pets, but I wonder if they will look at whether any pets get sick from eating raw foods that test positive? Cats are highly pathogen resistant, they can eat food with normal (note, I said normal, not excessive) bacterial levels and have no ill effects. Cats evolved eating raw meat exclusively and if they hadn’t also evolved the ability to deal with normally occurring pathogens, there wouldn’t be any cats left. Having a zero-tolerance attitude isn’t realistic, or necessary.

  16. Kathryn

    June 4, 2015 at 4:46 am

    I’m getting off the ‘Mona’ train — you just can’t fix stupid.

  17. Mona

    June 4, 2015 at 4:57 am

    It is really interesting how intolerant of other people’s opinions many of you are. What courses in animal nutrition have you all taken? I have two college degrees -spent six years in college concentrating in animal nutrition.

    I am not going to take time to address every single point but I will say that you guys are doing research on the Internet where anybody and everybody writes their opinions and you take them as if they were a Bible.

    Those animals that you claim have been eating raw for thousands of years have had their digestive systems evolve with domestication and their nutrition needs have changed. Nobody stops to think about the wild animals that live in 4 to 5 years and suffer perforations and obstructions mainly because wild animals tend to go in solitude to die.

    There are very few veterinarians that support raw or minimally processed diets; very few. Hmmm I wonder why…

    If raw foods are so great, why is there no money in such industry? If you do not think science has proven raw foods are not beneficial for pets, you might want to start doing your research in veterinary University journals where people actually have studied and have education and are doing Grade 1 research, not just reading what people feel like writing on the Internet.

    I would actually love to work for Hill’s. I think they are a great company, very ethical, and their diets are research-based, not myth-based. I would not, work for Purina though.

    There are no euthanized pets used to make pet food IN REPUTABLE pet food companies, that is nonsense.

    Yes, we do see plenty of pets that come in with issues caused by commercial pet foods but only by those foods that are not balanced and have excess nutrients that exacerbate disease hence why you should not feed your pets any Joe Smith brand, but go with companies that have done research and know what they are doing.

    You are all in an uproar with the FDA and seem to just want to battle what they are doing for X or Y reason and do not realize that foodborne pathogens whose vectors are raw foods are very dangerous to human health. The reason why raw food diets are the ones that are being inspected is because they are the ones that transmit these pathogens; these die with cooking, pasteurization, and during processing.

    Your battle is equivalent to having five barns of which only one has an infestation of roaches and getting all mad because the health department is only inspecting the one that has roaches versus the others.

    You can all continue to do your “research” reading blogs and online websites from any Joe Blow that does not have any formal training or education in animal nutrition but merely states their opinion and eventually all your pets will end up needing prescription diets at one point or another; that is, if they get to live enough years.

    • JH

      June 4, 2015 at 9:48 am

      If raw food is the only food which contains pathogens, I wonder why it’s kibble that gets so many recalls for it? The FDA could only be deemed to have the best interests of humans in mind if they addressed that which has a history of making people sick after being handled…and that is kibble. The poster who stated that people are not aware of the dangers of handling kibble was spot on…and yet the conventional vet community is on a witch hunt for raw despite kibble’s horrible track record. Oh the irony. Sorry, but when the record points in one direction and the conventional vet community doggedly ignores it, it’s not hard to see why considering the money invested in their community by these big interests…. If you think only a FEW vets rec. raw, you are greatly mistaken. Your dismissive attitude towards those who have done their homework is appalling. All I can tell you is that times are changing and more people are waking up to the fact that the big pet food industry does not have the best interests of our animals in mind. Thankfully more vets are starting to pull off those horse blinders they put on in vet school. Clearly the brainwashing runs deeply. A little more open-minded objective observation and less arrogance will get you much further than sticking your head in the sand and refusing to see what’s in front of you. I can tell an aging kibble few dog from a raw one pretty much by sight. The former are the decrepit ones with little energy, decaying teeth, horrible coats and more evident health issues than imaginable. They smell and definitely do not exude vitality. Heartbreaking. I want more for my animals, and I am not alone.

    • Mandy B

      June 4, 2015 at 10:15 am

      I wish vets didn’t believe that their education is the way it is, period, and every new study and advancement should be disregarded. There are plenty of vets and feline/canine nutritionists out there who support raw diets, home-cooked diets, etc. In fact, in cats, eating a diet of only kibble is a leading factor in feline kidney disease. So many people feed only dry kibble to their cats. Why aren’t their vets telling them not to do this? It’s a pet owner’s job to do their own research and find a vet who will support them. I have completely gone against my vet’s advice with my CRF cat after feeding prescription food for years (that she threw up daily – probably allergic to one of the many grains or fillers in the food). Guess what? Her labs are great, and she’s actually gained weight for the first time in years. And I’m taking my business to a new vet who supports raw and homemade diets and HATES “Big pet food” (sorry, I mean FEED). Those vets are out there too.

    • Kristi Johnson

      June 4, 2015 at 11:16 am

      Mona – six years in college concentrating on animal nutrition? I’d like to know what college you went to. I went to the University of Minnesota and got a BS in agriculture. I concentrated on animal nutrition. Hogs, chickens, dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep and turkey. There was a single “animal nutrition” class, the rest focused on specific animals, or forage and forage systems. Did you take two classes over and over?
      We learned what animals destined for slaughter needed to eat at a MINIMUM to produce at a MAXIMUM. The protein, fat and fiber content could come from anything if it met their nutritional needs and didn’t kill them. You, my dear, are full of it.

    • Sarah

      June 4, 2015 at 12:15 pm

      I have to stand with Mona on this one. My biggest problem with raw is simply as you suggest – that there is absolutely no credible science to back it up. It may turn out to be the best thing ever for our pets, BUT NO ONE KNOWS because no credible research has been done yet by any reputable universities or other scientific bodies. It’s all marketing hype saying your dog should eat like a dog in the wild. Sorry, I don’t want that for my dog or cat. It’s one of the reasons I rescue dogs and cats who are outside. Animals (even non-domesticated wolves, wild cats, etc) don’t live very long. Nutritionally, they rarely get what they need to thrive. They are forced to eat what they can find, not what’s best for them. I’d much rather feed my pet a diet developed by a nutritionist who has spent decades studying the true physiological needs of dogs and cats and honing a balanced diet that is going to extend the life of my pets.

      What continues to amaze me is how marketing and investment companies work to create to segments in the pet market so they can make lots and lots of money. And how they do it every single time is by saying, such and such is bad, and this new thing we’ve brainstormed in an advertising agency is now the BEST thing nutritionally for your dog. And because they are very good at communication and very good at scaring pet parents who really do just want what’s best, whole new segments of the industry are created. Is raw good? The marketing companies who have launched them want you to believe this is true. But they are unwilling to do any true science to prove it. Pet parents, why do you trust them? What have they really shown you that proves you are helping your dog long-term? Pointing to what wolves eat in the wild isn’t enough to convince me that my Malti-poo should only eat raw meat. (PS – wolves eat pumpkins, berries, melons and a host of other things besides just meat – try a google image search and you’ll see real pictures of wolves eating all kinds of different things besides raw meat).

      Ask questions!! Read real scientific journals. Find a true pet nutritionist who spent a decade of his life becoming a doctor who specializes in what your dog and cat really needs. Blogs are great, but there is a reason that your kids can’t site a blog as a source in a school paper. There are too many people who proclaim themselves “pet experts” who have no training and no education. First, prove to me that you really are an expert. Second, show me the scientific facts, not your opinions. Then, I’ll listen. I wish more pet parents were willing to hold marketing companies and “blog experts” accountable for the things they proclaim as truth.

      • Susan Thixton

        June 4, 2015 at 2:11 pm

        Being one of those “blog experts” you speak of, I hold advisory position to two AAFCO committees (Pet Food Committee and Ingredient Definitions Committee). I’ve been to every AAFCO meeting for the past four or five years (two meetings a year). I have had numerous private meetings and phone conference meetings with FDA. Having been around the pet food block a bit, I do have some experience to base opinion on.

        I can share with you – based on my personal experience in this industry – that most veterinary nutritionists do not question quality of ingredients. They have no qualms with rendered meat sourced from diseased animals (condemned meat). They only wish to ‘meet the numbers’ of nutritional adequacy. Feed grade, pet grade, inedible ingredients are perfectly acceptable sources of nutrition – per most of those veterinary nutritionists – as long as the pet food meets the numbers. Actually, most veterinary nutritionists work directly for the manufacturers that utilize these waste ingredients. These people say they are evidence based – science based. But there is not one bit of scientific evidence that shows waste inedible meats and vegetables are a superior source of nutrition.

        And as far as science based evidence proving the benefits of raw pet food, Answers Pet Food performed a one year feeding trial with the assistance of a veterinarian. The vets own pets were the study. You might want to look at that. As well, for minimally processed foods – Just Food for Dogs performed a one year AAFCO feeding trial on their foods. The results at the end of the one year were amazing – health benefits to the pets.

        People that adamantly defend raw or minimally processed pet foods do so because most faced a life or death situation with their own pets. They learned the hard way of the benefits to quality food. They saw first hand a pet that came back to health almost from the dead simply from changing their diet to real food. For people that adamantly defend waste ingredient, highly processed food – it is your opinion. But know that this website is people that have learned hard lessons – hard ‘truths about pet food’ – don’t bother trying to change our minds. We won’t go back to feeding our pets recycled garbage.

      • Hope Williams

        June 4, 2015 at 8:13 pm

        Mona and Sara– We are not intolerant, we are impatient with statements like you included in your treatise that have no basis in science either. May I suggest that you take only 5 minutes of your time and look up holistic veterinarian Dr. Ian Billinghurst who has been invited, and spoken around the world and most recently in the USA, to many conventional veterinarian communities about his research and opinion and approach to raw feeding? On a smaller scale look up Dr. Karen Becker who has made quite an impressive reputation for advocating balanced raw feeding using science as her reasoning. Because you don’t know about all the aspects of raw feeding doesn’t make us intolerant. And certainly not ignorant. There are also many references in Susan and Lola’s comments above that might make this an opportunity for you to learn more about how you can make those animal rescues you are doing even healthier. I do wish you and them the best!

    • Lola

      June 4, 2015 at 12:24 pm

      Mona, you have two degrees and spent six years studying animal nutrition and came to the conclusion that processed commercial pet food is best for pets? That’s disheartening, common sense (not the internet) tells me that a balanced diet of whole fresh unprocessed foods would nutritionally exceed a diet of nothing but a heavily commercially processed diet. I bet if I ask any nutritionist or medical doctor, they would most likely agree with me. As to the wonderful scientific studies Hills does, please note they are dripping with biased (since everything is paid for and done by the company themselves, and they only test their food, no comparison testing with other foods is ever done), lacking independent peer reviewed research, and even the FDA has questioned some of their research and claims.

      Some minimal and limited research done on raw diets has shown better digestion over commercial kibbles.

      As to Vets supporting minimally processed or raw pet diets, I’m finding a fair amount that seem to be in favor of it, and that number seems to be growing, including my own vet.

      Vet Dr. Peter Dobias

      Vets Dr. Russel Swift, and Dr. Micheal Fox

      Vet Dr. Doug Knueven

      Vet Dr. John Simon

      Vet Dr. Bruce Syme

      Vet Dr. Patrick Mahaney

      Vet Dr. Michel Selmer

      Vet Dr. Laurie Coger

      Gladesville Veterinary Hospital

      Vet Dr. Jeffrey Levy

      Vet Dr. Rick Saguaro

      Vet Dr. David Hopper

      Vet Dr. Tracy Lord

      Vet Dr. Jodie Gruenstern

      Hawthorne Veterinary Clinic

      Vet Dr. Jean Dodds

      Vet Dr. Marty Goldstein

      Wolf Rock Animal Health Center

      Vet Dr. Nick Thompson

      Vet Dr. Monique Maniet

      Vet surgeon Dr. Tom Lonsdale

      Vet Dr. Andrea Tasi

      Vet Dr. Will Falconer

      Vet Dr. Karen Becker

      Vet Dr. Jean Hofve

      Vet Dr. Greg Martinez

      • Sage

        June 4, 2015 at 5:54 pm

        Lola – Thank you for posting the above list of Vets with web links. I’m not looking for a vet (my cats are so healthy from their natural diets!) but it proves the point that there ARE Vets who think independently and have an understanding of nutrition that goes way beyond Vet school propaganda spewed by the pet food industry. Animals fed healthy safe foods – commercial or home prepared AND who receive minimal vaccinations should live long healthy lives with very few Vet visits required. My personal experience proves this.

    • Grateful

      June 4, 2015 at 1:39 pm

      Mona – cats are strict obligate carnivores. One doesn’t need any higher education at all to know and understand this fact. Their digestive systems have not “evolved” not even a little bit.

    • Louise

      June 4, 2015 at 2:08 pm

      I have also done training in nutrition (as have many others posting here), taught to be by someone that does have formal training and education. Because this person is adament that there will be no conflict of interest in what is being taught, any studies with pet food company involvement or funding are eliminated and only independent studies are used. Training is based on “evidence” and “science”.

      Plus I have done a lot of my own research and yes some of it was done online as most medical/veterinary journals and studies are posted online so that doctors, veterinarians and students have easy access to them. The rest of us are not idiots, we do know the difference between a valid site and those that have sketchy information. The internet is a very useful tool for doing research and most medical practitioners use the internet to do their research.

      Why would you be involved with a site that is called “The Truth About Pet Food” if you are not interested in the truth? Probably because you think you already know the truth but clearly you have been brainwashed into what is being promoted as the truth but is clearly not the truth.

      Please update yourself. For the sake of your pets, if for no other reason.
      Large pet food companies, including Hills, are in this for one reason, PROFIT, the more people they can brainwash along the way the better it is for them and the more money they can make. They are running a business they are not concerned for the welfare of pets, they are concerned with making money.

    • Shawna

      June 4, 2015 at 6:01 pm

      Although this is a representation of what was in 2000, this shows exactly what certain companies are willing to use in their foods (or were willing to use at least).

      Per the FDA’s website “Pro Plan” was a food that was contaminated. I’m assuming that Pro Plan has always been a Purina product?

      I am curious how their “nutrition needs have changed”. Per Waltham, Purina and such, cats AND dogs STILL have no nutritional need, whatsoever, for carbohydrates. There is no minimum requirement for carbs in the AAFCO nutrient profile. A complete and balanced dog and cat food can have zero added carbs – some canned foods are complete and balanced without carbs. CAN they eat carbs – sure. The question at hand is should they, at least should they eat the large amounts that most kibble manufacturers seem to think they should?

      • Sage

        June 5, 2015 at 1:50 am

        Shawna – what an interesting list – I see Purina is well represented. Glad you found it and were able to post the link. Hopefully fans of some of these foods will read this and think about what they are feeding their pets. Maybe they will do some research – this site is a good place to start – then make alternate choices!

    • Nicole

      June 5, 2015 at 12:53 pm

      Mona, Do you also read all the journals released by the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association? Right now the argument is just about traditional medicine vs. holistic. You clearly have subscribed the traditional.

      With such a vast knowledge and experience with pets I strongly encourage you to take a look at some of the journals by the AHVMA. You may find them interesting. I know several vets that are what I call “Hybrid”. They mix traditional medicine with holistic and really appeal to this new generation of pet parents.

  18. Grateful

    June 4, 2015 at 6:42 am

    You know what this is, don’t you? Harassment.

    Big Pet Food is behind this because their profits are being cut into, since people are starting to realize how awful most commercial foods are. People want to feed their pets real food, not the crap being pushed down our throats. If these small raw food companies are shut down from the harassment of the FDA (acting in BPF’s interests), there will be fewer pets in homes. It’s just getting too difficult to feed them properly.

    I know I won’t be having any more pets after my girls are gone. I won’t feed them crap, and feeding them well is getting too difficult.

  19. Abra Karhan

    June 4, 2015 at 9:23 am

    Mona- Regarding the life span of wild canines and felines:

    Do you know that you are talking to people who are well aware that wild animals have been studied, individually identified, tagged, collared, microchipped, etc. for decades? Have you forgotten that average lifespans have been common knowledge, published in books and displayed in documentaries for decades? Do you know how many ranchers can identify individual predators that they can’t control?

    Do you know what you look like right now?

  20. Jill Copenhagen

    June 4, 2015 at 9:37 am

    Good grief, where to start. My old dog finished her life on home made raw milk kefir and pastured eggs. She lost five pounds and quit shedding. Her med was egg shell membrane I peeled from the eggs we ate. Helped her pain with no side effects. Anti-inflammatory. Who knew? Zoe was 14. Xul is my new dog daughter, picked up as a stray at 3 months and into my home and heart at nearly 6. She gets Honest Kitchen base mixed with whatever we’re eating at night. A cup of raw milk kefir after the park. A couple of pastured eggs in her dinner these days, but raw or cooked pastured beef, chub mackerel or whatever. Even quinoa spaghetti. She loves red sauce. Yes, you read right. I eat few grains. She’s better off without them. Even a friend’s little Jack gained too much with even the most exotic grains. It took Xul a full year before her coat felt soft instead of prickly. There’s a nice little book out there called “Feed your Pet Avoid the Vet” written by a vet. I read it before ultimately deciding to feed her as we do, similarly to the book which I recommend.

    Xul also goes to the park most days. She’s really high energy, being, we think, pit and greyhound. We’re not having genetic testing. Good care is expensive and that is frivolous. We’d rather spend on food. All the regulars have been seeing her for 18 months and never get tired of telling us how good she looks. Exercise is important, but without good food can be debilitating. Many dogs at the park are over-weight, dull coats, in need of extensive vet care. Yes, she’s still young, but I expect a long life. A long, healthy life.

    We, too, are on good food. We are much older, but slowly our bodies are changing for the better. Time and expense, but hey, pain is expensive, disability takes time.

  21. Sandra Murphey

    June 4, 2015 at 10:26 am

    Mona, can you comment on these ingredients? How do you feel about GMOs?

    Chicken, Whole Grain Wheat, Corn Gluten Meal, Animal Fat (preserved with Mixed Tocopherols and Citric Acid), Powdered Cellulose, Pea Bran Meal, Dried Egg Product, Wheat Gluten, Dried Beet Pulp, Chicken Liver Flavor, Lactic Acid, Soybean Oil, Calcium Sulfate, Potassium Chloride, Fish Oil, Choline Chloride, Iodized Salt, Taurine, vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate (source of Vitamin C), Niacin Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Riboflavin Supplement, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, Vitamin D3 Supplement), L-Carnitine, minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite), Oat Fiber, Mixed Tocopherols added to retain freshness, Citric Acid added to retain freshness, Phosphoric Acid, Beta-Carotene, Rosemary Extract, Dried Apples, Dried Broccoli, Dried Carrots, Dried Cranberries, Dried Peas

  22. toni

    June 4, 2015 at 11:26 am

    Is this article more BS? Reading it, I couldn’t believe any of it.

    • Susan Thixton

      June 4, 2015 at 11:33 am

      I found that article to be pretty good. Rare for a trade publication.

  23. Lola

    June 4, 2015 at 12:18 pm

    The FDA has in the past done sample testing assignments on commercial kibble and treats for bacterial, not sure that they ever stated a zero tolerance for it, though.

  24. J. Lai

    June 4, 2015 at 3:58 pm

    Funny. They’ll test raw pet food, but they refuse to do anything about “fresh” pet food that has shown up with photographic evidence of mold. Thanks for another brave article Susan.

  25. Andrea

    June 4, 2015 at 5:09 pm

    To those who do not believe that rendered cats and dogs can be present in pet food, I highly encourage watching the following videos. Not for the faint of heart:

    • Andrea

      June 4, 2015 at 5:27 pm

      For some reason, this is only displaying one video. The displayed link leads to another video.

  26. Andrea

    June 4, 2015 at 7:12 pm

    This article just came to mind. Yes, zoo animal remains have been found at rendering plants that process ingredients for animal feed.

  27. Sage

    June 4, 2015 at 7:58 pm


    I recently came across this article with test results (NO not peer reviewed journal published test results) comparing bacteria levels in various foods. The results are interesting and if nothing else, it appears we should rinse fresh foods before we (or our pets) eat them!

  28. Mona

    June 5, 2015 at 3:09 am

    It would be delightful for you to really read what I am writing and not misinterpret everything I have said but obviously that is not possible in a group like this

    You should know by now since you have done so much “research”, It is not kibble that causes kidney issues in cats, but high levels of phosphorus and protein. Pets cannot store protein; it is broken down by the liver and excreted by the kidneys therefore when you feed a pet higher amounts of protein than what they need on a daily basis (yes, even the feline carnivores have a maximum limit they should consume) you are overworking the kidneys and shortening the nephrons’ lifespan.

    It is not food that causes cancer, but everything else around us; carpet fibers, pollution, owners smoking around their pets and them licking the smoke and nicotine particles off their fur, etc.

    When you exceed the key nutritional factors a pet needs in their diet, that will exacerbate disease.

    No, I do not think Pedigree or Beneful are good diets; like I said before, reputable, science-based companies are the ones that manufacture good food, not companies like the manufacturers of Pedigree.

    Science Diet and Purina do not teach nutrition at universities; Professors do. Veterinary students do not get free food from Hil’s or Purina; they do get free food from Royal Canin though.

    Pet food companies just like pharmaceutical companies might sponsor research performed at universities so that they can use the results of the research for the development or promotion of their products. Even when the research results do not prove their product is better they still sponsor it so that they can improve their product. The purpose of sponsoring is not to have results biased in their favor.

    While in college I did research for three years and in our lab we tested products. Our research was sponsored by many pharmaceutical companies whose products were proven in such research to be bad sometimes and others times they were proven to be good; there was no bias whatsoever.

    I was in college for six years yet I graduated with a Bachelor
    Degree in Animal Science and Industry and a Bachelor in Veterinary Nutrition as well as a minor in Veterinary Parasitology and I was not taking the same class twice. I earned two – four-year degrees in six years including a hiatus I took as I was bed-ridden due to an accident for seven months. As a matter of fact, my IQ is 136. I am extremely proud and lucky of my intelligence but as a piece of advice, you might want to be careful what you say to others in the future because that comment could really hurt another person’s feelings. There are people that might have a learning disability and might have actually put a lot of effort into going to school even if it had taken them longer.

    The approach of wanting to offend and insult is not a positive or effective one; it just shows you feel threatened and do not know how to state your points if it is not by attacking others and simply takes credibility away from any statements you can make.

    I am not part of this group; a coworker sent me this link to this article because she was appalled as to what she was reading and I just decided to comment on it which obviously was a mistake. I am all for different opinions yet unfortunately this forum does not provide for an environment where people can express themselves without being attacked. Humans tend to attack what makes them feel threatened and it is obvious that my comments make you feel threatened probably because you do not have scientific proof to support your opinions.

    Sarah is right in everything she stated and I applaud her for that.

    AAFCO does not regulate, test, or approve of pet foods in anyway. Their nutrient profiles are over 25 years old. They do not have a legal definition for holistic or human grade; they deem the terms human edible or human grade when it comes to pet foods misleading and false. These are things that are important to know.

    Susan, no offense because I think your heart is in the right place trying to help pets and owners, but how does going to AAFCO meetings make you an expert in pet nutrition?

    I wish all of you luck and I hope in the future you can learn to exchange opinions without getting so aggressive and offended about it; after all this is a world full of diversity in which differences of opinions help us broaden our knowledge spectrum. After all, we do not know everything.

  29. Jan Beardsley-Blanco

    June 5, 2015 at 11:09 am

    cats as obligate carnivores are unable to utilize plant based nutrients – I may not have a degree in nutrition, but any idiot should be able to figure that out
    IF the pet food companies are so reliable why have they insisted all these years on adding plant based nutrients to cat food? and fatty acids………………another stupid move on their part – cats use arachonic acid – ONLY derived from animal sources……………….they do not have the necessary biological whatevers to convert flax et al, linoleic acid, into arachadonic. No amount of posturing on Mona’s part, or pet food companies’ parts, is going to change that.


  30. Rin Tin Tin

    June 5, 2015 at 2:33 pm

    I’ll never go back to feeding that kibble garbage to my cats, both of my cats are thriving on Primal and NV raw. No more IBD symptoms for my male cat – large stinky stools like PlayDoh that even Hills Rx Ibd couldn’t cure. He also has fhv and yet has no symptoms any more, no runny, goopy eyes requiring lysine daily. In our case, a more bio appropriate diet has been the cure. Both cats had allergies and they are now itch-free with the softest coats and minimal stool waste. FDA, Mona and other naysayers, you have no idea what you are talking about. And if raw is so bad, why are companies like Nat’l Balance, Wellness and Merrick trying to jump on the freeze dried raw bandwagon, adding those bits to their kibble? I’ll never go back to processed foods for my cats. Only an ignoramous would fail to see the myriad ofcontradictions in the FDA’s new policy.

  31. Ash

    June 5, 2015 at 7:53 pm

    What that is very biased and ignorant of the FDA (can’t say I’m surprised though). There is more risk of such bacteria in feeding kibble and canned foods. Raw food has helped one of my cats with her allergies and has helped her gain weight where kibble and canned foods did not help.

  32. Pat O.

    June 5, 2015 at 8:04 pm

    I believe any raw meat contains bacteria. Thus humans are advised to cook their meat to specific temperatures to safely consume it.

  33. theresa wirth

    June 10, 2015 at 9:12 pm

    well, sarah and mona……i guess we should ALL be eating NASA space foods…..after all, they must ALL be nutrionally balanced by multiple “someones” with degrees in nutrition, right? why bother with all of that fresh, whole food available to us at the markets???
    do you understand how relativey new the kibble market is?? less than 100 years. what in heaven’s name were these creatures eating before we realized that we could create a food to sustain them?? PLEASE look at the history of the commercial diet. I am very sorry that you feel “attacked” by those of us who have moved on from the modernization of nutrition for our pets and are returning to the basics.
    You state that you have been in this business for “25 years.” Perhaps you are stuck in the past and not willing to learn that there are new (old) ways of feeding. Remember how eggs were demonized for humans regarding cholesterol?? Faith and Begorra……turns out all that “research” was WRONG and eggs are actually GOOD for humans. PLEASE you are obviously an educated human……look into what we are espousing and use that high IQ (by the way, mine was tested at 142….i’m not an idiot either) and at least have an open mind regarding the information here.
    I believe that nobody here wants to be condescending or rude to you…..we just are passionate about what we have experienced with our own pets, and in my case (since i am blessed to be in a position to teach others) so many OTHER pets ascent to good health once ditching the highly processed cereal that we have been convinced to feed over recent years. Our vet tech spoke DIRECTLY with a leading veterinarian at Science Diet who told her that the “research” is 50!!! years old and it is for “sh*t.” Royal Canin does NONE of it’s own research…it simply piggy backs on Science Diet. hmmmm Science Diet also reserves it’s GMO ingredients for the USA, as Europe doesn’t ALLOW it……even in their pet foods!!!
    I believe we are all just asking you to have an open mind. Believe me, i am stubborn with my beliefs, too. However, we can all learn if we just keep an open mind. If i am ever in doubt, i simply look at my 10 year old border collie, my 9 year old rescue and my 7 year old shiloh shepher (120#’s!!) who are all as active and healthy and VITAL and know that my raw food feeding program is the answer.
    Thanks for listening mona…..truly.

  34. Paul

    August 16, 2015 at 5:54 pm

    I can only speak to whats happening in Canada.

    Raw Pet Food manufacturers are using a very new technology to kill these pathogens in their pet food.
    They use Bacteriophage a natural predator to Salmonella, Listeria and Ecoli. Bacteriophage or phage is host specific and will only kill these strains of bacteria it will not effect the good bacteria or the spoilage bacteria, it takes care of the harmful pathogens.
    Bacteriophage is in every glass of water we drink, fruit and vegetable we eat, its a naturally occurring microorganism not harmful to humans, animals or plants yet very effective against bacteria.

    The bacteriophage is FDA (GRAS), USDA, Health Canada approved, its also Kosher, halal certified.

    Furthermore its approved for use on human food, its the only safe; very effective and environmentally responsible way to get rid of pathogens in food.

    Bacteriophage contains no chemicals and provide a clear label.

    Something to think about next time you facing the wrath of the FDA.


    • Susan Thixton

      August 16, 2015 at 6:39 pm

      Bacteriophages are not as safe and simple as you think. I’ve consulted with animal food experts on this technology and the risk is to the pet. Bacteriophages are a virus – and the concern is that the virus can mutate in the gut of the animal. Here is a post I did on this subject: To me – this process is a band-aid that is more concerned with a clean test by authorities than the end result to the pet.

      • Paul

        August 16, 2015 at 9:44 pm

        Well Susan we have 20 people with PHD’s in Microbiology and one of the US most leading experts in this field they all with various forms of expertise in this field and this group have done extensive studies on Bacteriophage and its behaviour. Bacteriophage does not behave like a common cold virus and I think the reader would be best served with an extensive understanding of phage. (

        If you drink one glass of water you consume billions of these organisms (Viruses) notice any changes…
        No I didn’t think so Phages are highly specific for bacteria, and they can not infect eukaryotic cells; i.e., those of humans/animals and plants. Moreover, one phage can only infect a subgroup of strains within the same bacterial species, without affecting strains of other bacterial species.

        Bacteriophage only purpose in live is to kill bacteria, yes its classified as a virus but its role is very specific.

        I think its important to look at some of the myths out there.

        The Bacteriophage selected for these products are Lytic Phages meaning their function is to destroy the host sell.

        Bacteriophage do not have a high tolerance for very acidic environment like stomach acids. and will become inactive.

        for the last 8 months 100 000 pounds per week of raw pet food across Canada are treated with phage, in the US hundreds of thousand of pound of meat for Hunam consumption are treated with phage.

        Its important to differentiate between harmful and beneficial microorganisms.
        The virus can not mutate because of the type of virus, and furthermore the gut is too acidic for the the phage to survive.

        One of the requirements from the authorities were to make sure we use lytic phages, because they destroy the bacterial cell.

        All the Canadian Manufacturers are very pleased with the results.

        So please remember nor all microorganisms and viruses act the same way.

        • Susan Thixton

          August 16, 2015 at 9:55 pm

          One of my sources that I consulted with is an animal feed forensic scientist. I would put his opinion and education up against as many Phd’s you want to bring forward. I have to assume your sources are looking at the surface – the destruction of bacteria on the product. My sources look at the end results – the pet. I could not find one opinion that agreed this method was safe for animals. I would guess that manufacturers are pleased – because their concern is having the product clean of bacteria. I don’t represent manufacturers – I represent consumers and their pets. Big difference.

        • Susan Thixton

          August 16, 2015 at 10:01 pm

          It also needs to be noted Paul that you represent a company that just happens to sell bacteriophages.

  35. Pingback: Reason #2 to Fire Your Vet: Raw Food Attitude

  36. Brynn

    May 17, 2016 at 2:32 pm

    Mona: All that formal expensive (college) training and not an ounce of common sense. So sad for you and your pets. My animals are now thriving on raw homemade food based on a recipe from Dr. Lisa Pierson, DMV. No more allergies, and problems that needed constant shots and meds from the vet. Just healthy happy playful pets! Please, for the sake of your animals, get a clue!

  37. Paula Hughes

    June 13, 2017 at 4:16 am

    The advent of the FDA is also good for pet food

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