Recently, the FDA added “economically motivated adulteration” of foods to import alerts, a move to notify officials to be on the lookout for products that might not be as they appear. The agency has multiple pages on their website about this type of adulteration, not only for imported foods but for products manufactured in the US.
The FDA defines it as: “Economically motivated adulteration (EMA) includes the substitution, addition, or omission of a substance in a product for the purpose of increasing the apparent value of the product or reducing the cost of its production for economic gain.”
The FDA provides multiple examples of economically motivated adulteration such as: “Olive Oil: Similar to honey and maple syrup, some companies have previously diluted more expensive extra-virgin olive oil with less expensive vegetable oil but sold the mix as pure olive oil at a higher price.”
And the agency provides examples of enforcement action taken against companies that have sold economically motivated adulterated foods, as well as the legal consequences suffered by the companies: “a father and son who ran Casey’s Seafood were sentenced to prison for repackaging foreign crab meat as blue crab caught in the U.S.”
There is another example of economically motivated adulteration that is 100% FDA’s fault, with no legal consequences experienced by any company profiting from the fraud. Many feed grade pet foods.
The FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine states: “we do not believe that the use of diseased animals or animals that died otherwise than by slaughter to make animal food poses a safety concern and we intend to continue to exercise enforcement discretion.”
The FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine is the sole decision maker that allows reduced cost substituted (and illegal) ingredients in pet foods that appears to be of greater value on pet food labels providing significant economic gain of pet food manufacturers.
Which results in ingredients sourced from this:

or this:

or this:

To be sold to consumers packaged like this:

and like this:

Evidence of economic motivation:
How much would a consumer pay for a pet food labeled truthfully like this (or would they even purchase it)?

Opinion: No pet food consumer would buy it, which is why it is hidden from consumers.
There is no doubt. Because the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine allows pet food manufacturers to source inexpensive (and illegal) substitute ingredients while marketing their foods with no disclosure to the truthful quality of ingredients – they are allowing these manufacturers to profit from selling adulterated pet foods. It is plain and simple FDA enabled economically motivated adulteration.
It is a federal crime recognized in all foods…except pet food.
Feed free to express your opinion about non-disclosed illegal ingredients resulting in economic gain of pet food manufacturers to FDA at:
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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T Allen
June 10, 2024 at 7:38 pm
I subscribe to Consumer Labs (, an independent company that tests and reports on herbs, spices, supplements, and even olive oil. I always check it before buying buying any new product and read every weekly newsletter for health warnings and recommendations as to the cleanest, safest product and dosing. It’s not cheap at $95 for a 2 year subscription but considering how many products they review that end up being “not recommended” it’s worth every penny! The number of products that do not contain the ingredients, or amounts of ingredients listed is shocking. And this is for human products. If human food is this bad there is no way anyone should be feeding their pets “pet food”. Even human grade is highly suspect in my opinion.
June 19, 2024 at 8:02 pm
This is beyond disturbing.
June 20, 2024 at 12:50 am
So the The FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine states: “we do not believe that the use of diseased animals or animals that died otherwise than by slaughter to make animal food poses a safety concern? Really? Are you out of your minds? Why don’t the veterinarians who stated that eat those diseased animals & those that don’t die within the slaughter process? Oh, maybe we can go back a decade or so when US school lunch programs fed slaughtered downed cows to school children. Remember that?
After decades of bitching about DDD dying dead diseased animals in our pets food, according to this article nothing has changed. Maybe the FDA Veterinarians who approve this use of pets should try it for their families for 6 months? Honestly if you eat sick food on and on, even if it’s recalled vegetables how do you think your family of humans would deal with it? This is Criminal & charging pet owners in the US billions per year in pet food that should be the upmost in quality, veterinary bills, early loss of pet’s lives, and frankly fraud to every US company that sells this protein slurp. I realize that many pet food companies are trying their best in this realm, but it all starts at the top (FDA). Totally UNACCEPTABLE!
Mary Wing
June 23, 2024 at 8:49 pm
Horrible,. Human greed, in this country disgusts me. How can people really live with themselves?
Mary Wing
June 23, 2024 at 8:51 pm
Horrible,. Human greed, in this country disgusts me. How can people really live with themselves? I totally agree with the last commentor. Sickening..