From the Dogswell website:
“During routine testing of our products, the New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets (NYSDAM) discovered that a sample of our Dogswell Happy Hips Chicken Breast Jerky contained trace amounts of an antibiotic residue that has not been approved for use in the United States. It is important to note that this antibiotic is accepted for use in other countries (including the European Union), and there is no evidence that products containing trace amounts of this antibiotic pose a health risk for pets or humans. Since we were notified by the NYSDAM the week of July 22nd, we have made the decision to voluntarily withdraw Chicken Breast and Duck Breast jerky under the Breathies, Happy Heart, Happy Hips, Mellow Mut, Shape Up, Veggie Life, Vitality, and Vitakitty brands that are labeled with a “Best Before” date of January 28th, 2015 or any earlier date. The vast majority of these products were distributed before March 1st of this year. No other products are affected.
Since January, we have been using state-of-the-art testing procedures to ensure that our chicken and duck products do not contain these or other unapproved antibiotics. All chicken and duck breast jerky products with a “Best Before” date of January 29, 2015 and later have been fully tested for and do not contain these antibiotics.
It is important that you know that all Dogswell and Catswell products remaining on the market are safe to feed as directed.
We have issued a press release to make our consumers like you aware of the situation. We also identified the stores that received the product, and contacted them to destroy any affected products in their possession (if any).
We are doing everything we can to resolve this situation quickly and ensure that our consumers like you can feel confident feeding Dogswell and Catswell products to their companions, as we do here.
To learn more about the affected product, we invite you to read our “frequently asked questions” below. If you would like to speak with someone live, you can call us at 1-888-559-8833 or email us at If we are unable to get to your call or it is after hours, please leave us a message and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
We thank you, our valued customers, for your understanding, and we hope to be able to regain your trust.
Brad Armistead
Frequently Asked Questions
What products are being withdrawn by Dogswell and Catswell?
Dogswell and Catswell are voluntarily withdrawing Dogswell and Catswell brand jerky treats made with chicken or duck with a ”Best Before” date of January 28th, 2015 or any earlier date.
Why are Dogswell and Catswell withdrawing these treats?
We were recently notified by the New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets (NYSDAM) that a batch of our Happy Hips Chicken Jerky treats contained trace amounts of an antibiotic residue that has not been approved for use in the United States. Therefore, the company decided to withdraw any chicken or duck jerky treats that have not been tested for this antibiotic.
Have there been any reports of pets getting sick from eating treats that contain this antibiotic?
There is no evidence that products containing trace amounts of this antibiotic pose a health risk for pets.
How can I tell if I have a product that is affected by the withdrawal?
First, you should check the name of the front of the package. If it says anything other than Chicken Breast or Duck Breast, it is not a part of this withdrawal.
If your package does say Chicken Breast or Duck Breast, you should turn the package over. In the bottom right hand corner of the package printed in black ink on the seam, you should find the words “Best Before”. After “Best Before” is a series of eight numbers, such as:
07262015 or 07/26/2015
This number would be translated to the date July 26, 2015 (07 for July, 26 for the day of the month, and 2015 for the year). The products affected by this withdrawal are for “Best Before” dates of January 28th, 2015 or any earlier date (which would read as 01282015 or 01/28/2015). Any product with a “Best Before” date after that time has been tested for unapproved antibiotics and has been cleared.
If you find that you have a product that is affected, please call us for a full refund at 1-888-559-8833.
If you are having trouble determining if you have the product that was affected, or if you would like to speak with us directly about a full refund, please contact us directly at 1-888-559-8833 or email us at
I just went to the store and saw your products there. Why is there so much Dogswell product on the shelf there if it has been withdrawn?
As of January, we have been using state-of-the-art testing on each batch of chicken and duck jerky to ensure that they do not contain these unapproved antibiotics. All of the products that you see on the shelf have passed testing and were approved to be sold.
Call us directly if you have any concerns or questions about DOGSWELL® products. We’re here until 5:00 PM PST Mon-Fri 888-559-8833.”

Debbie Latchum
July 27, 2013 at 10:26 am
I have evidence that they are dangerous to dogs. I was feeding the chicken to my pack and all became very sick. I contacted Dogswell and their reply was sorry your dogs are sick but it’s not from our treats. It was the only treat I was giving and I was making their food. The one rescue that was the sickest is now 4 yrs old and has kidney failure. I adopted her when she was 4 months old and healthy. I contacted Dogswell July 2011 about this issue and I was blown off. I through the entire lot of 30 bags away that I had purchased. Dogswell told me to return them to the store where I got them from but it had been longer than 30 days since purchase and the store would not give my money back, so all was trashed. Do not ignore this recall.
July 27, 2013 at 11:06 am
That’s horrible. I hope your digs are all ok. Thank you for sharing this with us.
July 27, 2013 at 11:07 am
July 27, 2013 at 2:34 pm
this is totally disgusting – i am sorry your dog was sick over this.
i do hope all you pet food manufacturers start doing the right thing and stop having your products made in china! is a few pennies really worth killing our pets?
July 27, 2013 at 11:15 pm
How much were you feeding or how many dogs did you have? 30 bags?! Even if they were good and healthy treats, it can’t be healthy to feed any treat in large quantities.
October 22, 2013 at 6:04 pm
Two of my shar pei died of kidney failure in late 2011 after eating Dogswell Happy Hips Chicken Jerky. I do not buy anything for my pets which is made in China; not treats, not food, not toys, collars, leashes, etc. I don’t know that the Dogswell treats contributed to their death, but I’m not taking any chances.
July 27, 2013 at 10:42 am
Question: “Have there been any reports of pets getting sick from eating treats that contain this antibiotic?”
Answer: “There is no evidence that products containing trace amounts of this antibiotic pose a health risk for pets.”
Notice that the question was not answered. Thanks Dogswell. You are off to a bad start. You asked to regain our trust and this is not the way to do that.
Pingback: 2013 Pet Food and Supplement Issues & Recalls | Little Big Cat
July 27, 2013 at 11:23 am
If I am not mistaken these Dogswell treats are Made in China. Look at the back of the bag….personally I do not trust anything coming out of China!
joan smith
July 27, 2013 at 2:26 pm
My female Boxer has had bladder issues for quite some time..makes me want to cry!! I am afraid to buy most treats since so many come from China!!
July 27, 2013 at 5:12 pm
I’m super picky about anything I feed my dogs, including treats. The ingredients from China scare me! I would highly recommend Zuke’s dog treats. I don ‘t feed my dogs anything else because I’m too paranoid lol. They carry them at Petco, PetSmart (Canada & US), Wegmans and Pet Supplies Plus. I’ve been feeding them to both of my dogs for ages, they’re healthy and they love them! I’ve found that they’re about $4/bag (except for the Hip Action ones, but that’s because they contain a supplement for dogs with hip issues) which I think is pretty good.
(From Zuke’s website) All of our products are guaranteed made in the USA and all of the meat, fruit, and veggies are sourced from the USA as well (with the exception of the Rabbit and the Venison, which come from New Zealand).
July 27, 2013 at 2:36 pm
start making your own treats and your own dog food as these pet food companies care more for the $$$$$ than they do about our pets
people just need to start reading the labels and anything made in china put back on the shelf and buy made in america only
July 28, 2013 at 4:03 pm
Yes, made in China. Some of their product is made in the US, but if a company is not making ALL of their products in the USA, I will never ever give them to my dogs. There are plenty made here… whom we should support anyway to keep jobs here on our shores!
July 28, 2013 at 5:08 pm
it is really hard to find our own made products – so we need to look really hard at the labels
chuck harris
July 27, 2013 at 11:54 am
Where are these treats manufactured and better still where are the ingredients sourced?
July 28, 2013 at 4:16 pm
Where do you think? China. USA company, but many of their products are imported from China. It’s in small print on the packaging.
Greg Smalley
July 27, 2013 at 12:34 pm
@Chuck & others– I’ve frequently purchased the following Dogswell products and never read the label closely until now, because I’ve long trusted the Dogswell brand for canned dog food. Shame on me for my trust. Every one of these packages listed below indicates that they are made in China (not all are subject to the recall); I am never buying these again:
~Dogswell Happy Heart Chicken Breast Dog Treats
~Dogswell Vitality Chicken Breast Dog Treats
(Both of the above products proclaim “NO Antibiotics” on the front label)
~Dogswell Happy Hips Lamb & Rice Dog Treats
~Dogswell Vitality Tilapia Dog Treats
These are just the packages I have on hand; Dogswell makes (or probably just imports) others (Salmon, cat treats, other “Vitality” branded treats, etc.) that should also be checked.
July 28, 2013 at 4:17 pm
If any US company makes any food products in China, whether for humans, canines, felines or ANY living being, they will NEVER get my dollars.
July 28, 2013 at 5:03 pm
hate to say this betsy but IMO there are probably 90% of the big food companies that do business with china. same with the other big non food companies. they are getting richer by having it all done in china while we and our animals are getting sick
July 27, 2013 at 12:39 pm
It is my understanding, also, that these treats are made in China. I looked at them a while back for my Dachshunds, but when I saw “China” I quickly returned the package to the shelf, and mentally added Dogswell to my DO NOT ALLOW IN THE HOUSE list.
chuck harris
July 27, 2013 at 12:51 pm
I suspected the treats were made in China. Thanks Libby for the heads-up.
I used to use Dogswell but started using veggies and a little fruit as snack for my dog. Also, Flossies.
Susan Thixton
July 27, 2013 at 12:50 pm
These treats are imported from China by Dogswell. Plus (more on this soon) they import from the very same Chinese manufacturers that Milo’s Kitchen imported from – which were recalled in January of this year because of illegal antibiotic drug residues. Our consumer association (Association for Truth in Pet Food) provided FDA and each State Department of Agriculture (yes, all 50 states) with copies of import documents proving this. But not one agency did anything to protect the public.
July 27, 2013 at 1:28 pm
Dogswell is outrageously deceptive and they have had ‘residues’ of different kinds on their meat for years. One of my dogs almost died from inflammatory bowel disease while eating their meat strips on a regular basis. After I stopped feeding any Dogswell meat strips, my dog’s inflammatory bowel disease healed, but then he died of stomach cancer about a year later. They used to have the words ‘Made in China’ written in regular size type on the front of the bag, but they now have it in tiny type and hidden among a bunch of other words on the back of the bag where you would never see it if you didn’t know it was there. Years ago, when I encountered powdery residue on the meat strips, I had the dog food store call the Dogswell company and they said that the supplements like Vitamin E and glucosamine and chondroitin are sprayed on the hot meat. I don’t know what heat does to glucosamine and chondroitin, but I know it makes Vitamin E rancid and ineffective. What does it take to make companies like this act with integrity and in the best interest of the dogs and cats who eat their foods? And why do all the stores still carry these meat strips, knowing that they are made in China and that there are problems with them? Unfortunately, I know the answer: the Dogswell line of meat strips is a big seller. But if enough people would stop buying them, we could get stores to stop carrying them. Please spread the word far and wide about these products–among your friends, on your Facebook pages, and anywhere else where you can educate the public about them.
July 27, 2013 at 1:38 pm
I knew it! Back when I read the report about dogswell being manufactured in those Chinese plants I reached out to my holistic store owner about her carrying them and she assured me that her dogswell rep assured her that there is nothing to worry about with them and the dogswell rep even wrote me back trying to assure me that nothing was wrong with the treats or could ever possibly be wrong with them just because of China because of course they use the best of ingredients and I’m like hello what about contamination from other products made in the same plant? Do you really think you can trust them to clean and sanitize the equipment properly? Yeah right. I never bought them and frankly I just don’t buy jerky now anymore at all because even all the made in the USA ones were getting recalls for salmonella.
July 27, 2013 at 7:21 pm
Just an FYI – Dogs rarely get salmonella poisoning due to their short digestive tracts (they would naturally eat raw meat anyways). Salmonella recalls are generally for humans since we can get it easier and some people don’t wash their hands after they feed their dogs so they get sick.
ALSO – as Susan has pointed out… The FDA is on a witch hunt targeting domestic pet companies and complacently standing by when Chinese companies are importing treats while not letting the FDA test their facilities. At least USA made treats are not showing up with illegal antibiotics (funny when you look at Dogswell’s package and it says “NO Antibiotics”).
joan smith
July 27, 2013 at 2:30 pm
Thankyou CB!! I am going to tell everyone I know..this is an outrage!
July 27, 2013 at 3:24 pm
OMG…I’ve been buying those because I thought they were made in the US but your right….buried in the copy on the back is the “made in china”…….
Is their can food made in the US?
I am just stunned……
July 27, 2013 at 5:27 pm
We buy our dehydrated liver treats from the Mercola site ( Organic liver is used and our dogs love them. Also love their bones. Karen Becker(holistic vet) is our go-to source for our dogs (raw fed) and her newsletter is one I never miss. Another great option is the Three Dog Bakery — or make your own from their recipes (Dehydrators are fairly inexpensive). Dehydrated carrots, organ meats, fruits, etc… are great alternatives and you have no doubt where it comes from so no worries there. So very sorry for the losses of life and health that others here are incurring. It angers me all over again.
July 27, 2013 at 6:19 pm
People need to be educated to read the labels of all pet food products to find out where they are made. If anything says Made in China DO NOT BUY IT. Even if made in the U.S. I will ask where they source certain ingredients if they are not Certified Organic. If they don’t want to tell you, I won’t buy their product. You may pay a little more purchasing higher quality food and treats, but in the long run you won’t risk having a sick dog and vet bills. It is so wrong that the U.S. allows any pet food product manufactured in China into our country. If you want to be sure what’s in your dog’s snacks, make them yourself. There are great, easy recipe books and a lot of the ingredients you may already have in the pantry. It’s a fun activity to do with your kids too. Teaching our children how to treat their pet is so important. Your dog will love you even more.
July 28, 2013 at 7:52 am
i do my best to buy organic fruits and veggies for my bird. you are right debbie they are more expensive but worth every extra penney
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
July 27, 2013 at 7:44 pm
Interestingly, the company also recalled some foods in 2012 because they were contaminated with Propylene Glycol. Though the Pet Poison Helpline lists Propylene Glycol (an anti-freeze ingredient) as poisonous, the FDA still allows it in dog food (but not cat food), as well as in a variety of human foods (e.g., ice cream, custard, etc.), as well as body care products. In this case
July 28, 2013 at 7:53 am
the FDA allows a lot of poisons in our food for some reason and i will never understand why
July 27, 2013 at 9:23 pm
Just bought a dehydrater. I am so sick of these recalls that I decided to make my own treats. So easy!! Just slice any protein you choose and put them in the dehydrater. They take about 7-12 hrs. depending on what you choose. I have done chicken, turkey and sweet potatoes. All 3 dogs love them and so do my neighbors dogs. Check your local stores with your 20% coupon it is about $50. The best part is peace of mind knowing where they came from.
Diane Rise
July 27, 2013 at 9:46 pm
Also take note of the pet food products out of China that are also labeled…”Irradiated”.
July 27, 2013 at 10:14 pm
We have a rescue who has multiple medical issues. We are absolutely fanatic about what we feed her. We make sure whatever she gets is organic, US sourced and US produced. There are several products out there. It just takes time to search and find the stuff, but it’s well worth it. We buy absolutely nothing from China; it’s difficult but it can be done. Whatever you do, READ THE LABELS.
July 27, 2013 at 10:49 pm
I’m not surprised about this recall. After losing my favorite dog in the world (Raleigh – aka Squishy) to cancer two years ago (he was only six), I will no longer buy any treats made in China. We suspected dog treats, but weren’t able to confirm anything. For kibble, I no longer buy food from the U.S. (too many recalls). I do buy treats though. For kibble, I buy Orijen Six Fish. For treats, I buy Darford, Sams Yams, and Snooks. I wish I had been more educated about food when Squishy was still alive, and of course, before he was diagnosed with cancer.
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
July 28, 2013 at 6:02 pm
Please remember that dog food in the USA can be made of ground-up diseased carcasses, ground-up euthanized pets bought from vet clinics, road kills, etc., contain massive amounts of grain fillers (when’s the last time a dog in the wild, or its ancestor the wolf, munched in a field of corn or wheat, or cooked white rice for dinner?), the whole thing masked by massive amounts of toxic chemicals to make it smell good. The FDA even allows certain amount of Salmonella in pet food! Know where your food comes from. Even though I sell human-grade, certified organic, pet food, I still recommend that you feed your dog food cooked at home (grass fed and finished – the latter is important as most grass fed beef gets finished at feed lots and eat GMO corn during the last 90 days of their lives), mashed pumpkins or squash, etc. (no grains).
July 28, 2013 at 11:52 pm
I entirely understand your thinking. That’s why we no longer buy dog food from the U.S. I would love to feed our dogs food cooked at home, but both of our pups have major allergies. That’s why we went with Orijen Six Fix (made in Canada with human grade fish and no grains). I would love to cook them fresh fish every day, but it’s not feasible. However, I do give the pups organic carrots and mashed organic pumpkin with their kibble. On special occasions though, I cook salmon and baked sweet potatoes for them. After Squishy was diagnosed with cancer, I cooked his food each day (organic ground beef or organic ground chicken with organic veggies). I appreciate your honesty about grass feed beef and organic foods. That’s all we buy for ourselves.
July 29, 2013 at 10:18 am
Sandra — don’t cook the fish! Your dogs might do just fine with the fish raw (they were designed to eat it that way) and it will save you time so you can feed raw efficiently. Also consider consulting with a Chinese Medicine vet. Beware the convention vet who “does acupuncture” –most have taken a weekend course and don’t understand the true system of Eastern medicine and how to really practice acupuncture. Check out The Chi Institute to find a truly trained practitioner in your area. Allergies don’t have to be a life sentence and all the crazy meds many vets prescribe don’t resolve the problem, they only mask the symptom (hmmmm – sounds like 80% of the human doctors I know!) If you can’t find someone you feel comfortable with, I can recommend someone who is a miracle worker (IMO) in Florida.
July 29, 2013 at 12:30 pm
I am a huge proponent of raw feeding, but I would NOT feed raw salmon. There is a particular parasite which cannot be guaranteed to be eliminated with freezing (unless for a specific period of time and under certain conditions) and it’s particularly lethal to dogs. Check out holistic vet Karen Becker’s link on this:
July 29, 2013 at 10:06 pm
Lisa – Not sure about this after what I’ve been reading about salmon. I will check into it though.
Thanks for the information about The Chi Institute. I just looked at the site, and there is a practitioner very close to our home! Concerning meds, I don’t believe in them. One of our dogs is seeing a certified dermatologist, and although I trust his advice about food, we don’t give Ellery the meds that are prescribed. Like you, I think that though only mask the problem(s).
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
July 29, 2013 at 10:38 am
Hi Sandra:
Orijen is indeed very good. The addition of the sweet potato, or even a squash or pumpkin, is great and can be done on a daily/nightly basis as it is quite inexpensive and easy to do. Some organic berries (remember that there are different “varieties” of the organic seal and the USDA’s is not the “highest”) would also be excellent.
chuck harris
July 29, 2013 at 2:48 pm
Sandra, it is apparent you have a solid commitment to your dog’s health, but kibble is not the way to go, grain-free with better meat ingredients or not. There simply is no such thing as a “good kibble.” Feeding raw IS the way to go and if you can’t afford that at least feed a high quality canned food. Even the best kibble has major health downsides, one of which is tooth tartar. Many pet owners think that the crunchiness of kibble helps their pets prevent tartar, when the opposite is true. Kibble adheres to the gum line and actually causes tooth tartar, but the live enzymes in raw foods absolutely prevents tartar. I know of what I speak as a former owner of a raw pet food company who received many pet owner calls and emails about how their pets never had to have another expensive dental cleaning under anesthesia after starting a raw diet.
July 29, 2013 at 8:56 pm
Kibble is not for everyone. Raw is not for everyone. What quickly turns people off of one or the other is people telling them that there is only one right choice. Do what’s best for you and your pet. Offer guidance when asked for. Telling a person what’s best to feed their dog when you have never met or examined their dog is equivalent to an Internet vet trying to diagnose your pet’s health. It just isn’t what’s best for an animal. Don’t any one person take this personally, but those of you who preach the ‘only one possible option’ idea about food risks the health of pets everywhere whether you’re preaching kibble or raw. Education not preaching is key.
chuck harris
July 29, 2013 at 9:44 pm
Not preaching. Just passing along information, so pet owners have some additional documented facts with which to make decisions about what is the best for their pets.
July 30, 2013 at 9:09 am
i agree – preaching something to somebody is not an answer. i believe most people are aware of the dangers of pet food made in china and everybody has their own way of dealing with it. one persons way may not work for the other
July 29, 2013 at 10:01 pm
I appreciate your comments, but don’t agree. Sure, a raw diet is great, but it doesn’t work for our pups. I’ve not aware of any high quality canned food, otherwise, I would try them. However, we do buy Darford canned toppers (I think they are sardines or whitefish), and give that to our dogs once a week for a special treat. I do understand your concern about tooth tartar and thanks for the explanation. Our dogs’ teeth and gums look great, but it might be because they love chewing on antlers!
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
July 29, 2013 at 10:29 pm
Try Cornucopia. All made in the USA, ingredients sourced in the USA. No fillers. No by-products. All human-grade, certified organic. Dr. Broderick personally eats each batch after it is produced. You can buy it either from me ( – free shipping) or directly from Cornucopia Pet Foods ( – lower price, but with shipping it should come out to the same price).
Peter G
July 30, 2013 at 9:15 am
Is Cornucopia totally grain-free? We have an EPI dog who may not have ANY grain, otherwise SIBO rears its ugly head. [Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth]
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
July 30, 2013 at 12:47 pm
You might also want to try pasture-raised, grass-finished, beef neck bones cut into quarters. When we buy them from the local butcher, they have more meat than bones. It’s almost like a steak. They do chew on the bones though and their teeth are sparking clean. We buy ours for $2.99/pound from a butcher that deals directly with the farmer. He pasture raised his cows, doesn’t send them to a feedlot and has local mobile slaughterhouse finish them. No cattle prods, no standing in foot-deep manure, no scary ramp to go up to.
Peter G
July 30, 2013 at 9:11 am
Just be careful that they don’t crack their teeth on the antlers. That happened to our dog!
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
July 30, 2013 at 12:44 pm
Hi Peter. Yes, totally grain free. Here are the ingredients for the chicken and egg dinner:
Chicken (Human grade and certified organic)
Chicken Liver (Human grade and certified organic)
Salmon (Human grade and wild caught)
Beef liver (Human grade and certified organic)
Sardines (Human grade and wild caught)
Chicken broth (Human grade and certified organic)
Tomato paste (Human grade)
Whole eggs (Human grade and certified organic)
Brewers yeast (Human grade and certified organic)
Salt (Minimal amount)
Locust bean
A mixture of natural vegetable thickening agents and gels to bind the ingredients producting a neatly fomed loaf.
Natural vegetable color
Vitamin mix
Mineral mix
Animal by-products – “Animal by-products are what’s left of the slaughtered animal after the edible parts have been removed. They include the waste of meat processing not intended for human consumption. These may include: Feet, Backs, Livers, Lungs, Heads, Brains, Spleens, Frames, Kidneys, Stomachs, Intestines, and Undeveloped eggs (i.e., embryos). Animal by-products can also be legally be used for pet food even when they are handled improperly for human consumption. For example, giblets must be refrigerated immediately after slaughter. Likewise, dead-on-arrival animals and other condemnedparts that are declared unfit and inedible for human consumption are legal to use in pet foods.
By-product meal – A concentrated protein meal made by over-cooking inedible by-products which are not processed into pet food are cooked into a stew (a process called “rendering”) at very high temperatures to cook away the water content. The fat is then skimmed off and the residue is baked producing a concentrated protein meal. When the by-product meal is not named (e.g., chicken by-product meal) instead using generic-sounding names (e.g., meat by-product, animal by-product, etc.), the by-product meal may contain: roadkill, dead zoo animals, dead-on-arrival poultry, diseased and dying livestock, euthanized pets from shelters.
Artificial flavors – Artificial flavors are usually used by certain pet food manufacturers to mask the odors of the toxic chemicals within the “food.” The vast majority are chemicals that are known carcinogens. Benzaldehyde, formerly used as a pesticide and a solvent, is now used for artificial cherry and almond flavors.
Artificial coloring – As with artificial flavors, they are used by certain pet food manufacturers to entice a dog to eat the “food.”The negative effects of these chemicals range from personality changes and allergic reactions to tumors of the bladder, thyroid and kidneys. Moreover, these are totally unnecessary as your dog will happily any color food. They are added to visually please you, not your pet.
MSG – Monosodium Glutonate is used to enhance flavor, making food more appealing to your pet. Some of the reported effects of MSG are: abdominal pain, irritability, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, numbness of extremities and hyperactivity.
Sodium Nitrite – Usually listed as a preservative, it acts as a flavor enhancer as well as a preservative. Sodium nitrite has been known to lead to the formation of nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic. Some animals are also allergic to these chemicals. An allergic reaction may include dizziness, panting and wheezing, disinterest in food and nausea.
Fillers – These, whatever they are, have little or no nutritional value. They are simply a cost-effective way to take up space and are usually the parts of grains left over on the threshing floor after the nutritional segments of grain are processed for human consumption. Products used as fillers in food include: corn gluten meal, peanut hulls, wheat shorts, powdered cellulose or sawdust, soybean meal and beet pulp. Peanut hulls and powdered cellulose have zero nutritional value. They are pure filler and do your pet about as much good as eating cardboard! All of products can cause intestinal blockage and other problems.
July 30, 2013 at 12:11 pm
For those wondering how to read ingredient labels to be sure you are getting what you need:
The above are from holistic vet Karen Becker, and she knows whereof she speaks. When raw feeders refer to raw as “species appropriate” that’s because it is. It has the moisture content needed for animals. That’s not opinion. It’s fact. I used to be defensive about the kibble I fed, until I learned better…. Please keep an open mind and read, read, read from objective sources not tied to the pet food industry and from those who have studied nutrition apart from vet school brainwashing. It’s the best thing you can do for your furbabies!
July 31, 2013 at 3:48 pm
You are, of course, correct Chuck. Kibble by its very nature is not species-appropriate nutrition. It has been cooked to death to the point that nutritional value must be sprayed back on — and that’s the least of the problems! It does not have the 70% moisture content needed by companion animals, and those eating a kibble diet often develop renal problems — sometimes fatally. Couple that with the fact that commercially prepared pet food diets exist for the sole purpose of providing an outlet for anything deemed inedible to humans and you have a recipe for disaster with your companion animal footing the bill. The key to feeding a raw diet is balance. There are numerous books and resources to help one do that and it’s neither difficult nor expensive. There are also some wonderful companies which provide raw diets already prepared. Holistic vets are pretty united in their views on what constitutes a species-appropriate diet — and it’s not kibble!
G Willie
July 30, 2013 at 1:43 pm
Sandra, I read what you wrote about Orijen: “made in Canada with human grade fish and no grains)….
I hope you understand that Champion uses fish offal in all their Orijen products – the “waste” that remains of the fish after the fish fillets have been removed.
If you have any doubts, here is the suppliers’ newsletter wherein they proudly announce that they now make hundreds of thousands on the refuse – for which, formerly they had to pay for disposal. They have supplied Champion since 2005.
To be clear, Champion uses fish BY-PRODUCTS in all their Orijen editions.
If you phone them, ask. I did…and was told: ‘Well, it is “minced fish” that we get from them and use…THEY call it by-products, but, it’s really minced fish’.
Hmmmmmmmmm…’wonder if McDonalds uses “minced fish” in their fish sandwiches….
Now, I’m sure that there’s good protein and probably lots of Omega’s in those Orijen products….BUT, there sure isn’t the kind of fish that “we buy for ourselves”!
…just so you know, and are not hoodwinked by their far-less-than-honest-new-age-marketing BS.
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
July 30, 2013 at 2:06 pm
Well shoot, and here I was thinking that I had been feeding my dogs correctly with Orijen, and at almost $90/bag too! Glad that I switched to Cornucopia and feeding them grass-fed and grass-finished neck bones supplemented with wild-caught sardines packed in water. Thanks for heads up.
Peter G
July 31, 2013 at 9:38 am
Generally, there is a feeling going around that it is not safe to feed animals any food based on top of the line fish, such as tuna, salmon, etc, because of the high amount of mercury in the food. Bottom of the line, such as anchovies, sardines and krill are OK becuse they don’t accumulate mercury like the top of the food chain predators.
July 30, 2013 at 11:19 pm
Thank you for that tidbit. I would’ve thought Champion would’ve had them sign a confidentiality agreement.
July 27, 2013 at 11:26 pm
Don’t you love that Dogswell says the antibiotics aren’t harmful to pets yet states that all the products remaining for sale are safe. Kind of implies that the products that were withdrawn were indeed not safe. Also, very tricky that they’re doing a voluntary withdrawal, not a recall. That way they can safely say that they didn’t have a recall. And they got this new testing equipment yet are only testing duck and chicken products?! Why not anything else? Finally, a Dogswell sales rep assured me last year that they bought their chicken from quality Chinese manufacturers, not the same as all these other Made in China chicken treats. Trust has flown the coop. 🙁
July 28, 2013 at 4:14 am
I corresponded with Dogswell about two years ago when the mysterious chicken jerky treat issue first came up and I had just purchased some Dogswell chicken jerky at Target only to get it home and discover it was made in China. This was right before I made the switch to home cooked foods. Dogswell’s attitude in their correspondence was so arrogant to me and dismissive (along the lines of “there could NEVER be any problem with our product!”) so thoughtless and just downright illogical…. that I completely lost any faith in their company and returned the treats to Target and delivered several printouts of the jerky warning to the Target store manager and asked her to pull the treats from the shelf. They didn’t but every little bit helps in the cause I think. I’ve never liked the company as a result. Sorry innocent pets as usual are the ones who pay the price.
G Willie
July 28, 2013 at 12:09 pm
What a crowd of slimebags!!!!!!!!!!!!
Notice of this recall is BURIED DEEP INSIDE BOTH WEBSITES!
No, no…..don’t openly, honestly and forthrightly post ANY of this on your HOMEPAGES….not so much as a “discrete” cautionary ‘flag’ to be found there….no, no….hide it away under “Quality Assurance”………..well, some bloody ASS-urance that is!
Peter G
July 29, 2013 at 10:35 am
Make your own treats. Buy some thin-sliced Chicken breasts, boil them for 15-20 minutes, cool them off overnight in the fridge, slice thinner any that need to be thinner and then dehydrate them for about 12 hours. Safest way to go, and it’s quite convenient. A dehydrator can be bought on the ‘Net for about $30. You can also dehydrate them in your oven at its lowest setting, but the dehydrator is more convenient. I don’t trust ANY treats made from chicken; I believe they ALL come through or via China.
Mollie Morrissette
July 29, 2013 at 2:06 pm
I am beyond frusterated with the whole FDA/China/treats issue.
I just wrote a lengthy article (yet another one) describing the facts surrounding this most recent recall. If you want to know the nitty-gritty and can stand reading more than a few paragraphs head on over to Poisoned Pets and read my article.
As Susan has pointed out the FDA has known about these shady poultry processing plants since they visited them over a year ago (in March 2012) where they saw Nestle-Purina, Dogswell, Del Monte and other brands of poultry treats being made.
I am so sick and tired of fighting this battle. The most we can do now is to test the treats ourselves to get them off the market, because going to the FDA/CVM has done absolutely nothing.
What we (Susan and I) are focusing on now is busting these companies ourselves, after all, if the FDA won’t do it — we will. In fact, we can use the NYSDAM/Cornell labs to test the products, because apparently the FDA hasn’t figured out their “advanced” testing method yet: A blender.
Peter G
July 29, 2013 at 3:45 pm
I agree wholeheartedly, Mollie. But I still think the best way to deal with these companies is to take away their business altogether and make your own treats!
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
July 29, 2013 at 3:59 pm
Remember: your power is not at the voting booth, it is at the check-out counter.
Mollie Morrissette
July 29, 2013 at 4:30 pm
One of the best ways of bringing them to their knees (taking away their business) is by exposing the companies that make and sell contaminated products. It’s that simple.
Of course I always recommend that people make their own food and treats, but let’s face it, most people are too busy/lazy/tired and have no idea how bad most commercial pet food and treat brands really are — so they continue to buy the crap.
The people on Susan’s site are smart, educated and informed.
The people I want to reach are the consumers who buy the mass-market brands without a second thought — brands like Pedigree, Alpo, Ol’ Roy, Whiskas, and others — without realizing how unhealthy those products are.
Without scientific proof those products are contaminated and pose a potential health risk, real change cannot, and will not ever, take place.
To do that, we need money to fund an ongoing testing program. Everyone who chips in to become a member of the Association for Truth in Pet Food fund will be a part of that mission.
Mollie Morrissette
July 29, 2013 at 10:40 pm
Thanks. I do get a bit worn-out over this topic and probably sound a bit cranky at the mo. Only because, like you and so many other wonderful people, we have been tirelessly fighting this battle for so long, only to find that it is turning out to be an increasingly arduous, and seemingly fruitless, battle. Don’t get me wrong this is my raison d’etre to expose Big Pet Food, but sometimes I do get a bit worn out. But fear not, I have faith that ‘truth will out’ — and on Truth About Pet Food no less!
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