We’ve seen some bold moves in pet food during the last week or so. The latest bold move has some major potential to be influenced by Purina Pet Food.
The restoration of Dr. Patty Khuly’s courageous words in her blog FullyVetted, was a plus for educated petsumers. Her statement in reference to Science Diet “few foods have claimed so much and offered so little” still resonates in my head. Few words are spoken by the majority of veterinarians about any of Big Pet Food, that is other than recommendations to clients to purchase Big Pet Food’s products (all of which contain one or more of the following less than optimal pet food ingredients such as by-products, chemical preservatives, and animal fat). We petsumers won one small battle when the administration at PetMD.com decided to listen to what pet owners want; they restored Dr. Khuly’s post for all to learn from.
And then, in the midst of our reveling cheers, we lost ground. The Delta Society, a national charity that trains and organizes pet visitations to the sick and elderly, made the shocking statement that any ‘pet partner’ that feeds their dog a raw meat food would be banned from participating in charity visitation. The pet charity stated this decision is based on (extremely limited) research showing pets consuming a raw meat diet could shed risky bacteria (in their feces). Yet there is no evidence – zero, zippo, nadda – to prove that any pet fed a raw diet has ever sickened anyone. Nothing.
So…where did shocking decision this come from? The answer could lie on this page of the Delta Society website; the listing of Board of Directors… http://www.deltasociety.org/Page.aspx?pid=252
Listed as Secretary for the charity is Brenda Bax; Marketing Director, Purina.
As you ponder the possibility that Purina Pet Food influenced The Delta Society’s move to ban pets fed raw meat, consider the following letter sent to Delta Society from one educated petsumer…
“Dear Delta Society,
While checking http://www.google.com to investigate your claims of raw protein causing a significant shed of pathogens in the dog’s stool, I found the largest amount of information on an internet search shows that dry dog food is the biggest offender of carrying salmonella contamination:
One expert thinks contamination of pet food is likely to become more commonplace.
“There have been problems with pet foods before,” said Dr. Pascal James Imperato, chairman of the department of preventive medicine http://health.usnews.com/health-news/family-health/articles/2008/05/15/salmonella-outbreak-linked-to-dry-dog-food.html?PageNr=1
and community health at the State University of New York Downstate Medical
Center in New York City. “If the food had any animal product in it, there could have been contamination, or if it was being processed in a plant where they were also processing animal product, then contamination can easily occur,” he said. “There is greater industrialization of the production of food products, both for humans and animals, and these are complex processing systems. Therefore, there is greater opportunity for contamination,” Imperato said. “We are likely to see many more of these problems.”
Secondly, a large percentage of all dogs carry salmonella, regardless of diet. This has been known for some time:
Animal-to-Human — Salmonella can be acquired directly from pets (e.g. cats and dogs), reptiles, and birds. The feces of pets, especially those with diarrhea, contain Salmonella and humans can become infected if they do not wash their hands after contact with pets or pet feces.15
http://fsrio.nal.usda.gov/document_fsheet.php?product_id=223#15 The pets may suffer Salmonellosis as a reverse zoonosis, with infection transmitted from human-to-pet and subsequently back to other humans. Salmonella can also be found in healthy dogs and cats at rates of up to 36 percent and 18 percent, respectively.52
Here’s what the Merck Veterinary Manual says about Salmonella in pets:
“Many dogs and cats are asymptomatic carriers of Salmonellae. Clinical disease is uncommon, but when it is seen, it is often associated with hospitalization, another infection or debilitating condition in adults, or exposure to large numbers of the bacteria in puppies and kittens.” 2
To translate: Many dogs and cats carry Salmonella in their systems (as evidenced by the presence of Salmonella in their feces), but they rarely become ill. It is just a natural part of what lives in their GI systems. When illness does occur it is usually associated with an already ill animal who is already immune-compromised. Illness may also occur when young animals
are exposed to very high numbers of the bacteria. This might happen if a puppy finds and licks the inside of an outdoor garbage can that has never been washed and is teeming with bacteria.
Research indicates that approximately 36 percent of healthy dogs and 17 percent of healthy cats carry Salmonella in their digestive tract.3 The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) agrees with these numbers.4 It is interesting to note that these numbers are based on kibble-fed dogs-which means that Salmonella is a natural part of life for our pets regardless of what they are eating.
The resistance to illness in dogs from Salmonella is apparent in a study of raw-fed dogs in Canada. In that study 16 dogs were deliberately fed commercial raw diets contaminated with Salmonella. None of those 16 dogs became ill. Additionally, only 7 of those 16 dogs shed Salmonella in their feces.5 While it was not further studied, one might speculate that the 9
dogs who ate Salmonella-contaminated food but did not shed it in their feces effectively neutralized the bacteria.
Even the FDA, in the FDA Consumer magazine, acknowledges that healthy pets rarely become ill from Salmonella contamination.6
2. http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index.jsp?cfle=htm/bc/20900.htm
3. Hand, M.S., Thatcher, C.D., Remillard, R.L., and Roudebush, P. (2000)
Small Animal Clinical Nutrition. Mark Morris Institute. Pg. 36-42,188.
4. http://www.avma.org/reference/zoonosis/znsalmonellosis.asp
5. Finley, R., et al. (2007) The Risk of Salmonellae Shedding by Dogs Fed
Salmonella-contaminated Commercial Raw Food Diets. Can Vet J. Vol 48 #1. Pg. 69-75.
6. http://www.fda.gov/FDAC/departs/2000/500_upd.html#pigs
It is also interesting to note that humans can transmit salmonella to dogs:
Dogs and cats may suffer salmonellosis as a “reverse zoonosis,” with infection transmitted from human-to-dog and subsequently back to other humans. Similarly, outbreaks of Salmonella infections in large animal teaching hospitals have been linked to the introduction of bacteria from infected human personnel, with subsequent spread to animals and then back to other human workers.
In one of the studies quoted on your website as part of your proof, in the first article only ten dogs were used to test for salmonella. The authors themselves state: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC339295/ Although these results are suggestive, they are not statistically significant owing to the small number of dogs studied. Larger numbers of dogs or multiple stool samples from each dog might have allowed the results to reach statistical significance. Unfortunately, the limited funding to this private clinic for this study did not allow for the inclusion of more study animals or multiple cultures from individual subjects.
And, in another study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1716752/
Since this study was an experimental trial with laboratory beagles, results may not be completely indicative of what would be experienced with owned dogs of various breeds. Determining that the raw food diet was the main source of salmonellae shedding in owned dogs would be more complicated, as they could be exposed to several other possible sources of salmonellae, including other animals; other food items, including treats; the environment; and their owners.
And information from your friends in Canada again. This is slide show that has been prepared to show the dangers of raw fed foods for therapy dogs. It was a great job of skewing the results. They show the high incidence of bacteria found in 40 raw fed dogs stools, but somehow tend to downplay the amounts found in dogs fed a dry diet. This study shows:
Raw fed dogs (40)
Dry food fed dogs (156)
0 – for Vanomycin resistant enterococci 1 – for
Vanomycin resistant enterococci
1 for Methicillin resistant S Aureus 8 – for
Methicillin resistant S Aureus
5 for Clostridium difficile 40 –
for Clostridium difficile
19 for Salmonella 12 –
for salmonella
31 for E Coli
32 – for E Coli
While this study may show more Salmonella and E Coli in raw fed dogs, it shows higher results for the bacteria Clostridium, Methicillin resistant S Aureus and has Vanomycin resistant enterococci. And the amount of Salmonella and E Coli, while not as high as raw fed dogs, is significant.
My conclusion is that, in your hurry to label the raw diet as the culprit, and eliminate its use from your volunteers in your program, you are only putting the spotlight on the issue that all dogs can carry pathogens regardless of diet . This could cause all dogs to be banned from use in any health facility. In essence, I see your new rule as ‘shooting yourself in the foot’. I feel in your confidence and your bias of proving a raw diet could spread pathogens, you forgot to do a full research on the issue. Salmonella is everywhere, including dry dog food, the soil, pond water and even from humans. Understand you are looking at narrow parameters that need a more careful and extensive study on how pathogens are spread and how to use sensible and effective prevention.
I don’t see a problem with allowing dogs into nursing homes, hospitals or hospices, as long as good hygiene is applied. That would include bathing the dogs, insuring therapy dogs are flea and tick free, making sure the dog’s are properly exercised (ie pottied) before a visit, and carrying sterilization equipment (bleach, bags and paper towels) in case of an accident. All research points out pathogens are spread by stool or saliva. That would mean not allowing the dogs to lick the clients, making sure the coats and skin are recently bathed and trusting your volunteers. Your volunteers are the backbone of your organization, and they do this loving volunteer work without compensation and give the Delta group thousands of volunteer hours. I hope you take this email in the light it was written, in that sometimes, we need to look at any situation with more study and thought, and understand the healing, joy and encouragement dogs give so many people. Being a patient with serious illness and being away from home often stifles recovery. Pets, as you know, bring hope, happiness and support to begin the process of healing.
I hope you rethink your position on this matter, and continue to allow your therapy dog work to bring joy to both your clients and your volunteers. My interest in researching this and writing to you is in memory to my Ch Blackwood Dante V Lyvngwerth CD and Ch Bourbon’s Bravo of Blackwood, two Rottweilers I owned who were the recipients of the American Rottweiler Club
TRUE award, for their many hours of therapy work. And yes, they both were fed a raw diet. They both worked in the intensive care units of hospitals in Tyler, Texas, for many years.
Lew Olson PhD Natural Health
Author of, “Raw and Natural Diets for Dogs”
Doesn’t seem to be a stone unturned does it?
The following is the Delta Society’s foundation of this decision:
“What exactly are the scientific facts?
The use of raw animal proteins to promote animal health has not been based on proven or known scientific facts, only anecdotal incidents. On the other hand, it is well known that animals fed raw diets (BARF or other) shed significant amounts of pathogenic bacteria, which studies have indicated may put some people at risk, as compared to pets being fed commercially prepared or cooked, home-made diets.
What are the risks of feeding raw protein diets other than shedding… can my pet become ill?
While many animals fed raw protein diets appear healthy, some do get ill. Even healthy animals can shed pathogenic bacteria that can affect the human companion team member and others. Certain individuals are at increased risk of disease if they encounter various pathogens, particularly people that are immune-compromised, very young or elderly. This basically describes most of the individuals Delta Society Pet Partners visit: Patients in hospitals, senior centers, nursing facilities, hospice care, rehabilitation facilities, and schools involving young children, among others.”
So…with such limited scientific information for Delta Society to base this bold decision on…was this ban of raw meat pet food initiated/motivated by board member Purina executive?
It does make you wonder doesn’t it?
This move also makes one wonder if other such bans or reverse endorsements (not an official pet food brand endorsement, but a back handed endorsement of commercial pet food in general) will be seen from other charities or pet organizations that accept large donations from Big Pet Food?
On the flip side, it also makes one wonder if Big Pet Food is almost scrambling, trying to desperately hold on to their slacking control of the pet food market? The more educated pet owners become…the less pet foods that contain by-product meal, animal fat, meat and bone meal, and risky chemicals they buy. Hmmmm, are we making more headway than we think? I hope so.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
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