Wednesday’s meetings were the two commitees of most significance to pet food consumers; the Pet Food Committee and the Ingredient Definitions Committee.
Something that has been talked about for years in the Pet Food Committee meeting has been proposed revisions to the AAFCO dog and cat food nutrient profiles, this meeting was no exception. At least an hour of this 2 hour meeting was spent on the final details of what will soon be model bill revisions to nutrient requirements for cats and dogs. Only small parts of the nutrient profiles were discussed, the majority of the time was spent on minor tweaks to the wording to the proposed model bill.
Backing up a bit, for those not aware, AAFCO is an organization comprised of State Department of Agriculture Representatives and FDA. Together they develop what is known as model bills which are published each year in the AAFCO Official Publication (known as the OP). These model bills can then be put into law in each state, or not. Meaning some states update their pet food/animal food laws to coordinate with the currnt AAFCO OP regularly and some states don’t. Yes, it’s confusing. So, because the model bills written/developed at these meetings will become law, there has to be painstaking detailed attention paid to every word. Sitting there as a consumer advocate, knowing so many things need to be changed, it is difficult for things to move so slow. But…that is the way it works and I understand.
I can’t tell you all the changes that will take place with nutrient profiles, all the details are not provided to attendees. We’ll all find out when they are published in the OP. But I can share that part of the delay during this part of the meeting was again caused by the representatives of the Pet Food Institute (PFI), just like the delays they caused during the meetings yesterday. But, to give AAFCO members credit, the committee allowed PFI to complain and their protests were basically ignored. Plus, the delay caused by PFI yesterday regarding calorie statements on pet food labels were moved through this session by AAFCO members. As it turned out, AAFCO went forward with calorie statements regardless to the complaints of PFI (yesterday).
Also during the Pet Food Committee meeting was an update on the certification of organic pet food. The bad news is that the PFI has been heavily involved in the National Organics Standard Board’s development of organic pet food regulations. And needless to say, ‘they’ want the allowance of numerous synthetic ingredients in a pet food dubbed organic. So the next huge need for us (concerned consumers) is to have consumer representation at the National Organics Standard Board. More on this at a later date (once I find out more from NOSB).
During the Ingredient Definitions Committee meeting, a great deal of discussion was on animal feed ingredients. One of the discussions was the inclusion in the OP a list of approved natural flavors. Dr. Jean Hofve questioned the FDA to the safety of some of the approved flavorings, the FDA insisted if the manufacturer used the flavorings at safe levels FDA believes they are of no risk. I questioned FDA if the model bill could be written that would require manufacturers to disclose what flavorings they use. I shared with AAFCO and FDA that many pet food consumers want to know everything that is included in their pet food, but manufacturers state natural flavors are proprietary. The FDA representative infomed me this is part of federal law, human foods or pet foods – by law – do not have to disclose what is in that natural flavor. She suggested I contact her and we can work on changing the law. Will do after I get home.
Two more quick notes before I have to get things in order to fly home…
1. Dr Dave Dzanis, who attends every AAFCO meeting and who I’ve disagreed with (publically) on issues in the past…well I have to give credit where credit is due with this meeting. When I complained that AAFCO allowed 3 indusry representatives to mislead the audience and members of AAFCO on GM labelings, Dr. Dzanis stood up and told everyone that opposing opinion does need to be provided. Thanks Dr. Dzanis.
2. Dr. Melissa Brookshire, who is a consultant in the industry and has worked/consulted for Diamond Pet Food in the past, and I have a not so pleasant history. But at this meeting Dr Brookshire came over to me after the meetings yesterday and kindly offered an olive branch. I’m not certain where that will lead, but I did so appreciate her effort.
I’ve got lots of ideas and more to share, that will be coming soon.
Thanks to everyone out there for your support and everyone at AAFCO for another opportunity to provide you the consumer perspective.
Susan Thixton

January 24, 2013 at 12:16 pm
Sounds encouraging.
Kelley Denz
January 24, 2013 at 12:58 pm
Thank you for all the hours of work you put into helping out pets get better quality food.
January 24, 2013 at 2:59 pm
Maybe Dr Dave Dzanis and Dr. Melissa Brookshire are beginning to see the light? That would be wonderful and very courageous! Thank you Susan!!
Patrick Doyle
January 24, 2013 at 3:30 pm
Dear Susan,
Thank you for all you do to protect our “children” from those that care more about profits than they do for our pets welfare.
Your website and information is singularly some of the most vital & timely available. Thank you!
With respect,
January 24, 2013 at 3:31 pm
Keep it up Susan! You are a lifeline to us pet-consumers. I look forward to the day when there is honesty, integrity and transparency in the pet food industry!
Rick dower
January 24, 2013 at 3:32 pm
Ditto that last comment. Susan, many thanks for standing up to the bureaucrats and lobbyists, it must get lonely at times. Never forget, there are millions of pet owners behind you (even if they don’t even know it). It’s a force to be reckoned with!
Paula Cohen
January 24, 2013 at 3:34 pm
Bless you for your efforts on behalf of our furry children. It shouldn’t be so hard. Thank you!
January 24, 2013 at 3:34 pm
The public has a right to know what goes into their pets’ food and getting synthetic ingredients approved as organic?????? Our pets deserve better and thank you for being there to protect what they are unknowingly being fed!
Howard Birch
January 24, 2013 at 3:35 pm
In addition to your direct contributions your written reports are our visibility into the industry governmental standards maker and you are a reminder to the participants of that meeting that there is an audience of consumers that are interested and paying attention. Thank you and my two mini Schnauzers thank you.
January 24, 2013 at 3:36 pm
I thank you for your time and commitment to help our fur kids nutrition. You really dedicate a lot to this and its appreciated.
January 24, 2013 at 3:36 pm
Susan, thank you for your ongoing diligence.
Janice Schultz-Aldrich
January 24, 2013 at 3:49 pm
And thank you so much for the detailed report. That takes a lot of time and we do appreciate it.
January 24, 2013 at 3:51 pm
Diamond pet foods and foods made by Diamond (3rd party co-packed) = pet poison. Beware the Trojan horse that comes bearing an olive branch…
January 27, 2013 at 4:24 pm
Once again another exacting reply (re: the proffered olive branch)!
You are correct to imply that a certain amount of paranoia is healthy for everyone.
Correct too about Diamond Foods- I have never, and will never, buy their poison. What’s more, I have also talked a few people out of buying that food while at a store where I was looking for strong toys for my dog. I hope they will keep avoiding that brand, among most others.
You are an astute reader here- and I believe I speak for many others when I say ‘thank you’ for your own contributions here.
January 27, 2013 at 4:33 pm
My reply is not to say or imply that others are not as interesting or capable- Just that WL seems to be here, replying more often than the rest of us at times.
Suzanne van Dyk
January 24, 2013 at 4:16 pm
Many thanks for all your time and great work!
January 24, 2013 at 4:38 pm
Keep on them Susan, our pets need your voice speaking for them.
January 24, 2013 at 4:40 pm
I wouldn’t trust anyone from Diamond pet food!
January 24, 2013 at 5:10 pm
You are greatly appreciated by me and my furry family. Thank you for all your time, concern and effort.
January 24, 2013 at 5:15 pm
Natural flavors in pet food generally follow the human regulations since there aren’t really black and white regs. So, this means that natural flavors must meet the 21 CFR definitions of natural flavors and are listed in the regs. If you look at 101.22(a)(3) you can find the definition. Natural flavors are also proprietary in human food and along with “spices” do not have to be called out individually. There has to be some secrets in a recipe folks!
Missy Brayton
January 24, 2013 at 5:35 pm
I appreciate your efforts so much! But, bottom line question what is the very best pet food I should be feeding my dog? I just want her to have the healthiest diet possible, and don’t feel confident or trust what that should be. I will cook for her, but afraid she won’t receive proper nutrients that way either. Thank you for your advice…MB
Mollie Morrissette
January 24, 2013 at 11:02 pm
Missy, I know it can be very confusing with all the thousands of brands out there. But you have come to the right place and Susan can steer you in the right direction. Subscribe to the Petsumer Report and get The List. Take a look too at who has signed the Pledge and that should give you a good place to start.
When you say “best”, I assume you mean commercial pet food, but many believe, including Susan, that homemade is best (she even wrote a book on how to do it called Dinner PAWsible with Dr. Cathy Alinovy).
At the very least you can always add fresh, whole organically grown (preferably certified organic) food to a commercial diet.
Go to a farmers market and buy locally raised, grass fed beef, poultry or lamb. You can buy it in bulk so it is not so expensive — plus you and your family can eat it too! Don’t be afraid to step outside the pet food box (or can).
Bonnie N
January 24, 2013 at 5:47 pm
This is all so enormously interesting, Susan. Thank you so much for your update. Know that everyone here in my area is keeping abreast of your reports and looking forward to more. I hope that these pet food people understand how we ‘petsumers’ want things to change for the better with the foods for our pets. It’s like a jungle out there when we go into the pet stores and start looking at all of the different foods. The PFI people are going to keep throwing up barriers in order to squeeze the money out of us hoping we are not paying attention. We do so appreciate all you do and continue trying to do for our beloved ‘children’. Thank you, thank you.
Bonnie N
January 24, 2013 at 5:49 pm
You remind me of “….a voice crying out in the wilderness”.
Joni Lowther
January 24, 2013 at 5:49 pm
Susan, once again we are all indebted to your diligence. Thank you for being our voice. You are an incredible person, a blessing to us all, two legged and four legged alike.
January 24, 2013 at 6:42 pm
Mille merci Susan!
Adriana Rojas
January 24, 2013 at 6:44 pm
Thank you Susan for all the hard work you put in keeping pet owners informed. I, for one, highly appreciate your investment of time, money and energy, as I’m sure do hundreds of other pet owners.
Allison Nicolas
January 24, 2013 at 6:52 pm
Thanks so much for being there. It’s interesting to see what types of things they are discussing at these meetings. Sounds like a lot needs to change but you are pushing them to take a step in the right direction 🙂
January 24, 2013 at 7:16 pm
Susan, thanks for all your time and effort in helping pet owners. I believe your finally getting their attention.
January 24, 2013 at 7:20 pm
On behalf of pets all over the USA who do not have a voice, thank you!
January 24, 2013 at 7:23 pm
Congratulations on your efforts, How you can stand being rebuffed so many many times by so called intelligent people just looking to line their pockets at our pets expense is beyond belief. I wonder how many of them have pets of their own and wonder also what they feed them…Rock on Susan My family has your back…..
January 24, 2013 at 7:28 pm
There are no words that can thank you enough for your dedication to changing the pet food industry. You are the voice for countless animals and their pet parents and we stand behind you in this very difficult challenge!
Maxine Schmidt
January 24, 2013 at 7:51 pm
You are special and all of your efforts are hugely appreciated. You’ve saved many lifes through your efforts.
caroline bromm
January 24, 2013 at 9:52 pm
thanks so much for all the work you do so well —its hard to fight the “secrets” of the pet food industry but we know if its so secret –ITS NOT GOOD —or they would stand proud and behind their product —we are on to them–it happens to humans and we fight -and you lead the way for the pets with no voices and only TRUST —-
Mollie Morrissette
January 24, 2013 at 11:15 pm
Amen and ditto to all the comments above!
It breaks my heart that I couldn’t attend (flat busted), but come Hell or high water I am going to the next AAFCO meeting in August — so help me.
This will be the last meeting Susan will have to go to by herself.
So, look out Big Pet Food, because next time there will be two of us ruffling PFI’s feathers.
January 25, 2013 at 1:16 am
I am totally in awe of your dedication and perseverance! You are truly a warrior princess for our pets. Thank you!
(And how might we donate to help with your expenses?)
January 25, 2013 at 1:18 am
(So sorry! In my comment just submitted my email address was wrong. I have corrected it in this post.)
John Hufnagel
January 25, 2013 at 8:49 am
Thank you does not seem adequate…but it comes from the hearts of so many…Human and furries.
Thank You.
Mary Huber
January 25, 2013 at 10:22 am
Thank you, Susan, for everything you are doing — MUCH appreciated!!!!
m henderson
January 25, 2013 at 10:24 am
Sounds like your hard work is paying off.Thank you so much ! I had two pets almost die of kidney failure when all the pet poisonings from pet food were going on some years ago.Thanks to your good advice, all my pets are enjoying good health including my 18 year old darlings.
January 25, 2013 at 10:25 am
While I’m all for accurate labling of pet food, I’m far more interested in just outrigh banning their money-saving low quality practices.
January 25, 2013 at 3:31 pm
It’s kind of heartwarming to learn that your “enemies” can also be human! I appreciate your efforts to make your voice heard; you represent so many of us, and our animal companions as well.
January 27, 2013 at 4:56 pm
Do you know who Dr. Melissa Brookshire is currently consulting for? I am curious to know why she would not still be at Diamond? For all we know, she could be “Bill”… (Having been in management my whole life, -and also being aware of the history at Diamond etc.- I would also have been very wary to hire her on, now, had she come to me).
On the other hand, if her motive was peace, or even the beginning of it for the 2 of you; then the olive branch is a generous first necessary act.
I thank you much for all of your zeal in dealing with our fur families. You are so very dedicated- The world certainly needs more like you addressing its many ails.
It is an unenviable position to find yourself [almost] the only one there that is fighting FOR our animals, and our hearts; and not the almighty dollar.
The very bottom line concerning the critter obesity epidemic almost always is our own fault. Too many do not read, or comprehend, or even care enough about the safety of their pets- to know what is on the label! They are only leaving themselves open to heartbreak when something horrible happens to their pets.
My vet has told me that, as far as feeding instructions on the packages is concerned, that those ‘directions’ are also a reflection of the company’s need for money and greed. he has offered that for almost all of the brands to never feed more than ¾ (three-quarters) of what the recommended intake be; and to never use the gravity ‘silos’ to feed pets. Those eat-at-will feeders are only good for water, but to keep in mind that no matter the diet, that water *must* be fresh every day.
Those are only the basics, still too many do not honor them. I am happy to know that we have you always going further and deeper for us.
I thank you again.
Susan Thixton
January 27, 2013 at 6:33 pm
Funny thing Annie – when she sat down and we started talking I asked her “Are you Bill?” She gave me a very confused look – I don’t think she’s Bill. But I did think that! I don’t know who she consults for – she didn’t say.
January 28, 2013 at 4:47 am
How very interesting!
(Darn funny too)!
Hmmm… 🙂
January 27, 2013 at 8:55 pm
Dear Susan……Hello! Thank you so very much for being our eyes and ears (and in my case,my legs since I’m in a wheelchair)for our precious FURRY ANGELS (dogs & cats) I am sooooo blessed to have come across your site! I bless that day ! 🙂 It is so VITALLY IMPORTANT that we as consumers KNOW EXACTLY what ingredients we are putting in our pets’ bodies!! My daughter cannot have children, and her 2 dogs( a rat terrier & cheweneese havaneese/chiuahah)
and their 3 cats all spayed and neutered……. are “their kids”! and they don’t want to feed them poison….we don’t either !! and we are just so VERY GRATEFUL to you for all of your hard work, and time & sacrifice you invest into this!!!! GOD BLESS YOU FOR IT!!! Keep up the GREAT work !! WE NEED IT! AND APPRECIATE IT!!!
Sincerely; Nola T.
February 20, 2014 at 2:37 pm
Dr Melissa Brookshire is featured in the Dogington Post at