We cannot confirm or deny that Purina pet foods are currently experiencing a problem, only Purina or the FDA has the knowledge and/or authority to do that.
We can report that numerous pet owner complaints of sick and dying pets have been publicly shared over recent weeks. TruthaboutPetFood.com has heard from one pet owner that had multiple sick pets linked to Purina pet foods (who is also having the food tested), and our local pet store shared today (1/4/24) that they have also heard from numerous pet owners reporting sick pets linked to Purina pet foods.
Today (1/4/24) we sent the FDA this message:
I would guess the FDA/CVM is aware, but social media is exploding with reports of sick and dead pets linked to Purina pet foods. One website is reporting they have received “82 dogs, and 14 cats” reports of sick pets with “10” deaths.
Can you provide me with how many adverse event reports FDA/CVM has received on any Purina pet food since 12/1/23?
Can you tell me if FDA/CVM is currently or planning to investigate these issues?
Thanks –
Susan Thixton
Added after original posting: FDA responded to my questions providing the following information…
“FDA is aware of reports of pet illnesses and is in the process of evaluating those reports.
We encourage pet owners or their veterinarians to submit reports of illness or other adverse events associated with pet food directly to FDA by following the instructions on this page: How to Report a Pet Food Complaint.“
All pet illness and death reports need to be reported to FDA.
If your pet is sick or died you believe is linked to ANY pet food, a report should be submitted to FDA and/or your state feed official. For more information on who and how to report the incident, Click Here.
Unfortunately, Purina does not have the best record at cooperating with FDA investigations (which can make an FDA investigation much more difficult). Back in 2012 there were numerous consumer complaints regarding Purina Beneful pet food. In a FDA disclosure post, the agency stated “During 2012, CVM received approximately three consumer complaints per month associated with Nestle Purina Beneful dry dog food. In January 2013, CVM received a surge of consumer complaints that occurred after a media report implicated Beneful dry dog food as a potentially harmful dog food product.”
Linked to these consumer complaints the FDA investigated three Purina plants, however Purina was less than cooperative with the agency investigation. The FDA investigation of an Arizona Purina plant, Purina allowed FDA to “view records, but not obtain copies of records unless approved by the firm’s legal counsel.”
During the same inspection, Purina told FDA they perform “routine contamination analysis” of ingredients, “but would not describe this analysis since the method is classified at the firm as proprietary information.”
As well, “Per a refusal from Nestle Purina, the manufacturing facility was unable to provide the actual content or weights of individual ingredients that went into the implicated lots…”
During another FDA inspection of Purina Pet Food at this time, the FDA reported:
“The firm was in direct and constant contact with the Purina corporate Regulatory Affairs office in St. Louis, MO during this inspection.”
To Purina: Consumer reports are indicating there is some issue with some of your foods. We encourage Purina to be fully transparent with any FDA investigation and not repeat the lack of transparency issues of the past.
Resource for concerned pet owners: The Facebook group Saving One Pet @ A Time is documenting all complaints they receive. This is a members only group, but any concerned pet owner can join and follow the reports posted.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

Become a member of our pet food consumer Association. Association for Truth in Pet Food is a a stakeholder organization representing the voice of pet food consumers at AAFCO and with FDA. Your membership helps representatives attend meetings and voice consumer concerns with regulatory authorities. Click Here to learn more.
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Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients? Chinese imports? Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 5,000 cat foods, dog foods, and pet treats. 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. Click Here to preview Petsumer Report. www.PetsumerReport.com
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Susan’s List of trusted pet treat manufacturers. Click Here to learn more.

Pam Shane
January 4, 2024 at 5:54 pm
Are all Purina foods (dog and cat dry and moist) a problem? If not, which foods are involved? I usually feed a raw/ natural diet (my dogs are still fed this diet). My older cat just had numerous teeth removed and it’s been difficult to find something he will/ can eat. I just picked up some Friskies Pate by Purina to try on him. Is this safe to feed or is it part of the recall? Thanks.
elizabeth mcmahon
January 4, 2024 at 7:04 pm
It seems a recall has not been issued (yet)?
Laura Rotta
January 5, 2024 at 1:57 pm
Are the pet foods being tainted on purpose?
February 1, 2024 at 6:57 pm
I live in BC, Canada. Over the last week my 3 cats have vomited 2x after eating Purina canned food and all 3 cats have turned away from eating it, 5 of the last 7 days. It was different varieties of chicken or turkey, the fancy feast brand, which they’ve enjoyed for years. Something isn’t right. I put tuna out for them and they had no problems eating that. Be safe.
Karen Robbins
March 26, 2024 at 12:04 pm
Last year, while feeding my cats Fancy Feast, I was adding water to the pâté because one liked gravy consistency. I found particles, white-ish in color. They came in various shapes, but some were very pointy & sharp. I figured it was either bone or plastic. I would spend a good 15 minutes fishing out the particles until I found another food they would eat. I reported it to Purina and they sent me a postage-paid box to send some of the food in, along with a ziplock of the particles. I never heard back from them.
Anton Gee
March 29, 2024 at 12:57 pm
I’m sure Purina could careless about our loved animals it’s all about the money.
Victoria L Butler
April 28, 2024 at 8:02 am
My cats refuse to eat any purina foods my little girl loves fancy feast food but she has stopped suddenly I believe something is wrong I’m switching over to something else today.
Gina Johnson
May 3, 2024 at 2:20 pm
If they are refusing g to cooperate why aren’t they shut down?
Caprice Edmonds
May 17, 2024 at 8:38 am
There are recalls of human food in the news every single day! Ridiculously so . I think it’s terrible that Purina is literally getting away with murder and fda’s hands are tied? Some legal action needs to be done, and soon The article states “recent weeks”, this has been going on for years with Purina. I dropped them and started buying my pet food from life’s abundance. My cats are doing so much better. Their coats are shiny and soft and they are playful again.
May 18, 2024 at 9:59 am
Be careful about giving cats tuna. They’ll get mercury poisoning if you give it to them days in a row
Cynthia Smith
March 29, 2024 at 9:00 pm
January 6, 2024 at 3:40 am
And I got an email about dogs getting sick and some died from eating Purina over a week ago. I can’t believe they haven’t issued a recall yet.
maggie hegwood
April 17, 2024 at 12:03 pm
Several years ago I had contacted Purina that all my babies were sick. I was feeding them beneful. They didn’t care is what it came down to.
May 14, 2024 at 10:15 am
My 2 dogs have large tumors 2 surgery now my cat passed away from tumor on lung I feed purina I have reported it this is sad .they should be responsible for all bills they are my baby’s praying 🙏 my dog kokopop makes it through 2 surgery
June 27, 2024 at 8:45 pm
There was a book yrs ago called Food Pets Die For. Forget the author. She did detective work and found out that the dogs and cats euthanized at the vets go to a rendering plant, cooked down and put in pet food we feed our pets. Make sure the label does not say meat by products. Read all labels. Oh, she also said that the medicine to put them to sleep is causing cancer cuz it’s in the food .
Angela Staehle
May 22, 2024 at 11:55 am
What kind were they eating?
January 21, 2024 at 3:24 pm
Purina has been feed to both of my German Shepherds up until the recent news article online such as Google. I have always feed them boiled chicken breasts, cooked eggs and give them multi vitamins daily. They also get milk bones which they love. Rendered ingredients is not my choice if you understand what that means.
February 19, 2024 at 10:56 pm
Stop feeding the dog bones/ biscuits if it’s Purina. Not long ago I just saw a video about a certain ingredient in them that’s really bad! And these same ingredient is also used in human food too.China owns Purina I believe too.
Sharon Lynn Disney
March 29, 2024 at 10:29 am
I had my Pomeranian on Purina canned dog food. He started seizures and I heard about Purina. I stopped giving him the food, disposed all cans after noticing him better from New canned food. Wish I’d thought of keeping a can for testing.
Teresa Tebbe
April 6, 2024 at 9:51 pm
I am feeding Dumped cats as well as Ferals with Purnia Dry cat food I would like a list of food by Purnia that have caused problems with sickness or Death pertaining to cats. These cats have been Hurt enough by Humans. They don’t need anymore harm to come to them.
Robert Uhler
April 17, 2024 at 12:47 pm
Nestlé owns Purina and is not owned by China.
Julianne Loftis
April 19, 2024 at 12:30 pm
Robert Uhler, they are sourcing ingredients from China
Kim Boss
April 7, 2024 at 1:38 pm
Unfortunately, all commercial food begins with rendered product. I read an article which stated its how our country deals with getting rid of the parts not fit for human consumption after slaughter. That might not be that bad but it doesn’t end there. Road kill and euthanized pets from all humane societies and vet practices also goes into the mix along with spoiled meets from grocery stores. Packaging is not removed either. Styrofoam and plastic wrap goes into mix. Purina(and most likely all manufactures of pet food) install magnets along the food processing chutes to pull out the metal debris. The collars of euthanized animals are not removed. This includes flea collars. This is old info but Purina made 13 Billion( yes Billion) worldwide in one year. That might be info from 0 years ago but you get the picture. There is no stopping them or making them accountable. Period! Our government can’t touch them.
March 17, 2024 at 6:24 am
Don’t count on Purina to admit they’ve got a problem or to issue any type of “voluntary” Recall. They’re not going to, they never have. Look at Purinas past history with lawsuits and whatnot. The ONLY way they will admit wrong is…. Well, they won’t…EVER.
“We can do no wrong. We are invincible” type of attitude
May 21, 2024 at 11:20 am
You are so right! We have used Purina dog food for our cats and dogs for around 60 years but not anymore. I bought a bag of their turkey and rice dog food. Shortly afterwards we started noticing little millers flying around in our house. One day I noticed a miller fly out of the dog food sack. After a good search I found little bag worms webbed to the side of the bag. We brought the worms home in that bag and they were hatching out in our house! I contacted Purina about the problem and they said they have never heard of such a problem before. They sent me free coupons for more dog food. Never used them, changed dog food brands! Not long after that our black lab began having blatter and prostrate issues. We ended up spending almost $800 trying to save his life. He predicted my husband’s stage 4 cancer when he was barely 5 months old. Just wouldn’t leave my husband’s side. Then 2 years later he was beside my husband’s side one whole day, followed him everywhere and that night my husband had a stroke. Both times he knew something was wrong. One time with a call to Purina they said send all vet bills to them and they would reimburse me. I did as they said and I didn’t hear from them for some weeks. In the meantime our lab got worse. Finally on January 4th of this year the vet said the kindest thing we could do for him was to let him go. What a way to start a new year! Later we got a letter from Purina stating his illness was not from their dog food. Of course they would say that, they’re not going to admit they killed our dog. My husband stayed with him as he took his last breath. I stayed in the car and cried, just couldn’t do it. I’m the one who bought the dog food. I’ll never buy Purina again.
Sandy Shore
March 27, 2024 at 8:56 pm
Purina is at it AGAIN! In 2007 through 2008 Purima poisoned 35000 dogs and cats. Including 2 of my dogs due to Kidney Failure as they added Melamine as a filler to kibble outsourced to China. The CEO frequently DENIED the problem until too many pets started dying.
If Purina is saying food is safe… don’t believe them
Change your pets food!
April 7, 2024 at 9:39 am
If you are so sure their products are bad,the public needs to know which ones as purina is a very large,very old company that has so many different products.we need to know as our pets are like family,how can you be sure it’s their product??
Alice Atkinson
May 13, 2024 at 6:41 am
How do we know this is not a smear campaign against Purina? All this talk about bad pet food yet nothing has been recalled. My 2 cats eat Purina Indoor dry cat food and they are fine.
April 6, 2024 at 11:28 pm
Purina get your act together and cooperate with the FDA
April 7, 2024 at 10:09 am
Hartwell location has employees dying. 4 employees this year!
Benny Hernandez jr
April 9, 2024 at 12:00 pm
I would like to see management eat a bowl of dog food to satisfy me, to make sure I’m satisfied my dogs won’t get sick, I spent a lot of money for 44 lbs dog food,a bag a week,
May 27, 2024 at 10:30 pm
Mine has been sickly lately was not wanting to eat and that’s all I feed is dog chow have for years
January 4, 2024 at 7:13 pm
Pam, there is not a current recall in effect. Susan is pointing out that several consumers are experiencing problems and/or concerns, and is urging investigation. I suggest you follow her link above and explore the Facebook group, Saving One Pet @ A Time, for more information.
Best of Luck,
ReAnna Sherman
January 5, 2024 at 10:12 am
I reached out to them a few weeks ago cause my vat has been sick. They have issued a refund. Saying that they did change an ingredient in food. But it was a minor change. But that’s all they have done. To bad they wouldn’t foot the vet bill.
Suzanne Rinoldo
January 6, 2024 at 8:52 am
Can you please say what particular food it was and if they said what ingredient changed, what was the old one and what is the new one?
Michelle M Ballance
January 8, 2024 at 6:33 am
I used PPP salmon and rice shedded for dogs. And PPP 7+ salmon and rice sensitive skin and stomach. But my dogs got sick. One vomiting the other loose stools and one still is not doing good.
March 19, 2024 at 9:12 pm
They have for some people
Gail Johns
January 22, 2024 at 5:17 pm
I feed my 10 cats and 1 dog Purina Pro Plan ,both wet and dry every day. I have never had an issue with any of these products.
June 16, 2024 at 12:02 pm
I have never had any problems either,all my animals have lived longer healthy lives,my 22 yr old cat just passed from renal disease.Purina says 98%of their ingredients are from US with vitamins coming from China as does human vitamins,be careful and use your own judgement
Joelle Gross
March 1, 2024 at 9:19 am
What specific Purina brands of dog food maybe a problem.
January 5, 2024 at 4:18 pm
I just yesterday put my dog down. He started having seizures every hour and a half. He eats nothing but Purina.
Mary Richardson
January 6, 2024 at 1:26 pm
I had to put mine down as well and she always had Purina and she had seizures and a stroke and the runs and it has made me so sick and stressed out loosing her.
Diane Shannon
January 7, 2024 at 11:17 am
Can you please tell me what brand Purina you were giving your dog?
January 9, 2024 at 11:21 am
This is alarming and must be addressed. I hope for answers from Purina. Better safe than sorry.
Jamie H Mutza
January 7, 2024 at 7:21 pm
Omg I am so sorry for your loss!!!!
January 22, 2024 at 9:08 am
My PET SUPPLIES PLUS store had beyond code dog and now cat food
We recently found worms in Purina One cat food. Now hoing bgg thru the 2nd bag watching for same. No receipt but will call the store and report.
We won’t be buying any food from this location ever again.
Darlene Allen
May 28, 2024 at 1:57 am
I recently had to return a bag with webs and bugs in it.
Susan Stann
February 7, 2024 at 3:54 pm
I have the same problem 1/16/24 my dog started having seizures about every hour (5-6) inn 5 hour,before vet opened. He had seizuresat vets,. We saved him so far,but on seizure meds and I weak and not right.I didn’t connect the food at first,as I started feeding can food for meds. Does not want to eat the puritans food. Now 2/6/24 had to put. Our other dog down on 11//10/23 due to vomiting and she couldn’t keep anything down. She was old so I didn’t strongly suspect food,but was mystified. Now I can only believe it is the food. We changed to Purina laser than a month beforehand.
February 22, 2024 at 9:43 pm
I am so sorry to hear this. Don’t feel guilty cuz you didn’t know.
May 6, 2024 at 3:50 pm
That doesn’t mean it’s from the food. Animals have seizures its not that uncommon
January 5, 2024 at 6:06 pm
My cat Robert died from diabetes at the age of 9 years old. How does a cat get diabetes? His favorite was friskies pate.i miss him everyday. 😢
Sarah Stoecker
January 6, 2024 at 8:09 pm
Friskies made our cat VERY sick! He had lost his hair and had scabs all over his body from friskies. Once we changed his wet and dry cat food he grew his hair back and scabs went away!
Sam smith
January 6, 2024 at 10:53 pm
My dog was 7 she got diabetes witch caused her bladder to become enlarged I thought she was pregnant I took her to the vet and found out not only does she have diabetes that caused her bladder to become enlarged but she also had leukemia It was in her blood bones pancreatic cancer the beginning stages of kidney failure with liver cancer all over the spand of a 4-month time She was perfectly fine at her routine vet check up the year before and all I fed her was Purina natural instincts with a high protein diet that was the name of the food and now I’m reading this I have a smaller dog who has had the runs since I started feeding him a mixture of Purina natural instinct and a mixture of the Purina wet food because I didn’t want to make his stomach too upset I only mixed in maybe a tablespoon starting to wonder?
February 22, 2024 at 9:55 pm
Stop feeding the dry and can pet food. I boil rice with turkey burger meat that comes in a roll. Sometimes I mix in oatmeal instead of rice. I feed my cats a large can of sardines I get from Dollar Tree. My dog also eats scrambled eggs mixed with turkey burger. So I either use rice, oatmeal or pasta and mix in some meat. Dogs 75 yrs ago thrived on table scraps and were fine. Stop. Feeding commercial pet food!!! I also buy cow liver and feed that in a mix. Liver is the cheapest cuz no one likes it. I love it though. I cook it up 3 x a week and share with the dog. My one cat goes crazy over liver. Just stop buying that commercial pet food. You can buy a huge bag of rice for $25 or less and mix with some chicken or ground turkey burger from Aldi’s. Can mix in a can of beans too for more protein.
May 23, 2024 at 12:22 pm
They need nutrients like calcium and taurine they get of they were in the wild. The BalanceIt website has a list of vet nutritionists that formulate home made recipes. I don’t like the Balance IT supplement because they include balking soda which can cause GI bleeding and other problems. I had a recipe formulated at a university and there were numerous supplements I had to add to the food and it looked unhealthy to see all the powder I had to add.
Michael A Dill
January 15, 2024 at 5:03 pm
My cat had diabetes and my vet said that it wasn’t from the cat food she ate.
January 20, 2024 at 3:08 am
Diabetes is good linked. Cut down on h dry food which is known to be high carb
February 17, 2024 at 6:51 pm
Cats can and do get diabetes usually from overweight but not the only reason. We have had cats since 1986 but so far not from diabetes. Familiary w/ kidney disease, hyypothyroidism, cancer, etc.
March 28, 2024 at 11:32 am
I feed my cats Merrick canned and since my last batch of 3 cases I bought. One cat got sick and died,he was only 13 years young he started throwing up. His liver was inflamed and he had water in his belly. Doctors said he passed away in my arms at the emergency vet. His brother started throwing up now Iam scared I will lose him now, my other cat is acting funny now 2. I wondered about the food.if they changed it the way the cats smelled it and looked at it. Not like they usually act. But after losing their friend thought they were grieving.
Yulya Sevelova
January 9, 2024 at 10:04 am
Good morning. Hill’s Science Diet is better for pets than anything Purina makes. Purina gets some of it’s ingredients right from China. And that is not a country that values pets culturally, and animals don’t have rights, period. It’s been many years since we needed to buy Hill’s,but you may want to look into the company’s products. I hope this is helpful.
January 9, 2024 at 8:40 pm
Sadly, from all I’ve read, Hill’s Science Diet is just as bad, if not worse.
Karen Anderson
January 17, 2024 at 7:40 pm
Science diet made one of my cats very sick. I contacted Hills years ago when it happened and couldn’t get a response from them.
Cheryle Lancaster
February 16, 2024 at 12:52 am
My cats, including several of the semi-feral cats can’t tolerate the canned or dry Friskies. They always vomit or just won’t eat it. They love Beyond Ocean fish w/egg(dry) and Fancy Feast canned, and dry Filet Mignon and Shrimp. These are Purina products and they never get sick eating them. (over 8 years for the indoor cats)
Science Diet also made several of them ill.
Sandra Carstensen
January 11, 2024 at 8:36 pm
Nope, Hills had the worst ingredients in several of their foods for cats. They must have protein and the percentage in the canned food was unhealthy.
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:15 am
See below, I posted a list
M Sween
January 10, 2024 at 7:44 pm
My daughter’s cat mostly eat Purina Liveclear. Vomited 3 times in the last 24 hours. Seems not feeling good as she always run to see us but doesn’t for now, like, she don’t even look at us when we approach.
May 28, 2024 at 9:15 pm
To Ms. Loftis,
I heard Judy Morgan say it may be a pesticide. I have hyperosmia which causes smells to be stronger to me. When I have received can foods and supplies from Chewy I have complained of a strong chemical odor. I questioned it might be fumigation and sometimes air freshener odor. I wondered about fumigation being done inside the pet food manufacturing plants or at Chewys. I also noted strong odors from Amazon deliveries. One time I ordered a Carter’s onesie from Amazon and the chemical odor filled up an entire room. I returned it. I reordered the same item directly from the Carter company and there was no odor.
May 28, 2024 at 9:46 pm
To Ms. Loftis,
I forgot to mention I recently returned Swheat Scoop litter as the odor is stronger to me. It is from the product itself as it had the same odor from Chewy and my local food store. The World’s Best litter has proprietary chemicals and a chemical odor to me. Customers can contact the company and ask for a material safety data sheet of the chemicals used. One chemical is listed as a skin irritant.
January 22, 2024 at 9:04 am
My PET SUPPLIES PLUS store had beyond code dog and now cat food
We recently found worms in Purina One cat food. Now hoing bgg thru the 2nd bag watching for same. No receipt but will call the store and report.
We won’t be buying any food from this location ever again.
Cindy McCormick
February 28, 2024 at 12:09 pm
Thank u for your comment I too have my four babies on Hill Science protein based and they are doing great and praising God every day they are with me 🙏❤️🙏
Susan Paustian
January 22, 2024 at 11:16 pm
NO PURINA FOOD IS SAFE… find an alternative food. Steve’s quest food for cats is soft and my cats love it.
Gina nichols
February 19, 2024 at 6:41 am
I would like to know which purine pets foods are pets sick because that’s the only brand I feed my pets and so far my pets are fine but after reading this I’m concerned .sincerely Gina nichols
March 16, 2024 at 7:54 pm
People do your research. 3 states allow euthanized pets To be used in the making of pet food. Do you think the poison used when procedure is used that it gets cooked out of the meat? Do you think the cancerous parts of animals not used in human grade packing do not also go into the bin marked for pet food? Stop buying processed crap.
Nichole Paladino
April 7, 2024 at 8:59 pm
I believe..
the INGREDIENTS of the food ….either grown or raised..should be with our borders. Herbicides and fertilizers that have been banned here are used by other countries in agriculture.
April 7, 2024 at 9:35 am
If you are so sure their products are bad,the public needs to know which ones as purina is a very large,very old company that has so many different products.we need to know as our pets are like family,how can you be sure it’s their product??
May 20, 2024 at 3:46 pm
This is exactly why I started making my own pet food for my dog. I use chicken or beef( high quality steak) salmon, cook that up and add low sodium chicken or beef broth, usually I make my own with the broth that I make with the meat I’m using. Then I steam the broccoli and carrots and cook the brown rice with the meat. Add in frozen peas and spinach. He devours it. I know exactly what he is eating!
May 23, 2024 at 12:29 pm
They need many nutrients like calcium that they would get if living wild.
June 29, 2024 at 9:26 am
I think this is a lie. I feed my dogs Purina Beneful Salmon and they are in perfect health. My vet said that Purina is a very good food. Pedigree is horrible. Kit almost killed my dogs. I will never stop feeding my dogs Purina
CharEll Johnston
January 4, 2024 at 11:32 pm
When Purina Veterinary EL was announced, my dogs were on Purina Veterinary Diet ID. Both of my dogs got very sick with diarrhea and vomiting. I reported to the FDA and watched for a recall but it never happened. I reported it to Chewy where I purchased it. They said they would refund me but accidentally ordered another bag. I called them and let them know and that I wouldn’t use it because my dogs got very sick. The person on the phone told me to donate it to a shelter! I told her there was no way I would donate it! Feels good to be able to tell someone. Thank you.
Peggy Driscoll
January 5, 2024 at 10:07 pm
Does anyone know which dry food of Purina is making these fur babies sick, I need to know
Jo A O'Hara
January 7, 2024 at 3:13 pm
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:18 am
I posted a list below
February 7, 2024 at 4:45 pm
Pro Plan Large Breed Chicken Shreds is what my two dogs were eating when they got sick.one was violently ill and taken to the emergency vet vomiting blood. The other was just lethargic and had symptoms of acid reflux but she ate significantly less than the one who got very sick, as he is 30+pounds larger than her.
February 10, 2024 at 5:04 am
It likely wasn’t the food. My dog has been eating it for her whole life and nothing is wrong with her.
Patty Brazier
February 21, 2024 at 9:55 pm
I fed my dog Purina Pro Plan Shredded Beef & Rice.
Had been eating this for 2+ years. Bought a new bag in November 2023…the next day she became very ill – 104 degree temp, lethargic. Got her to the vet that day. She is doing good now, but no Purina! She gets raw venison + Sundays dog food.
February 22, 2024 at 10:05 pm
I would not use ANY brand!!!
Michelle Ballance
January 5, 2024 at 7:24 am
My 2 dogs are on purina pro plan and they are sick. Just spend $500 at the vet for one and the other one will be going also. They’re throwing up. I’d like to know if it’s from the food?
n s
January 5, 2024 at 10:02 am
Most likely is. Follow the instructions of what to do by calling and saving some of the food. DONT feed your dog any m ore of Purina food. Call Purina like the instructions say. I am so sorry adn hope your puppers feel better soon. Blessings
Kailey Bender
January 5, 2024 at 5:02 pm
Whenever your pets are sick and you’re unable to pinpoint the cause, always look at what you’re feeding them first. all of the major pet food manufacturers have harmful ingredients in them, so if possible I would start making your own pet food. this is what I had to do, and my dog hasn’t had any more health issues since.
Caroline Snyder
January 5, 2024 at 7:29 pm
Yes, it is from the food. TRUST me.. I have been battling this scumbag company since 2012!
January 6, 2024 at 3:33 am
There was a report on this particular dog food. Saying they pulled this brand from the stores due to a recall because it was making dogs sick.
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:18 am
Incorrect. The below list I posted is still on the shelves, they’ve been “investigating” for 6mths while more dogs/cats suffer & die. Even if my dog wasn’t sick, I sure wouldn’t risk ANY food from that company
Charlene Stinson
January 6, 2024 at 2:35 pm
This has been going on for YEARS !!!!! stop buying Purina, wake up
January 16, 2024 at 2:00 am
My dogs eat Purina one and have for years. Have four now and one is 15. All are doing great. Never had a dog not have a long life on Purina One.
Julianne N Loftis
January 16, 2024 at 7:45 pm
That’s great! We want to keep them that way. They’ve recently changed where they source their synthetic vitamins. Your babies aren’t worth the risk. Do some research & switch temporarily until this all gets figured out. I’d rather be safe than right.
Gabrielle Sturm
January 5, 2024 at 11:00 am
I have Purina friskies at home my cats get some once in a while. Is it safe or should it be discarded?
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:19 am
Do you really want to take the risk? I posted a list below.
Deb Kaminski
April 8, 2024 at 4:14 pm
I have recently read that tuna wasent good for cats…as I was using it to mix with probiotics to get my cat to eat it…I can’t find the list you posted
January 5, 2024 at 11:20 am
I won’t feed ANY purina product and YES I read labels which means I go one step further and research their sub-labels. Even their livestock feed is trash – look up the history of fungus-contaminated corn found in horse feeds where corn is not on the ingredients labels. Not limited to those issues. Mold. Sticks. Little rocks. Dead or half-dead rodents. Don’t buy ANY Purina product for ANY animal – EVER! If you possibly can do this with the help of either a holistic nutrition-oriented veterinarian or a certified animal nutritionist then HOME PREPARE your pet’s meals preferably using all organic ingredients.
January 11, 2024 at 8:07 pm
Just FYI: Purina Mills (livestock feed maker) and Nestlé Purina Petcare (pet food maker) are very different companies. The former is owned by Land O’Lakes (in the U.S.) and Cargill (international) respectively.
Susan Thixton
January 11, 2024 at 8:19 pm
Nestle Purine Petcare is owned by Nestle (not Cargill).
Rosanne Santiago
January 28, 2024 at 4:18 pm
I feed purina strategy to 2 of my horses is this feed involved?should I be concerned?
May 28, 2024 at 9:05 pm
Where would I find the info about little rocks and half dead rodents?
heather clemens
January 5, 2024 at 12:21 pm
Went to the suggested page saving one pet @ a time and from what I can gather there is no concrete information on what foods are affected. I have a diabetic cat who is getting Purina pro vet EN dry food due to having the lowest amount of carbs. Lower than diabetic cat food. We have the diabetes under control with him but lab work as of 2wks ago showed elevated kidney levels. If anyone can proof of this food being an issue please let me know. Diabetic food is had to come buy that a cat will eat.
March 19, 2024 at 7:37 pm
They have a list of affected brands and continue to expand it.
Sakinah S Abdus-samad
January 5, 2024 at 2:07 pm
Hi Has anyone reported which Purina foods they were feeding their dog or cat? Asking because my cat is on the Purina NF for CKD. Started her on the dry and I’ve recently added wet food.
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:21 am
I posted the list below
January 9, 2024 at 6:00 pm
True instinct
Making dog shit black sludge
Now puppy vomiting
January 19, 2024 at 2:02 pm
I don’t see a list. Can you tell me if pro plan for cats sensitive stomach and skin has been problematic?
Fannya Silberman
January 5, 2024 at 2:49 pm
What food fron Purina is in question or is it everything from them?
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:22 am
List is posted below
Cyndy cornell
January 5, 2024 at 4:39 pm
My party Yorkie eats Perena one, hes been to the vet four time. This month 2 and on your special diet now. And medications, 3 different kind event claims. He has a very angry stomach. His intestines are a mess, just wondering this dog food could be what’s effective him.
cathy washburn
January 5, 2024 at 6:31 pm
Come on why do we have to have all these dogs dying. Where is the company’s involvement with this my dogs use purina are they responsible or not
Bruce Karger
January 5, 2024 at 6:54 pm
It would be nice to know what varieties are being discussed. As a breeder, owner, show dogs, working and therapy, we have 16 dogs – 3 breeds. Use Pro Plan, Purina One, and Purina One cat food. No health issues. Our vet also uses Pro Plan, and, he has had no negative reports to his practice. Can anyone post the Purina varieties?
January 6, 2024 at 8:05 pm
Fed our pup nothn but Purina one for 16 yrs. Not 1- problem., mini Pom 13yrs. No problems. Son’s pup- 12.
No problems.
Yes they throw up- If they eat grass.
Other than that. All good.
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 11:06 am
They recently added a new ingredient
January 19, 2024 at 12:09 pm
Any idea what the ingredient is? I only feed fancy feast canned food by purina. I’m getting ready to switch to weruva
January 11, 2024 at 9:36 pm
I am definitely questioning this because my dog has these symptoms and ended up with heart failure and had to be put down this past June at 4 years old. He was a Doberman…but I am also questioning the fact that “the flu” is in full effect and I know we can pass the norovirus to dogs and vice versa.
Jody Richard
April 8, 2024 at 9:08 pm
Was your Doberman ever tested for DCM? Or had genetic testing for it? I’ve used Purina One and Pro Plan with my Dobermans for over 20 years, lost one at almost 12, from DCM, but would not blame it on the food. Still, doesn’t mean the food is best; reading this article, I may eventually go to a fresh food rather than processed.
Ella Durr
January 7, 2024 at 4:13 pm
We use PURINA PRO PUPPY…as our bet highly recommended tho the breeder suggest only raw food??? No sickness yet but this is so scaryyyy…
January 7, 2024 at 8:35 pm
I also use the Purina pro plan also with no problems yet….. should I stop using it, it has worked good for my pup…..
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:23 am
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:24 am
Is it really worth the risk?
Alejandro Volpe
January 5, 2024 at 10:32 pm
Dry food and what about the Purina can food ???
Madelynn Fatelewitz
January 6, 2024 at 12:27 am
20 December,2024 four of my cats consumed Purina Beyond Dry Grain Free Wild Caught Salmon,Egg,& Sweet Potato. Within 4 hours all threw up. I called Purina. They did not want the food returned or even a sample to test. Basically they didn’t give a damn.Have yet to receive refund. Then I called Chewy where I had purchased it to warn them of the problem. They took all my info and even requested photos of the food and bag. The representative then contacted Purina herself I believe more than once and was given no answers.Chewy themselves gave me a refund and told me to destroy the bag which I did. They also refunded me for a new, unopened bag of another Purina dry food which I bought weeks before. I will be joining Susan Thixton’s group and will either be making the cats’ food or be buying a type investigated by her. Thank you Ms.Thixton and Chewy.
January 6, 2024 at 9:03 am
My baby girl (a min pin) died in 2013 after eating Purina’s Beneful dry and wet food. She was the love of our lives. She got sick, started having diarrhea, vomiting, and she became inactive and started having seizures. This happened very quickly and after long term use of Beneful as the only food we used. She died within a week of the symptoms. I started researching Beneful after she died, and I was shocked that so many other pets had passed away after eating Beneful. Please do not use this product. https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/fda-releases-report-toxic-ingredients-beneful/
January 7, 2024 at 3:27 am
We’ve been buying PurinaOne Tender Selects dry catfood for years. 6 different cats, no issues. We also feed them Friskies (Purina-made) wet foods, though its hard finding ones they all like. Salmon paté with a little water mixed in has been best.
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:25 am
They recently added a new ingredient
Ronda Roan
January 7, 2024 at 2:49 pm
My roommates dog has been sick for 3 days now. She is lethargic and looking tired and not wanting to eat her dry Purina “Beneful”,I’m giving her something different today. Thank you for the insight.
Maryann Hall
January 8, 2024 at 8:59 pm
I hope you’re taking her to a vet ASAP! All of the symptoms you describe are indicative of a very dire problem.
February 22, 2024 at 10:15 pm
Rice and chicken helps.
Cyndy DiSiena
January 6, 2024 at 11:17 am
I had a concern about the Purina Fancy Feast cat food. My cat was vomiting daily, I figured it was from the seafood in a pate’. I contacted Purina, I sent them pictures of the food, about a month or two later, I received a bunch of coupons in the mail, some with cents off, some free. I also asked them a couple of times if they tested the food, never got a reply. I was afraid to continue to give my cat that food so I took the loss and threw it all out. Then, about a month later, I received a small package from Purina asking me to send them all the food. Too late, threw them out. Still no response. My cats always ate Purina foods, this is the first time they’ve had any issues. WTH???
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 11:08 am
They’ve recently added a new ingredient
January 6, 2024 at 1:47 pm
Our 3 year old American bully only consumes purina pro plan salmon and rice. He has a chicken allergy so we do not even give him different treats or table scraps, 3 months ago he was exorcist style vomiting and diarrhea everywhere and was extremely dehydrated out of nowhere. We had bloodwork done spent $1600 and they didn’t find anything, they just gave him an IV for his dehydration.. just befor Xmas same thing happened. We have looked everywhere for the source ( mabe ate something in the yard) we watch him and take him for walks so there was again no way that was the reason.. so this hits home and may explain a lot of why he might be having these issues. We are now going to transition him to a new brand.
susan eckert
January 6, 2024 at 3:57 pm
If they don’t cooperate with the FDA, shut them down. Is this not a case of the tail wagging the dog? (excuse the pun)
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:30 am
I’m blowing this up on social media & talking to anyone I see anywhere who has dogs. They WILL NOT get away with jeopardizing my baby’s life!
January 6, 2024 at 7:08 pm
Always feed my cats purina one dry for the last 15 years, never any problems.
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:30 am
They recently added a new ingredient. Is it really worth the risk?
Pat Young
January 14, 2024 at 2:42 pm
What is the key added ingredient?
Julianne N Loftis
January 15, 2024 at 10:35 am
Synthetic vitamins, vitamin D I believe
Shannon Latzke
January 7, 2024 at 1:18 am
Two of my Facebook friends just posted today asking whether anyone had heard anything because their dogs were sick. I had posted this article yesterday…
I have maintained my own lists of recommended cat foods for years, and there are NO Purina products on them.
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:33 am
You really want to take the risk? Over 500 animals in 6 countries have gotten extremely ill and/or died. That’s just the numbers from posts on the fb page. Imagine how many there are we don’t know about yet.
January 7, 2024 at 8:31 am
What are the symptoms these pets have had?? My dog was switched to a prescription diet from Purina for having a bunch of issues, which are still ongoing, could this be connected???
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:35 am
Vomitting sometimes just water & sometimes with blood, diarrhea some with blood (my dog didn’t have this issue), lethargy. Some are having seizures & strokes (thankfully mine didn’t).
Scott Addison
January 8, 2024 at 8:29 am
My 15wk old Boston Terrier passed on 1/5/24. He had Vomiting, he was lethargic and then at the very end bloody diarrhea. He passed away with 24hrs of first vomiting. Now today 1/8/24 my 2yr old Boston terrier started vomiting. We are taking her to the vet now!
Scott Kauffman
January 8, 2024 at 3:53 pm
We were feeding our dogs Purina one cans, and both had developed diarrhea, lethargy, vomiting. We have since stopped feeding them this. Our bigger dog, a husky, is now doing ok, the smaller dog, a jack Russell, is still as of today defecating all over the house, has odd noises coming from her stomach, and throwing up blood.
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 11:03 am
If you have access to raw goats milk that is the best probiotic to settle their tummy. I couldn’t find any, I bought plain kefir, next best thing. Lightly cook (on low heat till just done) some ground turkey. My girl is 67lbs, I can give her a 1/2 cup every 2hrs. I had to give her water through a syringe for a couple day. An organic bone broth is good for hydration & protein as well. The vet gave us cernia to prevent vomiting. All posts regarding my dog & Purina are public to share on my FB page. I pray your dog recovers 💜
May 27, 2024 at 6:11 pm
I’m older and never opened a Facebook account. It seems like I need one to look at your Facebook page. Could you please do an updated list of all the foods being reported to cause illness and list it here. Thank you.
January 8, 2024 at 5:24 pm
Actually over 400 dogs & cats have died in the US, Ireland & UK from eating Purina. How bout they take the food off the shelf while they investigate, so no more animals suffer & die needlessly. I’m going to keep blowing up social media & telling every dog owner I know, until they do something. Pets are our family members!
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 10:14 am
I mis spoke, see comment below
February 19, 2024 at 7:31 pm
I doubt you can say “from eating Purina”. Unless you have conclusive proof the food 100% caused the death. All my dogs, 13 have been fed Purina exclusively for life with no issues.
Julianne Loftis
January 8, 2024 at 5:38 pm
From our Facebook group:
Since 12/5/23 in my Saving Pets One Pet @ A Time group on Facebook we have 574 dogs/ cats (427 dogs, and 147 cats) in the USA Ireland,UK,Serbia, Hungry & Canada that are sick from Purina, 152 of which have died. The problem seems to date back to June 2023.
These are the foods so far we know are issues:
*Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Stomach
*Purina Pro Plan EN (Prescription)
*Purina Pro Plan Lamb and Rice
*Purina Pro Plan Chicken and Rice
*Purina Pro Plan Salmon
*Purina Pro Plan Beef
*Purina Pro Plan Bison
*Purina Pro Plan Adult Complete Essentials
*Purina Pro Plan High Energy
*Purina Large Breed Shredded Blend
Purina One Joint Health
*Purina SPORT 30/20
*Purina One Lamb and Rice
*Purina One True Instinct
*Purina Dog Chow
*Purina One Skin &Coat
*Purina One Chicken and Rice
*Purina Puppy Chow Tender and Crunchy
*Purina Pro Plan Kittens Salmon
*Purina One Salmon Selects Dry Food
*Fancy Feast Wet Cat Food
*Purina Pro Plan Ocean Fish Patte
*Purina Pro Plan Kitten Chicken Patte
*Purina Pro Plan Kitten Chow Nurture
*Purina Pro Plan Live Clear
*Purina One +
*Purina Friskies Gravy Lovers (all flavors)
*Purina Friskies Tender and Crunchy
*Purina Kit and Kaboodle
*Purina Beggin’ Strips
*Purina Pro Plan Beef and Carrots
*Purina Pro Plan Chicken and Turkey
*Many More…….
If you or someone you know is feeding this food, I recommend you stop the food immediately. Do NOT wait until your pet gets sick or Purina issues a recall. My dog Duncan died in 2019 from Hills Science Diet, 2 weeks BEFORE Hills issued the recall. Dogs/cats were sick for 6 months before the recall. I was the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit against Hills which we won.
These are only the foods we know of. However, just like in the Hills Science Diet there ended up being many more. If one food is bad they often are all bad. Purina doesn’t have different quality control processes for different foods. Purina has not issued a recall yet, even though many pet parents have notified them. Please do NOT take a chance with your pets life.
Symptoms: Lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle weakness and seizures, rapid weight loss , excessive urination, rectal bleeding, vomiting blood, red/yellow eyes , excessive urination
Take the following steps:
1. Begin a detox immediately using Animal Essential Liver Defense or Animal Essentials Detox Blend (available on Amazon) to rid the toxins from their system. (if you don’t know how to detox your pet join the group)
2. If your dog is having seizures, you can try CBD for dogs which often will help with seizures
3. Stop the food immediately. Post in the group above what your pets current diet is and medical conditions and we will help you find a more nutritious and safer diet
4. Save the pet food. Do NOT release it to Purina in any circumstances
5. If you pet dies, do not cremate them. Freeze the body so it could be used for further testing in a lawsuit
6. Contact your vet and request a copy of your pets medical record including blood work and x-rays. Ask the vet to report your concerns to Purina. Its likely that will not do this since they get a commission from Purina for selling the food
7. Report it to the FDA (https://truthaboutpetfood.com/report-a-suspect-risk-pet…/)
8. Report it to Purina (https://www.purina.com/contact-us)
* Do NOT agree to send them the food. If you feel compelled to do so, only send a small portion. Keep the rest of the food in the freezer
* Do NOT send the medical records and x-rays to Purina (get a copy for yourself)
* Document your conversation with Purina
* Purina may eventually say they will pay your vet bills and reimburse you for your pet food. If you agree to this they will ask you to sign a form which will prohibit you from taking legal action. Eventually, if there is a class action lawsuit you will be unable to join if you do this or if you want to file your own lawsuit. Contact the Facebook Group above for more advice
9. Consider getting your pet food tested (https://truthaboutpetfood.com/help-to-check-your-pet-food/) This would be helpful if you want to pursue legal action.
10. Can you provide me the name, lot number and expiration date of the food?
11. Send vet records to consult@drjudymorgan.com. Get copies of vet records including ANY diagnostic test results, digital X-rays, doc’s notes, age and breed. Food you are feeding and treats Do NOT provide them to Purina . They will use these records to try to determine the cause and also for the lawsuit.
Purina has already been notified by numerous pet owners and they have not done anything to alert unsuspecting pet parents. Initially, there were offering to reimburse the pet owners for their pet food. Then they were offering pet parents $10 in coupons (which is what Hills offered me for my dead dog) and having a third party contact the pet parents. Now they are offering pet owners who call and say they will pay their vet bills if they agree to sign a confidentiality agreement and not sue. There is currently no recall because not enough people have reported it to the FDA . Purina is well aware there is a problem because so many people in this group have called them. Eventually, we may see Purina pet food become “unavailable” on the store shelves. This is called a silent recall. The pet food manufacturer doesn’t want to admit there is a problem with the product, so they start pulling the products off the shelves quietly. (Hills did this for 60 days before the recall. If there is a class action lawsuit, are you interested?
Can you provide me the name,lot number and expiration date of the food?
Send vet records to consult@drjudymorgan.com. Get copies of vet records including ANY diagnostic test results, digital X-rays, doc’s notes, age and breed. Food you are feeding and treats Do NOT provide them to Purina .
They will use these records to try to determine the cause and also for the lawsuit.
May 6, 2024 at 4:11 pm
I volunteer at an animal shelter. We feed them purina pro plan and purina puppy chow and purina cat food. 50-70 dogs and around 30 cats twice a day some 3 times a day. Never once was the food made an animal sick. It’s unfortunate pets have gotten sick buy you have no direct evidence that it’s from the food. We’ve been feeding purina for years so I’m having a difficult time believing any of this shelters are a good place to look because you have such a large quantity of animals to look at. It look. And yet you haven’t.
July 25, 2024 at 4:29 am
my cats had strange diarrhea for the last several months. I read aout the issue with purina and did a fast transition to other brands. all good now.
i told chewy abotu it and htey didnt care.
they agreed to let me return five cases.
but a month later they lost my returned so no refund.
onyl buy food from petflow and petco now.
Julianne N Loftis
January 9, 2024 at 11:05 am
If you have Facebook, all posts regarding my dogs illness, other dogs illnesses/deaths & Purina have been made public, please feel free to go read them & share, share, share away!
Sandra Carstensen
January 11, 2024 at 8:49 pm
I am so very disappointed to read all these comments. I’ve been feeding Purina products to my cats for decades. One constant is ProPlan Indoor Dry. I think I’ve been feeding this for 20 years. Same with Friskies canned. All my kitties like Purina foods. I’ve purchased other brands, some they will eat, some they will not.
Comments I’ve read here might also be an allergy to an ingredient. Can happen with any food/brand.
I just hope and pray an answer is found. The last thing I want is to harm my kid’s health.
Patricia Murray
January 12, 2024 at 9:02 am
I have a stockpile of Purina dry food and wet food, I am interested in recommendations for what to feed my pups. I too feed this to my animals on the recommendation of my vet – Who I very recently decided I cannot trust for other reasons. The veterinarians are no different than the human doctors recommending and forcing us to put toxic poisons in our own bodies. I am so disgusted with the whole system and I’m looking for anyway to keep my babies from getting sick.
Julianne N Loftis
January 12, 2024 at 2:52 pm
I chose Diamond Naturals, same price point, no recalls in 12 yrs
Patricia Murray
January 15, 2024 at 4:08 pm
Thank you
January 16, 2024 at 2:54 pm
Cat very sick or ten days. Vomiting and uncontrollable diarrhea. Was feeding Purina Fancy Feast dry food. She’s been eating this her whole life for 13 years without any previous problems. Three vet visits, x-rays, blood work, diarrhea medicine, fluid injections and an ultra sound. Over $2000 in expenses. Thought I was going to lose her. Finally, she came out of it but it was very hard for her. Still recovering. Related to this? Not sure, blood work was good and ultrasound showed no issues. Seems quite a coincidence to have this happen days ago and now read this. Best of luck to others with similar pet problems.
Karen Anderson
February 13, 2024 at 9:32 pm
I was feeding my cats fancy feast for the last year. Was difficult to get their previous food. They started vomiting frequently the last two months or so. Took them off when I found out about all the pets possibly ill from per food. They are doing better now. Using Merrick and Instinct.
Margaret Baker
March 1, 2024 at 4:54 pm
I find it unusual that the most common pet food is being implicated in a variety of cat/dog symptoms when we know that both cats and dogs can catch Covid from people and have similar bad outcomes. My cat had probable Covid last month. He wasn’t eating, so switched him to a different formulation of purina dry for old indoor cats and a kitten pate. He’s been recovering.
Emmy Guers
January 17, 2024 at 5:51 pm
Can I ask my Purina has not been shut down if they are not complying with the FDA? This is the s*** that drives me insane. Nobody listens to the authorities anymore and that’s why people get sick and guys everybody’s dying and getting sick and nobody gives a f***. If my pet gets sick I will get a lawyer. There is not one single person in control anymore it is every man for themselves.
Emmy Guers
January 17, 2024 at 5:56 pm
So I’ve tried to comment twice and it keeps telling me my comments are duplicated so it won’t boast them and I know this is the first time I posted. I’m saying things that I’m not allowed to say that are the truth. Sue every person that’s involved the company the FDA whoever you need to cuz none of them really f****** care at least you can get medical coverage for your dogs if you win
Helina Gonzalez
January 24, 2024 at 1:06 pm
My puppy just turned a year in July . She started having seizures out of no where this past Sunday 1/21/24 . She’s been on purina pro plan since a puppy and I switched to the small breed formula . Chicken and rice . Her labs have returned normal . I’ve emptied my savings trying to find out what’s going on . No one knows . I need help . I’m trying all I can for. My kids and lilo is our baby too it’s not right !
Courtney W
January 30, 2024 at 2:27 pm
My 11yo boxer boy started having seizures at the end of October and my girl started having neurological issues around that same time as well. I switched their food a few weeks ago and the seizures stopped. I’ve spent thousands in emergency vet visits and now he’s on expensive long term medication. I’m pissed. Wild that they still refuse to take accountability.
Cheryl Turner
February 16, 2024 at 12:58 am
I purchased Dec 15th received Dec 17th from Chewy. I still had some food from a bag I received the shelter (Purina One)so I didn’t start the new food till around Christmas. I noticed the diarrhea about a week later Jan 1st or so, but that’s hard to tell with clumping litter and he’s a great coverer. He had been to the vet on Dec 19th for his new adoption visit and he was perfect. Trying various things such as adding some rice to diet and diarrhea meds but nothing really worked. I then switched him to Iams Mon Feb 5th. His diarrhea stopped almost immediately. I took him off the Purina One on Fri Feb 2nd as soon as I read the article. Boots is about 1yr 4 Mon old. It’s now Feb 15th and he is still doing fine. I thank God everyday that he didn’t get any worse than diarrhea. I contacted Purina they basically denied everything but did offer to refund my money. We will see if I get the refund.
February 17, 2024 at 4:34 pm
I actually wouldn’t have known about this trend since I don’t tiktok but I noticed groceries here have been selling purina biscuits in bundles and cheap too. But the moment I switched to it, I’ve had multiple trips to the vet and it hurts so much to see my dogs in pain.
RIP my best buddy
March 8, 2024 at 2:31 pm
I reported my dog’s death
to the FDA, I got a call back immediately from a person who is a complaint coordinator there for my location where I live . They took all the information from my situation after the loss of my dog and my sickness and my cats all on Purina around the same time frame. But the most extreme situation was my dog— and I’ve shared my story on a dedicated Facebook group and to others and they’ve been very kind and supportive. This came out of nowhere for me so it was a complete shock. Not to mention traumatizing to see my dog abruptly vomit, projectile blood and other things out of nowhere. So much so that I couldn’t even look at it. He was an extra large dog. He was covered in his own blood and his bed was saturated. My carpet was saturated. My hardwood floor had thick pools of blood. The whole house smelled like metal from the blood all the blood for days after. Anyway, I won’t get into my whole store but my dog because it’s just too long. Basically he went downhill really fast and 4 days there was no saving it. He had to be emergency euthanized. To this day I don’t have a reason. They did all the tests at the vet ER hospital that would indicate that kind of response and there was nothing. Except anemia. and it was the anemia that comes from abrupt sudden lost blood. But that wasn’t enough. They didn’t think to have a transfusion at that point. I was shocked to hear that but anyway he didn’t make it. 4 days later he couldn’t even drink water. It was coming out of him, both ends. It was a horrible, horrible way for him to go.
Both of my two cats were getting sick at the same time. It was really strange cuz they had been eating Purina cat food kibble as well.
They didn’t vomit blood but they were vomiting more and more. I noticed cat piles around the house. They kind of are sneaky about it but I was beginning to notice more and more right around the same time I was desperately trying to save my dogs life for the next 4 days after they discharged him from the vet ER initially and you know after he had to be emergency euthanized I noticed these piles of Cat vomit and they were not just hidden around the house this time. They were absolutely just uncontrollable cuz they would be Right in the middle of the kitchen next to their food or near their food… So as soon as this happened with my dog I yanked them off of either Purina. They were experiencing a little bit of diarrhea for a couple of days from the abrupt change of their food, But I couldn’t sit there and let another pet die just in case I was overly protective .
They immediately stopped vomiting Had a lot more energy. They were very lethargic. They were always sleeping. It seemed like I didn’t notice these subtle signs at first, but I hope they can survive. The one cat looks like she’s not doing well and she’s constantly crying. I don’t know if it’s because she misses my dog because they were basically best friends or it’s something else. I’m really confused but anyway has anyone who’s questioning what to do. I know it’s really confusing and financial always comes into play for many people on what food to buy… All I can say is that I would just for a little time to save your animal if possible. Keep it on the safe side with caution regarding what you feed them There’s a ton of information now available. I see on this website in the facebook group that’s also mentioned in this article.
I do need want to comment on the response I got from the Department of agriculture for my state. I was told by others to report what happened to my dog to them as well as I did the FDA.
I just recently did this because at first I was just too overwhelmed with grief and shock and trauma. I still am going through that process it’s just different now so I went and reported my situation to the State Department of agriculture where I reside… I got to call immediately back. The representative I spoke with was very very interested to know what my story was and information about everything.
After they heard what I had to say, I can confidently say that they are actively very seriously taking this to every level they possibly can to test the food. They know what to test for they’ve tried everything and the problem is they’re coming up with nothing. From what I understand they are not giving up it’s just very hard for them to find something when they don’t know what to look for. They’ve already exhausted any possible thing that could cause this to happen to the animals that’s happened in the past or even something that’s like a thought that they might have that could be in their food. I guess they have several reports in my state so they had several samples already they used. I think they might get mine as well but maybe not depends. I was told that they are taking this very seriously. The person I spoke with was an official government representative who is directly involved with this entire situation. I wanted to say that because I’m not sure that anyone got feedback on this.
I know that the person expressed they felt like everyone was complaining to them and saying they weren’t doing anything but they absolutely are. The person I spoke with definitely is very much trying to do whatever they can maybe even don’t go to external labs to find other things maybe they are trying everything they possibly can and that’s just very frustrating that they can’t because they know there’s something it’s just what it is something really hard to find after checking for everything they could possibly think of based on their knowledge of pet food industry all the process is what goes into it, what the rules and regulations are, what common things that could be causing these results or side effects have been tested I was given a list verbally of things that they already tried …
What it’s getting to now is that they can’t test for anything else that they don’t know what to test for you can’t just do a test for something you don’t know what you’re looking for. That makes it more complicated now so they’re going to have to go to some external resources I think at this point. I do know that what I was told by this direct person they are still aggressively doing this and really actively trying to figure out what’s causing this because they know it is something they just can’t find it no matter what they’ve done and I know they’ve exhausted everything they understand to be you know potential cause. It seems like it’s something novel at this point and unknown obviously but they’re not giving up I know that so I hope that gives some people peace of mind if they trust what was said to me from my state representative for the Department of agriculture who was doing this investigation directly.
It’s not going to get my dog back but I’m just hoping that they do find something eventually it’s just going to take time. Ultimately they may never find something.
I have to be realistic about this you know but it’s not just the FDA as I thought they agriculture Department is also a very much involved.
They are definitely not taking this lightly on either end from least my perspective from what I’ve talked to both representatives from my state for the FDA and also Department of agriculture.
So I’m going to be in touch with this representative going forwards maybe we’re going to be sending off my food depending on what happens in the next few days weeks who knows how long it’s going to take but that makes me feel some peace of mind that someone really does care and who is in position who can test for this type of thing and understands this process with the pet food industry and what contaminants could possibly cause what’s going on.
I really hope no more people lose their animals but if you see any symptoms that have been listed over and over on the internet please take them seriously I don’t know that I was able to catch mine in time but of course I’m looking back now I’m thinking I missed a lot of not so subtle signs my dog was trying to tell me his food didn’t taste the same. He would take an individual kibbles with his lips like four or five and drop them right after I poured it in his bowl and they be on the floor next to his bowl and then he would investigate and sniff each one of them first before he decided to eat anything at all. Keep in mind this is a food he was on for years
My dog is half Hound and the type of found he has in him has a very very strong sense of smell more than most dogs and that tells me is very telling of him obviously knowing something was wrong. I assumed he was getting picky with his food and tired of it. Looking back I’ll never forgive myself because that’s definitely something that it’s not normal for him to do but never on my wildest dreams could I ever imagine of what was to come in the near future. Now he’s gone and I think I’ve done everything I can for him and every other pet out there that’s still alive.
I hope I give peace of mind to some pen owners that that’s not being ignored by any agency. Not in my state and that counts for something.
I could tell I directly speaking with these two different Representatives one from the FDA one from the Department of agriculture that they both felt very concerned and their tone of voice they were very serious about this and they were not willing to or trying to back down they weren’t ignoring me they took this very seriously and they continue to I know this well I don’t know it for a fact but I don’t think I’d have a government official call me directly, and then lie to me for no reason. I mean they went into detail about what even what they tested for so far.
All right that’s all I wanted to say
March 21, 2024 at 9:26 am
This is in regards to the Purina issue. My dogs and even my cats,have always eaten Purina, as I considered it a safe brand. I have always been on top of checking food, and I supplement with food made by me. Very rarely canned food for the dogs, and again, Purina.
I switched to Purina True Instinct Turkey and Venison dry food,a few years, ago, and my dogs liked it.
My new,monthly bag of food arrived in February 24,and I had just opened it when my I saw the alert.
I decided not to feed them the food until I looked into it further, and I am glad that I did. I spoke to some other people, who laughed at me,but I stood firm.i kept the bag, but didn’t feed it to my dogs,as I followed the alerts to see what was happening. Hard to get much information,but I fed them homemade food for the month. I ended up calling my online food provider, and they replaced the bag with something else of my choice.
I still have the bag, but I don’t even want it in the,dump, or the woods,where other animals might get it.
Oddly,in January 24, my girl dog didn’t really want to eat the food. It has,both large and small chunks, usually more of the small. This time,70% of the bag were the large spongy chunks, so I didn’t finish that bag either.
I need to look closer at my cat foods, as I was feeding them Friskies for quite a while, and I’m finding out, that it is a Purina Co.
My dogs are both older and have sensitive stomachs, but my boy will gobble anything, while my girl is picky.
I thank everyone who reported,and the Facebook group. Although I do not do social media,I did get these alerts.
I am so sorry for those that lost their animal children.i have been there, and it stays with you always, especially if tragic.
There is no amount of money that can compensate for the loss of your loved one.
Thank you in advance for all future information relating to this.
March 24, 2024 at 6:44 pm
I read this article. In my eyes, if Purina is not going to follow FDA guidelines and let them investigate 100% You must be hiding something. Maybe every product of Purina should be boycotted. Our pets are family. Like a child to us. Do the right thing and keep your product at good standing.
Bud Lake
March 29, 2024 at 10:01 pm
They poison or kill my pet they are going to come up short one CEO.
I’m a very old man and I don’t care about consequences. My dog is all I have in this world, have outlived all my relatives.
Wanda Benavides
April 6, 2024 at 2:54 pm
Hi, I feed my dog on Purina Pro Plan sensitive and stomach salmon and rice twice a day everyday.i feed him portion of his food by his weight, I watch him eat and then drink water. I don’t let him put his toy in his mouth after eating, because I heard that it can cause the stomach twist and it can kill the dog. Whenever I take him to vet, I always ask them to check him out to make sure that he’s ok.So far he hasn’t had any problems with the symptoms at all. I feed him that dog food for 6 years now.
Galina Polyakoff
April 8, 2024 at 4:59 am
I noticed since 1 year the Purina dry god food is different from package to package. I use Purina Pro Plan High Protein Dog Food With Probiotics for Dogs, Shredded Blend Beef & Rice Formula – 18 lb. bag, and every bag has different quality. Some has more those shredded meat pieces, some has such small amount that I think they are stealing meat on the factory… some has dark color, some packages has a light color of the food which supposed to be the same food. I already reported some food and requested twice the refund from Purina on May 2023. Now I received the new 18 lbs bag and my dog refuses to eat it. This is the second time. She started to eat it finally and now she has a diarrhea… I just cleaned the floor at 4 am after we walked at 12 am and she already made her deal quietly softly. Thanks God I found this article! I will change my pets food immediately! I have multiple cats too on Purina Beyond and few of my cats having a stool issues now… I thought this is a food as one of my cat has a skin irritation, another one has a problem from the very soft stool to diarrhea for almost a ear (doctors can’t help), and now the youngest kitty have a diarrhea for a week already … Oh, Gosh…
Magaly Fernandez
June 27, 2024 at 5:48 pm
I filed a complaint with the FDA. I’m sure it will not get me anywhere. The FDA does nothing.Purina is too big to care.