AAFCO is defining the word ‘feed’. With permission from AAFCO, here are the definitions proposed thus far. Consumer input is requested.
Last year AAFCO defined ‘feed grade’; “Feed Grade: Material that has been determined to be safe, functional and suitable for its intended use in animal food, is handled and labeled appropriately, and conforms to The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act unless otherwise expressly permitted by the appropriate state or federal agency.”
This year AAFCO wishes to define ‘feed’. A working group was formed; regulatory, industry and consumer advocates are part of the group. Our first webinar meeting was last week. AAFCO explained the definition they are wanting is the product itself – what is feed? Feed grade – which was defined last year – is a descriptive term relating to the quality of the pet/animal product (human grade is a descriptive term too). Now they are wishing to define the product itself – feed.
With permission from the working group leader (AAFCO member/State Department of Agriculture), multiple possible definitions are listed below for consumer input.
(1) Materials eaten by animals.
Input: This definition is very simple, but clear.
(2) All material(s) which are consumed or intended to be consumed by animals, including pets and specialty pet, including raw materials and ingredients.
Input: A little more detailed than #1, but clearly defines that ‘feed’ is what animals consume (not food).
(3) All food and/or food ingredients which are consumed or intended to be consumed by animals other than man.
Input: This definition uses the term food which I personally disagree with. Feed does not abide by food law; in my opinion the definition of feed should not reference food unless it IS food (legally). The exception would be human grade pet foods – which do meet the legal requirements of food.
(4) Edible material(s) which are consumed by animals other than humans and contribute energy and/or nutrients to the animal’s diets. (1) Substances fed for a nutritive effect in the animal (e.g., providing one or more nutrients or other nutritive effect); and (2) substances that have technical effects in the food (e.g., anti-caking agents, binders, emulsifiers, enzymes, mixing aids, preservatives, processing aids, stabilizers, and substances added for aroma, flavor, or other technical effects) rather than nutritive effects in the animal. It includes pet food, specialty pet food, animal feed, and raw materials and ingredients. This is intended to be equivalent to the materials also described as food in 21 USC 321.
Input: Very complicated definition, but includes all of processing ‘substances’ included in manufacture. I disagree with the first word “Edible”. Many materials used in pet food are deemed “Inedible” by USDA.
(5) Edible material(s) which are consumed by animals and contribute energy and/or nutrients to the animal’s diet. (Usually refers to animals rather than man.)
Input: Again I disagree with the first word “Edible”.
(6) An article intended for use for food or drink for animals other than humans, including raw materials and ingredients.
Input: The word ‘food’ included in this definition concerns me. Feed is legally not food.
The Problem.
Defining ‘feed’ is challenging. The ‘material’ animals eat should be food (law defines food as what humans and animals consume), but because FDA and each State Department of Agriculture does not enforce food law with the material animals eat – the term ‘feed’ is needed. A clear definition of feed should tell consumers the ‘material’ could be a violation of law, BUT if the definition did – it gives (almost) legal permission for the adulteration. So…what should the definition of feed be? How should it be phrased in order to make it clear to consumers feed is not food, but not give permission for feeds to violate law?
Please provide your input on which of the above definitions you like or provide an improved definition in the comment section below. The next meeting is scheduled for September 21, 2016. Consumer input will be provided in the meeting.
Note: Please do not send your comments to AAFCO. Post them here and they will be collected and provided to the working group at the next meeting (9/21).
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients? Chinese imports? Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 4,000 cat foods, dog foods, and pet treats. 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. www.PetsumerReport.com
The 2016 List
Susan’s List of trusted pet foods. Click Here
The Other List
The List of pet foods I would not give my own pets. Click Here
Have you read Buyer Beware? Click Here
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Lynn Felici-Gallant
September 12, 2016 at 11:40 am
Hmmmm. I feel like we’re trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Why aren’t we starting with a definition of pet, then moving to “food” as the only acceptable “material” for a pet to consume? It seems to me the bigger problem is that pets are in the same category as chickens or cattle, for example, and therein lies at least part of the problem. The only acceptable “feed” for pets, to my mind, is “food”. Thanks for all of your work, and for seeking our input.
September 12, 2016 at 11:57 am
Susan Thixton, are you going to submit our remodification to these definitions to the September 21st meeting? If so, then i will put in some input on #4…
(4)Inedible and Edible matter(s) which are consumed by animals other than humans and contribute energy and/or nutrients to the animal’s diets. (1) Substances fed for a nutritive effect in the animal (e.g., providing one or more nutrients and ,artificial nutrients or other nutritive effect, and (2) substances that have technical effects in the food (e.g.,artificial anti-caking agents, artificial fillers, binders, emulsifiers, enzymes, mixing aids, artificial preservatives, processing aids, including heat processing, artificial stabilizers, and substances added for aroma, flavor,(artificial vitamins,minerals,and other artificial nutrients), or other technical effects) rather than actual clean, disease-free nutritive results in the animal. It includes pet food, specialty pet food, animal feed, and raw substance and raw and artificial ingredients. This is intended to be equivalent to the substance also described as food in 21 USC 321.
I dont like at all the word “materials”, sounds like they are eating, paper, clothing, wood, glue , ect. also should there be something in there about outsourced substanses? (which they are under “feed”) i would like some “feedback” (no pun intended), comments, suggestions on my revisions or do you feel its even worth putting in the revisions. thanks, have a great day!
Kathryn S
September 12, 2016 at 12:51 pm
they are, in some cases, eating wood and paper, and I’m sure somehow or another ‘clothing/toweling’ etc. has found it’s way in to some livestock products.
September 12, 2016 at 11:57 am
Those (so-called) definitions are nothing but political double-speak. There are no definitive guidelines. As I was reading through it, I got the feeling that it was specifically written to leave loop-holes for pet food manufacturers to include “feeds” that were not healthy for our pets. The word nutrition was used. Yes, you can “feed” a companion animal on garbage; but it will not be a healthy animal.
September 12, 2016 at 11:59 am
If the definition of “edible” is included then it needs to be defined and assuming that it is the same as the USDA definition, enforced. That in itself would eliminate a lot of materials from the feed supply. I assume the PFI would not allow that to happen.
# 1 is ridiculous because animals eat a lot of stuff they shouldn’t, rocks, shoes, knives, etc.
#2 Leave out “which are consumed” or change to “which are normal to consume”, eliminates plastic and 4D (unless you have a pet vulture).
#3 Only if enforced as per “food law”. I agree with Susan, no use of the word food unless it is food.
#4 Is what we have now, calling feed, food. Which it clearly isn’t, unless they change the definition of edible.
#5 No, even if change edible. “Usually” is a loophole.
#6 Change the word food to the word eat.
The definition would be:
A product or substance including raw materials and ingredients, which is intended to be used by animals other than humans, to eat or drink for nourishment.
September 12, 2016 at 12:33 pm
I think this whole conversation is mute, until the government quits using the pet food industry as a dumping place for all the “4D”, and euthanized animals, etc. They are going to continue to word things so that they can CTA (cover their ass) , and continue to let anybody, put anything in food/feed, so they don’t have to deal with it. As far as your choices for definitions above: #1 won’t work–too many dogs eat EVERYTHING-shoes, patio furniture, etc. I don’t understand why it can’t be: ingredients provided for animals to eat, that contribute to increasing/maintaining, their health, without causing harm. What’s wrong with that? The other thing that needs to change is that pets/animals need to quit being considered our possessions-like a lawnmower, and be considered something we are the guardian of–like another human–you know something of value, that should be guarded, and cared for. I deal with all these same issues in my industry, when it comes to fertilizers for gardening/farming–THAT’S WHY I’M IN THE ORGANIC GARDENING BUSINESS!!!! And why we ONLY carry pet food made by companies with, commonsense AND scruples.
Dianne & pets
September 12, 2016 at 5:03 pm
Without causing harm is a problem, we already know that many things that have been included in feed do indeed cause harm.
September 12, 2016 at 12:39 pm
I object to the term “man” (uppercase mine below). Why not use the word “human”?
(3) All food and/or food ingredients which are consumed or intended to be consumed by animals other than MAN.
(5) Edible material(s) which are consumed by animals and contribute energy and/or nutrients to the animal’s diet. (Usually refers to animals rather than MAN.)
Kathryn S
September 12, 2016 at 12:55 pm
I’m not 100% convinced that products offered to be consumed for nutritional benefit by humans actually fits these definitions – and when there are only 8000 FSIS (USDA Food Safety Inspection Service ) nationwide ??? take a look at the USDA map! woefully understaffed.
Patricia Thompson
September 12, 2016 at 12:59 pm
I read all
Labels on dog food bags. Thanks to your good advice I only feed my dog top quality food such as, Acana & Fromm made in Canada & America.
Patty Janiszewski
September 12, 2016 at 1:12 pm
I don’t understand why the definition has to change from what it previously was! From what I read of all the other descriptions none of them conform to a description that allows me to trust the food I am paying out money to purchase for my animals; dogs and cats. If i choose to go to a store or go online and purchase my animals feed, I should be able to trust our Government who pays good money out for agencies and departments to provide accurate laws about that feed that I can trust and is acceptable to what I chose for my animals feed!!!
Sharon Oh
September 12, 2016 at 3:32 pm
do you regularly read this post?
???? really ????trust our Government who pays good money out for agencies and departments to provide accurate laws about that feed that I can trust . . . . THEY ARE LYING TO US and NOT following the laws that should protect us!
September 13, 2016 at 9:48 am
Yes Patty we should be able to but unfortunately we can not. The US Gov is corrupt, bought and paid for by bribes, “donations”, and although some employees are doing their best they are working against a rigged system. I worked in that system until my ethics were worth more than the paycheck. It’s worse than you can imagine (even on the human food side) and all you need to do is go back to the archives on this website and do some reading to see that you are paying a lot of money for garbage. This includes the expensive, top name brands. They all get there meat “protein” from the same sources. Rejects from the human food supply are really garbage because they are not rejected unless they are really bad ( know the source of your meat) and then they are handled like garbage, minimal to no refrigeration, flies, non-edible materials etc. Better than the cheaper non-human sources like rendering plants but still not good. Please educate yourself, your pets life depends on it!
Jane Eagle
September 12, 2016 at 1:13 pm
“Material fed to animals which is unsafe for humans to eat due to contamination or putrefaction”
– love to see THAT on the bags of garbage they sell!
September 14, 2016 at 12:25 am
Count me in on this definition!
Jane Eagle
September 12, 2016 at 1:22 pm
Reading the other comments reminds me that back in the 60s, maybe into the 70s, one of the ingredients in pet feed for dogs at least, was sawdust: a bulk filler with no nutritive value. When consumers found out and complained, they switched to using grains: more cheap filler, also indigestible for dogs and cats.
September 13, 2016 at 9:54 am
Currently Hills Science Diet Z/D Prescription dog food contains cellulose. Usually made from wood chips. http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/dog-food-reviews/hills-prescription-diet-zd-canned/
This is the most disgusting thing I’ve seen in a long time. Especially for the price per can!
Ingredients: Water, hydrolyzed chicken liver, corn starch, powdered cellulose, soybean oil, dicalcium phosphate, potassium citrate, calcium carbonate, vitamins (vitamin E supplement, ascorbic acid (source of vitamin C), etc, etc.
September 13, 2016 at 7:41 pm
I’m not defending Hills Science Diet, but cellulose does have a place in diet. I’m not sure who confirmed that cellulose coming from wood chips is “usually” in Hills Z/D, but the link explains where it does exist in human foods and its purpose.
Mary C. St. Mary
September 12, 2016 at 1:35 pm
Can I vote for none of the above? I guess #2 is the definition I would least object to.
Pat Lee Carignan
September 12, 2016 at 1:39 pm
MY DEFINITION OF FEED: products that meet the minimal requirements animals need as sustenance.
(which means…It’ll keep them alive but not necessarily nourished with regards to health.and thrivabilty).
Rhonda Lucich
September 12, 2016 at 1:50 pm
Doing a little brainstorming here. Would this work?
Animal-grade “feed”: Ingredients intended for consumption by pets and other animals for the primary purpose of providing nutrition and energy. Feed may also include non-nutrtional substances, such as anti-caking agents, binders, emulsifiers, enzymes, mixing aids, preservatives, processing aids, stabilizers, and aroma/flavor/color enhancers.
pat chesney
September 12, 2016 at 1:55 pm
animal feed contains materials which are not suitable for human consumption, but are deemed acceptable to be given to animals for their consumption
Juno's mom
September 12, 2016 at 2:08 pm
Pet food and human food should not be differentiated. Keep it simple.
Lynn Felici-Gallant
September 12, 2016 at 4:36 pm
Amen, Juno. This is my exact position. Pet food for companion animals (and others, really) used to be simply food — human food. That’s the direction we should be heading, not trying to determine what non-human “feed” is acceptable.
September 12, 2016 at 2:35 pm
Feed: all materials/ingredients unfit for human consumption but eaten by animals.
Dianne & pets
September 12, 2016 at 5:06 pm
but fed to animals (because they can’t read labels and have no choice)
Nancy D.
September 12, 2016 at 2:41 pm
I would like to see specific ingredients listed and do not find anything else acceptable. Whatever it is, should be what it is labeled. For example, if it is chicken, than the part of the chicken. If it is chicken by-products, than what by-products. We have the right as consumers to know what we are purchasing and what we are feeding our companion animals. We are their caretakers and should not have to call companies, ask for and wait for responses as to what is in the food they are producing. If they are producing it, they should know where it comes from. I do agree with Susan that it should not say food unless it is human grade food.
Linda Saslow
September 12, 2016 at 3:08 pm
I agree with Nancy D. – just tell us what is in the products we fed our pets and country of origin.
Cecilia Barnett
September 12, 2016 at 3:10 pm
I have a problem with “which are consumed or intended to be consumed” and I’m not sure how to define my thoughts on the subject. When a child drinks a poisonous liquid, he ‘consumes’ it and when they spray plants ‘intended to be consumed’ with pesticides and the pesticides are left to soak into the skin of the fruit or vegetable, what are the underlying intentions? IF this is acceptable practice for ‘human grade’, what will be done to the poor second and third class victims of the ‘feed’ category?
Dr. Oscar Chavez
September 12, 2016 at 3:39 pm
Feed: materials eaten by animals, not intended or allowed for human consumption.
September 12, 2016 at 3:52 pm
I think there needs to be an emphasis on the fact that 1) Food and FEED are not the same thing, legally. For example, #1 could read “Materials eaten by animals, rarely food-grade. 2) is fine, but I would like to see, “may not be food-grade unless specified”.
3) Not food. Cannot be used in definition in my opinion without a deliberate attempt to mislead the consumer. So…. #3: Feed and/or Feed-based ingredients fed to cattle, livestock and pets. (Let’s call it what it is without trying to make it out to be what it is not!) #4: In my opinion, given that many of the “edible” things have been declared dangerous and certainly of dubious nutritional value, I think all reference to nutrition needs to be struck. It should not be used since that has not been established to be the case. #5: Same objection as #4. References to the effect it is supposed to have on the animal is not in evidence and should not be referenced. #6: Feed grade materials fed to animals. No mention of “food” since legally that is not what it is. No mention or reference to “edible” or “nutrition” or “energy” since much of that is soundly disputed by experts and has not been proven decisively by the industry. Endotoxins do not provide energy or nutrition. Much of what is in feed grade pet feed is neither edible nor nutritious. No definition should be allowed which blurs that line. Any attempt to create such a definition is simply a bait and switch on the consumer and should be called out as illegal.
Roger Rittenhouse
September 12, 2016 at 4:27 pm
The whole problem is that AAFCO is trying to distort the concept of food. Trying to define feed separately from food is a non sequitur. Why should animals eat products of less quality than humans? This is pure speciesism. Granted cattle eat different foods than humans because their stomachs and digestive systems are different, but why should what they eat be of less quality than grains and greens we eat? I recommend not playing this game with AAFCO. Instead just stick to our guns that food is food and not feed.
Reva Crump
September 12, 2016 at 4:42 pm
Definition 2 has my vote. It avoids attempting to define food and/or nutritional value. “Feed” should do no harm; do we need to address ingredients consumed should be scientifically tested to do no harm to the intended animal or those that consume the animal?
Linda Horn
September 12, 2016 at 5:39 pm
I agree it is difficult to define “feed” as something which doesn’t meet human food requirements, without appearing to give permission to industry to violate the FD&C Act. With this in mind, I think definition #6 might work, if they change the wording so it doesn’t include the word “food”, for example:
An article intended to be consumed by animals other than humans, including raw materials and ingredients.
Lewis Turner
September 12, 2016 at 5:46 pm
Perhaps I’m missing something, with regards to the appropriate wording that should be utilized. But, just as your post states, the individual State regulatory agencies can merely decide to ignore whatever definition is agreed upon. Just as they ignore vitally important legislation.
Besides letter writing, are there other avenues we can take that would ultimately lead to forcing the approrpiate government agencies to Enforce current legislation?
Shirley Bryant
September 12, 2016 at 7:27 pm
Won’t happen because AAFCO and FDA don’t have the guts to make a stand but what I’d love to see, on each package, bail, batch of veggies, or can, is:
“Commercially processed feeds and foods, including those for pets, factory farmed animals and human consumption, may contain ingredients that are injurious or even poisonous to living creatures.
“See complete list of ingredients, including any medical ingredients contained, method of processing, ingredients added during processing, and country of origin and of processing on this can, batch, or package before making your decision to buy it to eat yourself or to feed to another living creature.”..
September 13, 2016 at 10:00 am
Love it! Maybe on another planet or different millennium this would work!
September 12, 2016 at 7:39 pm
Edible – I too have difficulty with this term. Reasons: over 20 years ago I read in Birder’s Digest that researchers had observed wild birds feeding bits of plastic to offspring, over 5 years ago while driving along a rural road I saw, with no time to successfully react, a young calf in a large field snatch a plastic bag that had been caught in the barbwire fence, in Southern Arizona a type of locoweed grows….Now, one wonders if the baby birds died, likely; did the calf die of a horribly painful blocked digestive track, likely; locoweed is palatable to livestock if the field has been eaten down of more palatable vegetation – were all of these items “edible”? Yes. Are they detrimental, YES. Is chocolate “edible” to dogs, yes; will it kill them, yes. Edible ain’t the word!
September 12, 2016 at 7:54 pm
I’m sorry, but I am completely confused by what you’re asking for here. None of those definitions is what I would want them to be.
traci vallone
September 12, 2016 at 8:07 pm
Pacific Sun
September 12, 2016 at 9:10 pm
The exercise AAFCO is proposing is a Trap!
The short answer is “Feed” is a verb and “Food” is a noun.
Therefore any “edible nutritional material” intended for the sustenance of animals IS food, and it can’t be changed into a word called feed. The one instance (by definition) where the verb feed is given the status of a noun is by using the phrase “food for animals, especially livestock.” Therefore Feed is STILL Food by accepted definition!
AAFCO doesn’t have the power or the authority to change words in the Dictionary!!!
We also have to remember that AAFCO never does anything for the benefit PF Consumers (or animals). It protects Industry. That’s why Industry pays a fee to belong. I question why there is now a big push to redefine these words, instead of focusing on the standard of WHAT MATERIAL constitutes being “edible, suitable, nutritional sustenance” for animals.
What animals eat should not be sub-classified (or separated) into anything less or different than real food. Even if Ag-Business Consumers already use the slang term of (Animal Feed) to denote a product being sold to feed livestock, it is still food! We’re just in the habit of saying “chicken feed” instead of “chicken food.” But it doesn’t change the reality of what the words actually mean!
I think if AAFCO is successful in reclassifying (by terminology) “edible nutritional material” that animals eat from the word Food into the word Feed, then what animals do eat will no longer be subject to the FDA’s definition of Food (see below) and will therefore eliminate what little protection PF Food currently has.
• Section 201 (f) provides the definition of food: “The term ‘food’ means (1) articles used for food or drink for man or other animals, (2) chewing gum, and (3) articles used for components of any such article.”
• Section 402 Adulterated food: “A food shall be deemed to be adulterated – (a) Poisonous, insanitary, or deleterious ingredients.” (a)(5) “if it is, in whole or in part, the product of a diseased animal or of an animal which has died otherwise than by slaughter;”
Martha Kreger
September 12, 2016 at 9:14 pm
I do not feed my dog, materials.
I feed my dog, food.
Shirley Bryant
September 12, 2016 at 10:07 pm
Won’t happen because AAFCO and FDA don’t have the guts to make a stand but what I’d love to see, on each package, bail, batch of veggies, or can, is:
“Commercially processed feeds and foods, including those for pets, factory farmed animals and human consumption, may contain ingredients that are injurious or even poisonous to living creatures.
“See complete list of ingredients, including any medical ingredients contained, method of processing, ingredients added during processing, and country of origin and of processing on this can, batch, or package before making your decision to buy it to eat yourself or to feed to another living creature.”.
September 12, 2016 at 10:10 pm
Boy! This is a tough one. I absolutely agree that the term food should not be in the definition of feed when referring to our pets. In fact, if you read the definition of “feed” in the Cambridge Dictionary it defines it as: “food for animals, especially animals that are not kept as pets.” NOT kept as pets – says it all. Seems ridiculous that we have to use the term in relation to our pets.
Pacific Sun
September 12, 2016 at 11:20 pm
It’s not my preference to create an argument here. But every situation does have an exception. I understand the intention of the Cambridge Dictionary. But there’s no definition (really) for a “pet” either. Some people keep little pigs, or friendly goats, or chickens (without raising them for slaughter). “Companion” pet might be a little more specific. But a pet is a pet to whomever has a particular affection for the animal.
Simplicity is the best route to clarity. Real food is food and it should be that way. Food can feed livestock as it is manufactured to meet each species’ specific nutritional requirements. “Feed” can be an Agri-Business product description, but it should NOT become a legal reference, or else the FDA will have a loophole to exempt Pet “Feed” from it’s standing regulation.
September 14, 2016 at 3:40 pm
Feed – Food that is inedible for humans, i.e., diseased, euthanized, rotten, road kill, etc., but allowable for animal consumption. Burn the garbage instead.
September 16, 2016 at 11:56 am
I find this very confusing so I guess I would vote for the most simple–the first definition. However, it is immaterial to me because since the 2007 pet food recalls due to melamine in pet food, I have simply fed grocery store human meat to my cats. The only hard thing about that was locating a source for an organ meat other than liver. Once I found a place that sells kidney, my little meat-and-bone eaters were good to go. 🙂
DArcy Dent
September 17, 2016 at 3:57 pm
Feed is a food alternative intended for the use of maintining animals in a living state, which may or may not contain substances considered safe or edible for human consumption.