Jerry mentioned in his personal account that he didn’t know if all rendering facilities were like this; truth is, none of us know. All rendering facilities are overseen by the USDA; however there are no inspection reports or any other information on the USDA website regarding rendering facilities. I’ve spent hours on both the FDA and USDA websites and have never found inspection reports from any rendering facility. It is one of the most secretive industries; yet rendering companies sell products to a large variety of manufacturers of pet products and people products.
Like most of us that know the ‘truth’, Jerry was appalled at what he saw. Worse yet, he was insulted when no one cared about the rats or rat feces or the chemicals in the rendered animals or even the maggots – because it was ‘just for pet food’. This is what we get from anyone of authority; it’s just for pet food.
These horrendous ingredients in ANY food blatantly violate Federal law; but because it’s ‘just for pets’ no one seems to care. Most every pet owner would strongly disagree. Our dogs and cats are NOT ‘just pets’; they are family.
The only way to stop this is to continue to write our Representatives in Congress. Congress and the Department of Health and Human Services have the power to enforce the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Laws that prohibit this. Because it is ‘just for pets’ they have refused to listen (so far).
The rendering industry cannot be wiped away completely; they are a necessity. However, these horrendous rendered ingredients should never become pet foods, soaps, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and crayons. Months ago I did some research on bio-fuel, and published an article explaining these horrendous rendered ingredients can be turned into fuel (yes, cheap bio-fuel!).
Is it so complicated for anyone in Washington to see? Every rendering company in the US can be altered into bio-fuel plants. Instead of pet foods, soaps and crayons being a dumping ground for waste, turn this garbage into fuel.
I hope Jerry’s story motivates you to write your Representatives in Congress (for many of you, it’s writing them again). We have to wear them down. We have to force them to realize our pets are important. I hope Jerry’s story motivates you to forward his words to every pet owner you know (we have to wear them down too).
Please help. Even if your pets are eating high quality human grade pet foods, rendered ingredients still affect your life in some way (fertilizers, soaps, pharmaceuticals, and much more). Forward Jerry’s story to every elected official in your State, including Representatives in Congress and your State’s Agriculture Department. Forward his story to every media in your town; television and newspaper. Last but not least, please forward his story to every pet owner you know.
I doubt anyone can look at pet foods containing rendering industry ingredients the same after reading Jerry’s story. Furthermore, I doubt you’ll ever look at soap or crayons the same either. Please help keep this issue in the faces of those that can do something to stop it. A special thank you to Jerry; I’m hopeful your words can help.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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