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Pet Food News

Bankruptcy and Antitrust: Legal Woes for Large Pet Food Retailers

Petco determined to be at risk for bankruptcy, PetSmart and Chewy might be facing antitrust violations.

According to a October 2023 story, “Petco is one of 11 major retailers deemed most likely to file for bankruptcy this year”. This news comes from the credit reporting agency CreditRiskMonitor which evaluates a “company’s level of financial stress, based on the probability of bankruptcy over a 12-month horizon.”

On a scale of 1 – 10, a score of 1 is the most at risk.

Petco scored a 2.

Competitors of Petco – PetSmart and have some ‘issues’ themselves. According to, a complaint was filed with the Justice Department asking the agency to investigate PetSmart and Chewy “over concerns the pet supply retailers’ overlapping directors violate U.S. antitrust law.” Specifically, the request asked the Justice Department to investigate “three directors who sit on the boards of both PetSmart and Chewy even though the two companies split years ago.

Federal antitrust law forbids individuals or entities from sitting on the board of directors for two companies that directly compete with one another.

What can pet owners do?

Purchase all your pet products from local independently owned pet stores.

By supporting local businesses, you are supporting your local community – not mega corporate businesses who are currently experiencing some serious corporate issues. If your local pet food store does not carry a brand of food you prefer, ask them to carry it – or ask if they can order it for you.

Many independent pet stores know every detail of the products they sell. Many do hours of research on brands BEFORE they are sold in their stores. When deliveries arrive, many store owners check every product prior to unloading including checking the temperature of frozen products in the delivery truck (to guarantee frozen stays frozen).

And unfortunately, many independent pet stores are hassled by regulatory authorities for selling raw pet food and/or raw milk (for pets). Several years ago, we shared a story of a small store in Pennsylvania that FDA came into and took more than $1000.00 of pet food without paying the store for the products.

Support local pet businesses! They need us and we need them.

Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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  1. Brooke Erdmann

    October 5, 2023 at 1:45 pm

    Thank you for this info!! My concern with Chewy having legal woes is I rely on them entirely for my cat’s insulin/insulin needles as I’m able to purchase these essentials at a far cheaper cost than from my money-hungry veterinarian. Their pharmacy is pretty essential to me, unfortunately. But I otherwise buy local! Thanks again for all you do. Longtime reader, first time commenter.

    • Bobbie G

      October 5, 2023 at 11:15 pm

      I’ve never had to purchase insulin or the associated needles, but I have found to be a good veterinary pharmacy. Their prices are usually very competitive and the service is good.

  2. Robin

    October 5, 2023 at 3:47 pm

    Too late for my community. We had a really nice boutique pet food store that carried raw, dehydrated, frozen prey model, plus a few supplies like bowls,leashes and toys. Fast forward from 2015 and Wal-Mart and Petco moved in a few blocks away. The little boutique I used exclusively was literally run out of business. I now order certain items online and raise my own livestock for my dogs as well as a small herd of milk goats for raw goats milk.

  3. Toni

    October 5, 2023 at 4:40 pm

    Where will I buy “local” here in the boondocks? The big box store 35 miles away? I won’t drive in that city for anything. Chewy delivers my heavy dog food bags no matter the weather. I’m 77 years old. Picture me driving on the snow packed interstate for 55 minutes. Picture me driving through 7 stoplights until I get to the frontage road. Not gonna happen.

    • Mary Smith

      October 6, 2023 at 3:31 pm

      Same here. As a senior the distance and weather factors in as well as my health. I miss the small local shops but even when I lived in a very large city they were difficult to find and also get to. Many were just part of chains anyways.

  4. Mary M

    October 5, 2023 at 9:26 pm

    I have pretty faithfully purchased from PetCo online since they were the company that actually stepped up to help trace all the foods I bought and fed my pets when all 11 of them were in the 2017 Lawsuit. NOT PETSMART. They have always been helpful. Plus I live nowhere even near a small pet store. I have to order online. There are couple of other places I order special better quality food from but being able to use PayPal instead of a CC helps a lot. I am saddened to hear PetCo is having issues. They have been wonderful to us. Breaks my heart actually.

  5. Gdoggie

    October 9, 2023 at 1:26 pm

    I’m a firm believer in dealing with the small independent retailers. My findings are they’re actually more competitive then the Chewy, Petco, petsmarts. I ve been purchasing my dogs meds from Costco. 2 vials of one of my dogs med at the vet is around $300+. At Costco I’m paying less than half. Also for pain meds I’m saving money there. You can use their mail orders to get ur needs. I do not purchase there dog food there as I try to. Get them what I feel is safe food. My pups are my babies

  6. aimee

    October 12, 2023 at 10:27 pm

    The comments section seems to illustrate that “big box” is able to fulfill needs that independents cannot, so it appears “big box” serves a vital role.

    And while some independent retailers embody the characteristics described in this article, others in my opinion, perhaps due to feeling the “squeeze” of lost sales to “big box” or just plain old greed, appear to engage in egregious acts to increase their profit. I do not think all independents deserve our support.

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