Just like what we’ve seen in other states over the past few years, Massachusetts has banned the sale of raw milk pet products in pet stores. After years of allowing these products to be sold in pet stores, after years of pet owners purchasing these products and their pets depending on these products…Massachusetts Department of Agriculture suddenly decided to apply human food law to this one style of pet product. Massachusetts Department of Agriculture has banned the sale of raw milk pet products in pet stores.
After a pet owner informed us of this issue, an email was sent to: Michael Cahill, Director, Division of Animal Health, MA Dept. of Agricultural Resources. Mr. Cahill explained:
“The Department’s regulations related to the sale of unpasteurized milk do not distinguish between milk sold for human consumption or animal consumption.
Pet owners in Massachusetts can still purchase raw milk to feed to their pets, but it is not allowed to be sold in any retail settings. The unpasteurized milk has to be purchased directly from the farm where it is produced.”
But…Mr. Cahill’s statement is not completely true. While Massachusetts state dairy laws (intended for human consumption products) doesn’t specifically mention pet products, the state’s laws do specifically adopt AAFCO regulations. “The definition of terms used in 330 CMR 13.00 shall be the same as those adopted by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (“AAFCO”), as amended, except as otherwise provided.”
And AAFCO written regulations – specifically includes a label term for raw milk pet products.
In other words, if Massachusetts accepts AAFCO terms, definitions, labeling requirements, nutritional standards, and so on – as their law states – then Massachusetts should allow the sale of raw milk pet products in pet stores.
Massachusetts is picking and choosing how they apply law, singling out one pet product and regulating it differently. This is a similar effort we’ve previously seen against raw milk pet products in New Jersey and in Hawaii.
What is so absurd at these efforts by some states is they are selectively choosing a health promoting pet product and applying human food law to ONLY that one pet product – while allowing other pet products to be regulated as a commercial feed. And while allowing feed pet products to utilize illegal ingredients sourced from condemned animal material without disclosure to the consumer. These states should not be allowed to ‘have it both ways’ – regulating almost all pet products as a feed while singling out one product and regulating it as a food. If they are continued to be allowed to selectively apply food or feed law at their discretion, what pet product will be next on their remove from pet stores list?
To express your concern to Massachusetts Department of Agriculture – whether you are a resident or not – please send an email to Michael Cahill, michael.cahill@state.ma.us.
Note: Raw milk pet products in Massachusetts are not allowed in pet stores, however Mr. Cahill told us pet owners in Massachusetts can purchase raw milk from one of 25 farms in the state that produces raw milk – he stated pet owners can email him for a list of those 25 farms.
Wishing you and your pet the best –
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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Tom Kirby
March 8, 2022 at 3:59 pm
While I agree that this is an odd battle that must have been lobbied for by someone, I don’t generally support the feeding of dairy products to cats simply because many felines are lactose intolerant. I know that popular culture has often shown cats as milk drinkers, as they do like the stuff, but it’s really not the best thing to be feeding them.
According to the textbook, Canine and Feline Nutrition by Case, Daristotle, Hayek, and Raasch: “The practice of feeding milk should be carefully limited. Dairy products should not be used as a supplemental source of calcium or protein…Although dairy products supply high-quality protein, they contain deficiencies and excesses of other nutrients and may contribute to a dietary imbalance if large amounts are added to an otherwise adequate diet.”
Dick McWay
March 8, 2022 at 4:33 pm
Care to speculate who or what triggered this action?
Susan Thixton
March 8, 2022 at 5:16 pm
I don’t know if any particular thing triggered this, but in my opinion regulatory authorities in general don’t like/agree with ‘food’ products for pets. And many of them appear to have a very biased opinion that raw pet foods and raw milks (for pets) are dangerous due to pathogenic bacteria contamination. I say biased opinion because authorities have no path bacteria fear of kibble pet foods when over the past 10 years, kibble pet foods were responsible for 98% of all pathogenic bacteria recalls (based on pounds recalled).
Wes Burke
March 9, 2022 at 9:17 am
This is absolutely absurd, and maddening! Pet owners should be allowed to purchase (from a retailer) and feed our pets whatever we’d like—it’s our choice. There’s clearly a market for raw milk products and raw food in general. The last thing we need is another regulatory agency determining what’s “good” or “bad” for our pets, based on antiquated, biased information, and what I assume are lobbyists for the ‘big’ pet food companies.
March 13, 2022 at 9:32 am
Big govt control of everything you do, need, or want.