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Pet Food Regulations

AAFCO Meeting July 2014 Day 1

Day 1 report from AAFCO meeting.

Day 1 report from AAFCO meeting.

Opening session of every AAFCO meeting is always the same. It starts with a roll call of State Department of Agriculture representatives that are present – and then an introduction of every other attendee. It is always interesting to see how many people from industry are present. I didn’t count – but I’d guess there are around 20 representatives from Purina, another 20 from Mars, 5 to 10 Big Heart (formerly DelMonte) and then one or two representatives from many other brands (BilJac, Ainsworth – even someone from Petsmart). It is always a moment of great pride when I get to stand up and say Association for Truth in Pet Food – and this meeting was no exception.

The ingredient definitions of pea protein/fiber/flour were approved as tentative ingredients – the next step they will be published in the AAFCO Official Publication and then it will be officially legal for pet food companies to be use these ingredients (that’s right – it has not been legal up till now). It was mentioned these ingredients have been ‘flying under the radar’ (being used in pet foods without a legal definition). How sad that at regulatory meetings, in a room full of enforcement authorities (State Department of Agriculture representatives) it was acceptable to discuss an ingredient was being used in products without regulatory approval.

A great deal of talk today was about the implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) from FDA. FDA says they will put public health role first – regulatory role second (not sure exactly what this means for pet food consumers).

A speaker today was from the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture. During his presentation – and I’m not sure how this was introduced – he made the comment ‘we all know what its like when a company can’t find a good strategy to sell a contaminated product’. When he said this…the entire room laughed. I found it insulting he could joke about a ‘strategy to sell a contaminated product’ and so many could relate to that strategy. Do they not even consider who might be consuming that contaminated product? And worse yet…this speaker who made the ‘joke’ was regulatory.

During a break – Curt Galliger of Pet Food Institute (the same one that purchased the domains and .org) came up to me and said…’we need to talk about something that I think you and Pet Food Institute will agree on’.  After I picked myself up off the floor, I told him ‘Ok, I’ll listen…I doubt we’ll agree – but I’ll listen’. It ends up that the topic was something I do agree with PFI on . AAFCO is wanting to escalate their voting process where advisors (such as myself) have only a week to respond (this would be issues in between meetings without much involvement from stakeholders such as consumers). We’ll address this issue with AAFCO on Sunday.

A presentation by a representative from the USDA National Organic Program was a first…a first for someone other than educated consumers to discuss illegal ingredients allowed in pet foods/animal feeds.  She was discussing what would be allowed or what wouldn’t be allowed in organic feeds (feeds not food) and she stated ‘cannot feed an ingredient/supplement that is in violation of the FD&C Act’. There it was! Somebody else admits illegal ingredients are used in feeds (and foods). It was of no consequence to authorities here – but it was certainly nice to hear someone else say it (besides us).

And also from Day 1 meetings was a presentation from a representative of Canadian government about their updating of food regulations. Oh…but not pet food. They are ‘redoing everything’ that is except establishing government regulations and enforcement for pet food. Ugh. Her discussion was mostly about food that humans consume or livestock feed. And on the livestock feed portion – a response from AFIA (Animal Feed Industry Association) got a little combative with the Canadian representative. She handled herself well during the verbal battle from AFIA, even when she/the Canadian government was called a ‘socialist’.

It was a pleasure to be joined at the meetings by Dr. Cathy Alinovi (my partner in Dinner Pawsible). And a pleasure to meet with Roxanne of Answers Pet Food and Dr. Chavez of Just Food for Dogs. A pet food consumer who lives here in Sacramento – who readers of the site know as Pacific Sun in her comments – picked me up at the airport (and even brought me a goodie bag of treats for hotel room snacking) and we all met for dinner last night. The conversation between us all was just fabulous! A consumer, a consumer advocate, a holistic veterinarian, and two manufacturers of real food pet foods…priceless!

Today (Saturday July 26 2014) I will be meeting with FDA regarding our challenge of calling most pet ‘foods’ a food (when they are actually a ‘feed’). I’ve asked Dr. Alinovi to join me on this meeting, to give FDA the perspective of a vet trying to find a quality food for her clients – and I’ve asked Answers Pet Food (Roxanne) and Just Food for Dogs (Dr. Chavez) to join me on this meeting too – I don’t know their challenges to try to tell consumers about their use of ‘food’ ingredients. So…fingers crossed – I feel we have a good slice of representatives to present a good argument to FDA on why consumers deserve to know what they are buying when purchasing pet food. I’ll keep you posted.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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  1. Laura

    July 26, 2014 at 11:49 am

    Well, look on the bright side. At least they weren’t trying to hush everyone up about discussing illegal ingredients, even if they did make a horrible “joke” about it.

  2. Kenneth Kalligher

    July 26, 2014 at 1:25 pm

    Susan, I came across this note about courage written by Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherds. I admire Watson’s single-minded tenacity when it comes to animal causes, particularly wild ocean dwellers, but I found my mind drifting to what I have come to feel about your cause and just had to share it with you. You are the hope for our domestic pets; NEVER GIVE UP!
    Deny Not Courage
    Heed not the strength of those who oppose you
    The strength of any army is finite
    The powers of governments are finite
    Although the forces of justice are few
    Social movements have always started small
    Persistence, Patience, Purpose and Passion
    Consideration, Courage, Compassion,
    Cultivate these virtues and you stand tall
    And dare to go where none say you may not
    Speak, act and stand fast with courageous grace
    Your own conscience is always your best guide
    For we know despite what we have been taught
    Failure to intervene is a disgrace
    Courage can never ever be denied.

  3. Jeanette Owen

    July 26, 2014 at 1:58 pm

    Very interesting! Thanks for all you do!!

  4. Dana

    July 26, 2014 at 3:38 pm

    I think you are being accepted. That laughter was nervous laughter. Thank you for putting yourself out there. A lot of us appreciate it more than you’ll ever know. They are feeling the heat.

  5. Flick, Dot & Buzz

    July 26, 2014 at 3:54 pm

    thank you so much for all your hard work Susan… thanks very much for reporting on the meetings, and standing up for pet food consumers!

  6. Allison

    July 26, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    I’m glad you have some other pet food educated people to back you up this time! Again thanks so much for attending these meetings and being a voice for our pets <3

  7. Tim

    July 26, 2014 at 5:59 pm

    Right on, Susan. A lot of us really appreciate what you do. Thanks and keep it up; let them feel the heat!

  8. Susan

    July 26, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    Thank You!

  9. Dillon

    July 26, 2014 at 8:52 pm

    I received an email a few hours ago regarding the FDA meeting but it appears the link doesn’t exist anymore:

    • Susan Thixton

      July 27, 2014 at 12:39 am

      Yes – I accidentally approved it before I had a chance to complete the post. I’ll try to get it done soon.

  10. Adrien

    July 27, 2014 at 11:26 pm

    Thank you for bringing the light of day onto a dark and dirty subject. Keep fighting the good fight. As I have evolved in my understanding of pet nutrition, I have drifted away from commercially produced food – kibble and most canned – and toward complete and balanced raw. I have even started making my own. I see the change in my cats for the better. I am more and more horrified by the things I read about the pet food industry ( and about human food production, too, but I will stick with pets given the subject here.) They don’t care one whit about the animals; only about profit and what kind of shenanigans they can pull to make even more money. Sickening. And the regulatory agencies are in bed with the business. Shameful.

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