Besides the ‘events’ from yesterday, here are some brief notes of the AAFCO meeting from Sunday January 15, 2017.
Sunday’s event was titled “Feed Emergency Response Tabletop Exercise”. In essence this event was a what happens when a pet food is suspect of causing an illness and/or needs to be recalled. We broke up into groups – each group had several regulatory representatives (both FDA and State Department of Agriculture), each group had several representatives from industry (manufacturers and ingredient suppliers), and two groups had a consumer representative (myself and BC Henchen who is also an independent pet store owner – Platinum Paws Carmel, Indiana).
Each group was presented with a pet food related adverse event – a pretend sick pet – and throughout the day the sick pet scenario turned into a more detailed pretend recall situation. Through each step of the pretend recall, each group would discuss what their role would be to facilitate an investigation into the illnesses and facilitate a recall as the (pretend) situation progressed.
What was concerning from the day was the many holes in the system. As example, regulatory authorities are left helpless if the pet owner reporting the problem doesn’t have the lot number of the suspect pet food. Often times bags or packaging is tossed. No lot number – in almost all situations – means no investigation. Something shocking we learned was that lot numbers are often not even on a pet food package or treat (or they are close to impossible to read – smeared). Our group was told this happens VERY frequently.
It was mentioned numerous times the importance of input from a veterinarian. Regulatory has the ability to investigate an issue – more of an ability – when a veterinarian reports the issue stating the sick pet might be linked to a pet food. And significantly important to an investigation of a suspect pet food is should a pet die – a necropsy needs to be performed. If the pet owner cannot afford the necropsy, in many cases the State will perform this for you as part of an investigation.
This was a great event to attend. And it is my hope that the information the group as a whole gained from this was to close some of those holes in the system. For our part (consumers) – always save the packaging of your pet food, before you bring the product home make sure you find lot numbers on the bag or can, should your pet get sick – enlist the help of your veterinarian to report the illness to your State Department of Agriculture and FDA. Your state authority can be found here: You can contact FDA here:
I have plans to make a sharable graphic of the above after these meetings are over (soon).
Regarding the information I shared yesterday – the texts I received…I also shared the details of this incident with a State Department of Agriculture representative and today shared with FDA. I feel regulatory should be made aware of the dark side of things.
I have several here with me that have my back – good people that are with me. Dr. Cathy Alinovi, Roxanne Stone, BC Henchen, and Nina Wolf. We are all together, and will stay close throughout the entire meeting.
I want to thank everyone for your comments and your messages of support. I admit I was unsettled at first, but I’m not now. Precautions have been put in place. Should I hear from the bully again – it will be shared again. Anything that happens, you all will know shortly after.
Another meeting to attend this afternoon. Full day tomorrow.
Again – thanks to all for your support.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients? Chinese imports? Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 4,000 cat foods, dog foods, and pet treats. 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. Click Here to preview Petsumer Report.
The 2017 List
Susan’s List of trusted pet foods. Click Here
The Other List
The List of pet foods I would not give my own pets. Click Here
Have you read Buyer Beware? Click Here
Cooking pet food made easy, Dinner PAWsible
Find Healthy Pet Foods in Your Area Click Here

January 16, 2017 at 1:12 pm
re yesterdays “incidents”: I am reminded of Teddy Roosevelt’s statement to “speak softly and carry a big stick”. me thinks a baseball bat at least in your hotel room would not be a bad idea………..but then I am very proactive re self-defense.
thanks for the update, susan. glad you have a group to hang and travel with.
Holly Rist
January 16, 2017 at 1:46 pm
I always tell people that they should keep the kibble in the bag, rather than dumping the food into a plastic container. Keeps the food fresher, avoids plastic contamination and, if they need a lot number, hopefully, they can get it from the bag of food. Also, are vets aware how necessary it is for them to report that a dog or cat (or, any animal for that matter) might possibly have gotten sick from eating a certain food? That’s a part of the chain that seems to be missing when it comes to recalls.
January 16, 2017 at 8:19 pm
Keeping the food in the bag and the bag in an airtight container keeps it fresher and prevents the oils from building up in container. That means less cleaning. The oils get rancid. This is why you shouldn’t buy more food than your pets will eat within a couple of weeks.
Prior to feeding a new bag I compare the ingredients with the previous bag so I can make note of any changes in case my dogs have a reaction. Unfortunately the label doesn’t include changes regarding where the ingredients are sourced.
Also don’t buy cans that are dented/damaged. Depending on severity/length of time they have been that way oxidation can occur, bacteria can enter, etc.
January 16, 2017 at 9:46 pm
I heard somewhere that Manufacturers have 6 months to update ingredient labels on packages. I’ve found that packages often differ from the Manufacturer website. I also found that if I want to look at an older label, or if I can’t (unbelievably) find the ingredients listed on the Manufacturer’s website (if I’m researching something) that I can almost always find the ingredients listed through This is helpful when a recall is going on, or a Manufacturer is hurrying to change something about their (disputed) ingredients!
March 2, 2017 at 8:45 pm
I did not know that about the 6 months. Thank you for that info.
The convenience and service of Chewy is awesome. 1 more reason for me to like them.
January 17, 2017 at 7:11 am
Its still true that pet foods, especially “dry” formulas, may stay on vendor shelves for far too long. I wish more people would heed your suggestion, “you shouldn’t buy more food than your pets will eat in a [certain period.” Consumers should also have some awareness and personal standard about production/”expiry” or “best by date,” and simply not purchase any bag that doesn’t have at least a year or more to go. Manufacturers will ordinarily provide the information on “shelf life” to consumers, and you can then use that to go backwards from the printed expiry date to estimate when the food was actually made.
Sandy Murphey -Northern CA, USA
January 16, 2017 at 4:03 pm
We all have different systems for storing kibble, and the bag is subject to ants, and other interested critters. I don’t use much kibble, so it would go stale before it’s finished. I store it in a clear glass container.
With most of us having phones at hand or in our hands (!) it seems like an easy thing to do would be to take a picture of the front of the bag showing Brand and kind, in addition to the lot number. Save it to a file for easy access. Let’s start using these phones to document things that can make pet food mfgrs. accountable. If you suspect that an animal’s illness may be related to food, bring this information when you see the vet, and ask if they’ll report a possible connection if your pet dies, including a necropsy report.
Besides food, other products can cause illness and death: flea products by Hartz has been responsible for many. Keep track of what you’re using with your pet. Photographs give you the information you may need. Also, keep track of any drugs your pet is given. My cat had severe reactions to Tresaderm. Stay on top of drug recalls, and ask your vet about any potential side effects because they usually don’t volunteer this information. Being informed about
potential side effects can make a huge difference for you and your pet.
When I take my cat to the vet, I hand them a typed history of food/supplement intake, elimination, flea products, behavior, symptoms, and the reason I brought them in. I also indicate in RED the names of drugs I don’t want them to have. I’ve been told that no one else does this. I’ve seen the notes that vets write from our discussions, and they’re barely legible. I’ve changed vets 4 times, and each time, I get a copy of the file notes. I wonder if many people do this.
My friend had two cats die within 3 months, and spent a lot of money at the vet’s. I don’t think the vet ever asked what she was feeding. When she questioned the vet when there was no specific diagnosis after many tests, the vet didn’t have a clue. After the cats died, my friend continued to ask how this could happen. The vet, who had treated her cats for many years, simply said “It doesn’t matter now!” I found out later that the cats were eating Iams dry food, and their symptoms were bloated belly and loss of appetite.
I keep track of my cat’s daily food intake and elimination because those provide important clues. I also note anything out of the ordinary. For example, I’ve been staying at a friend’s house, sleeping on her couch, until I find new housing. I noticed my cat scratching her ears and neck a lot, but no sign of fleas. I noticed my nose running a lot. So, I put on my detective hat, and realized that we’re both having an allergic reaction to the down comforter. Tiny bits of feathers are everywhere, even in my eyelashes.
Since I bought a new non-down comforter, our symptoms have stopped. Glad I didn’t take her to the vet, and spend money on allergy testing. I just needed to be aware of what was different for both of us.
Holly Rist
January 16, 2017 at 5:54 pm
I encourage people to leave the food in the bag, in an air tight container. Like you, I don’t feed much kibble. But I do have a small bag of Acana that I keep in the fridge. Keeps it fresh for months.
January 16, 2017 at 8:11 pm
Not just in the fridge, put it in the freezer.
Holly Rist
January 16, 2017 at 9:45 pm
Won’t fit in the freezer.
January 16, 2017 at 9:58 pm
I’d be concerned about moisture affecting “dry” kibble.
But to the point about keeping PF fresh, look into “Vittles Vaults” They offer all sizes and configurations. They can be found at chain supply stores now. But they are completely “varmit” and moisture proof, air tight, and are made out of a food grade safe plastic. I’ve had mine for at least 10 years, and if the rubber ring for the lid wears out, or gets lost, they can be reordered.
I do not work for the company or sell any kind of pet supplies.
Holly Rist
January 16, 2017 at 10:08 pm
Jamaica Winship
January 19, 2017 at 12:51 pm
Thank you for the recommendation! I work for the manufacturer, and we love seeing feedback like this!
January 19, 2017 at 3:04 pm
I know, but then somebody posts a link like this:
Jamaica, isn’t the point of your product that it’s (technically) a safer product that’s specifically made to protect pet food?
Personally, I put the BAG of food inside mine (which eliminates oil buildup) and protects the container from getting pitted. But washing them out isn’t a problem either.
I LIKE the idea they’re safe from kids and pets accidentally getting into the product or knocking them over (not too mention keeping out bugs). They’re absolutely air tight to help preserve the product. I also use a large metal clamp (like for a 1 in thick stack of papers) to keep the bag tightly closed, after pushing out the excess air. For most people, putting a 30# bag of PF in the refrigerator isn’t an option (wink!).
And, I wonder how many of the folks worried about certain details, are using PLASTIC feeding dishes, scoops and filling up from the outside plastic garden hose?
Thank you for following this website!!
March 2, 2017 at 8:54 pm
I’ve had mine for about 15 yrs. I don’t pour the food in it. I keep the food in bags. Still wash them every couple months.
A poster below said it keeps the pets and kids out. I can say with certainty that it does not keep my pets out. I have tightened that thing so tight I couldn’t open it. Yet in 2 seconds 1 of my GSDs and a Lab had undone. So I guess it depends on your dogs.
It is locked away in another room now. Still keeping the food fresh.
March 2, 2017 at 10:09 pm
Oh how funny! Well that speaks to the intelligence of GSDs and Labs. What they’re doing of course, is biting the cross-bar on the lid top, and turning. Whatever you keep inside there must be truly worth all that work! What would happen if you put a taut stretchy cover over the front? And you should report the problem to the company, to see if they have any fixes! They may have redesigned their lids!! They do monitor the site, they’ve responded to one of my comments!!
March 4, 2017 at 12:51 pm
They don’t really use the “x”. The teeth marks are around the top edges.
Yes these 2 dogs were/are too smart. (I’ve since lost that GSD. But he was the smartest dog I ever had. I have a niece of his as well. She is equally smart, but not as naughty.)
I had to put baby locks in cupboards and an actual metal lock on fridge. He’d open the fridge only when there was pizza in it. But the Lab would clean the thing out.
It never occurred to me to contact the co. I will do that. Thanks for the idea. I guess I just figured that’s who they are. The product is fine. The dogs are evil geniuses.
Patricia Cloonan
January 16, 2017 at 7:58 pm
Susan, you are an inspiration! Stay safe!