The following is an update for pet owners on the changes AAFCO appears to be making to Human Grade Pet Food. The meeting continues today and tomorrow (August 3 and 4, 2021), after it is complete we will provide all the details discussed. However this issue is so important, I felt pet owners deserved to know what is going on as quickly as possible.
For background information, read this post: Is AAFCO About To Destroy Human Grade Pet Food?
During the AAFCO Pet Food Committee session held Monday August 2, 2021, the committee was planning on discussing the new Human Grade Guideline document we shared yesterday. We were able to post the following comment in the webinar chat:
For the Pet Food Committee: pet owners and pet owner advocates have not had opportunity to see, review or provide comment on the new Human Grade Guidelines document. The new guidelines require a human food facility to register as a feed facility. Why? I would like explanation (to provide to consumers) why AAFCO is requiring a food facility to register as a feed facility. I ask that the guideline be tabled (removed from Model Bills) until consumers have opportunity to understand and comment.
Because AAFCO ignored comments I posted during the last webinar meeting (January 2021), I posted my comment early – ten minutes prior to the meeting beginning, giving the committee plenty of advance notice. Five minutes into the meeting there was a brief discussion about the Human Grade Pet Food Guideline document, then the AAFCO representatives asked “Are there any questions?”
Questions are taken first from AAFCO members, and then questions are allowed by attendees (those posted in the webinar chat). No AAFCO member had a question. The AAFCO Committee asked “Are there any questions in chat?” They responded “No“. They ignored my comment posted 15 minutes prior.
After they ignored my question, a representative from Purina posted a question/comment in the webinar chat (just under my comment) agreeing that the registration of a food facility as a feed facility is perhaps a conflict. I responded in the webinar chat to the Purina representative – thanking him, and stating “Perhaps they will listen to you.”
And it turns out AAFCO did listen to Purina. Only AFTER a representative from Purina questioned the dual registration of a human grade food facility, AAFCO addressed my question.
AAFCO stated the requirement is basically a paperwork issue. The human food facility is required to register with FDA acknowledging they manufacture an “animal food“.
Do you trust AAFCO’s explanation?
It could be true. The FDA requires all pet food manufacturing facilities to register with the agency. This is required to allow FDA to monitor pet products sold and have current contact information should a problem occur. This AAFCO change to requirements for Human Grade pet foods could simply be a written requirement for manufacturers to register with FDA.
Pet food manufacturers are already required to register with FDA. Such as: example human grade pet food ABC Pet Food is manufactured in a licensed human food facility. ABC Pet Food is manufactured at XYZ Foods, a human food facility that is regulated by USDA (not FDA). ABC Pet Food is registered with FDA as a pet food company, XYZ Foods is registered with USDA as a food facility. All involved are properly registered with the proper regulating body. So why is AAFCO suddenly requiring the human food manufacturing facility to register with FDA (when the pet food company is already registered)?
The new Human Grade guidance document AAFCO wrote specifically states “All facilities that process or package a final “human grade” pet food product…must be registered as both an FDA food facility and an FDA feed facility.” AAFCO is requiring the actual food manufacturing facility – not the pet food company – to register as a feed facility.
AAFCO’s response doesn’t make sense (at least to me).
From my knowledge of a human food facility that is regulated by USDA, they would not be allowed (by USDA) to register as a “feed facility“. USDA and FDA don’t work well together (even though they should) and it is highly unlikely USDA officials would allow a food facility to be registered anywhere as a feed facility.
But, even if the USDA agreed to allow the food facility to register as a feed facility, the facility itself (such as XYZ Foods exampled above) would probably not agree to the feed registration. It is no simple task to get a food facility to agree to manufacture a pet food. The human food clients of a food facility aren’t happy their food is made along side of a pet food – not quite understanding a human grade pet food is no different than human food. Because pet food has historically been feed – food manufacturing plants have a perspective of pet food as being inferior to food. Some plants are beginning to understand human grade pet food is no different than human food, but only a handful of food manufacturing facilities understand this and allow a pet food to be made in their plant.
The potential for food facilities to refuse to register as a feed facility is high, which will result in human grade pet foods losing their ability to label their products as human grade (resulting in consumers not being provided with pertinent information on the label).
In advance of this AAFCO edit to human grade standards, AAFCO removed all consumer advocates from participation in ANY working group preventing consumer advocates from understanding what is behind the change. Also – in advance of this AAFCO edit to human grade standards, AAFCO removed the trade association that represents the largest number of human grade manufacturers preventing the manufacturers themselves from commenting and understanding the change.
Is this a simple registration issue, or is it a complicated issue with potential to destroy human grade pet food? We are left with – do we trust AAFCO? Because AAFCO intentionally keeps us out, intentionally refuses to include consumers – in my opinion, it’s difficult to trust the organization. I personally remain very concerned at what is behind AAFCO’s changes. That opinion could change – if AAFCO would ever allow consumers a voice and an opportunity to provide input. Until then, I remain skeptical.
The final vote on the document will take place Wednesday 8/4/21. We will update pet owners to the outcome.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

Become a member of our pet food consumer Association. Association for Truth in Pet Food is a stakeholder organization representing the voice of pet food consumers at AAFCO and with FDA. Your membership helps representatives attend meetings and voice consumer concerns with regulatory authorities. Click Here to learn more.
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Kenneth Robinson
August 3, 2021 at 11:45 am
There is no “nice” way to put this: The FDA are corrupt, compromised flunkies, have been put in power to maximize the profits of the pet food giants and minimize any accountability to the public.
August 3, 2021 at 4:42 pm
Short answer: heck double-frigging NO.
I no longer just trust industry or government. I no longer trust any institution or so-called expert.
Then we talk.
Once trust has been destroyed, there is no easy way back. I was a naive, trusting fool. It took a long time, way too long, to erase that trust. I will not forgive, I will not forget. Want my money? EARN it. Good luck with that.
J King
August 3, 2021 at 11:49 am
Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. If the registration is simply paperwork, it’s an easy answer. AAFCO is hiding something.
T Allen
August 3, 2021 at 12:21 pm
I suspect this won’t stand up in court. You explained it perfectly. Everything is working as it should. Just because AAFCO “thinks” they can get away with something by doing this, it sounds like it won’t fly in real life. Especially if Purina (who has attorneys) is questioning it! Great job as usual Susan! Thanks for being there for us! Stay safe!
Joan Connorton
August 3, 2021 at 12:28 pm
I’ve been following YOU & THIS for years & years & years. I don’t know how you go on. you are a WARRIOR SAINT! all the DOGS IN THE USA thank you .. for your efforts.
Susan Thixton
August 3, 2021 at 12:36 pm
Thank you Joan.
Jane Eagle
August 4, 2021 at 12:16 am
Ditto. I’ve said it before: Susan, you have saved more lives than any rescue I know of. Thank you!
August 3, 2021 at 1:35 pm
Typical (the spin, the underhandedness, the deceit) .
Like you say so-called “Leadership” knows companies will refuse to host the mfg of human-grade pet food bc of the new ‘feed facility’ requirement, which will ultimately destroy human-grade pet food (concept, and products; it won’t exist anymore).
“Mission Accomplished!” “We so clev-ah!”
This is a small thing, relatively speaking. But the techniques they are using are as usual the same — vintage US “Leadership” behavior.
It’s so embarrassing, and predictable, and destructive. Especially given all the stupid mistakes that are made, and sad things that happen bc of them, while these assholes are busy “finessing” the latest “strah-teeeeg-ery” of week, like this one^^^.
Instead of doing what they are supposed to be doing — making sure the products are safe and support public health. Instead of killing pets, and people.
I guess they’re too busy knocking each other over to see who can chant the latest stupid buzzwords the loudest (“One Health! “Su-stain-ah-billity!” “We VIBRANT!!).
Or get their faces in a photo, Doing” It (“Makin’ Change! “Every Single Day!”).
So embarrassing.
And sad.
Teresa Johnson
August 3, 2021 at 3:02 pm
My understanding of ratings and my, no so humble, opinion is food has always been above feed.
My concerns are such a double registration requirement will not only lower quality of foods fed our pets but open the door to allow more substandard “foods” for humans.
Long ago I had a discussion with my sister about what she fed her children. She was trying to steer them to healthy snacks like fruits and veggies but said they did like hotdogs. She was buying all beef considering them a better hotdog choice. My twisted humor kicked in and I said, “Yep, hair, hide and hooves but all beef!” She said , “Ewwwwwww.” That prompted me to jokingly ask her to get their favorite brand of cereal from the pantry, Chex. I asked who makes it only to have her answer Purina. I pointed out Purina also made the dog food we grew up feeding our pets back then. Again the twisted humor and out of my mouth came , “Purina People Chow.” Another “ewwww” from my sister.
Now I read your comments from AAFCO and see my decades old joking likely to become reality. Ewwwwwww!
Kathryn Smith
August 9, 2021 at 10:49 am
Nailed it!
August 3, 2021 at 4:43 pm
Not surprised. as we have seen the U.S.has one of the most corrupt governments on the planet. these people, FDA, FTC, AAFCO all in bed with each other to detriment of consumers. this is disregard for our pets health and safety, they don’t care…how could we expect them to when they don’t care about people dying by the thousands due to faulty medical devices, they approve and rubber stamp anyway. so pet food, of course. any government worker is a low life. our company won’t even look at a candidate that is a former government worker period and with good reason.