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Pet Food News

Suspicious Letter Surfaces

Because we petsumers aren’t often told the whole story when a pet food recall occurs, we often have questions. The most recent Diamond Pet Food recall is no exception.

Because we petsumers aren’t often told the whole story when a pet food recall occurs, we often have questions.  The most recent Diamond Pet Food recall is no exception.  And now a new piece of information surfaces that brings even more questions about what is really going on with Diamond Pet Food and the foods it manufactures.

On Friday April 6, 2012 Diamond Pet Food announced a recall of a “limited number of dry dog food” due to salmonella concerns.  This recall was sent to me by an observant pet owner who found the notice posted on (what appears to be a pet related PR firm).   But…the date on the recall posted at PetPitchUSA was the day before – “For Immedite Release April 5, 2012” – not the day that Diamond sent the recall out to the public (April 6).

Why did PetPitchUSA release this recall announcement the day before it was released to the public?  Shouldn’t a company get the news of a pet food recall out to the public as soon as possible?

Immediately after the recall, rumors began surfacing that Diamond wasn’t shipping any products to distributors; Diamond told me (six days after the recall announcement) ‘in light of the recent recall, out of precaution Diamond is suspending delivery of all products made at the Diamond South Carolina facility until more information is available.’

Ok, this does make sense – and appears to be the company was taking precautions with all the foods they manufacture.

But…two weeks later – with no news from Diamond on when they will return to delivering products to retailers and exactly why they stopped delivering – this piece of information was provided to me…

Note the date.

So, as early as February 2012, Diamond was alerting retailers there will be a shortage of products they manufacture.  They give the reasoning they have “received orders that exceed our production capabilities.”  But, is this the truth?

Canidae – one of the brands made by Diamond announced on April 25 the “unveiling of its new pet food manufacturing facility.”  Canidae purchased the plant last year and has been “completely re-building the facility to be the most modern natural pet food plant of its kind.”

Thus, Diamond – it would seem – would be losing one of the largest brands they manufacture.  Appearing to be opposite of what the company statement was in February (orders exceeding capacity).

A call to Diamond Pet Food yesterday, I was directed to their “media contact”.  A call to Tara – the media contact – was brief; she told me she was currently in a meeting.  She did ask what information I needed from her.  I asked when Diamond would return to delivering product and I asked about the February letter to retailers – sharing that this could easily be perceived as suspicious.  She promised she would get back to me with answers.

It has been about 24 hours now, all I have received is a quick email last night stating they will be in touch.

So what is going on?  It could be all of can be easily explained, or it could be none of it can be explained to our satisfaction. When I hear from Diamond’s media contact, I will post what I learn.

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