Why list your pet food retail business on TruthaboutPetFood.com?
TruthaboutPetFood.com has the largest following of educated pet food consumers (those that seek the best pet foods) of any pet related website. Pet food consumers that want unbiased education and information turn to this website.
And this website is one of the few that actively advocates for regulatory change. Susan Thixton has attended regulatory meetings for the past 10 years building a working relationship with FDA and AAFCO (despite these organizations fighting her participation all along).
None of the above happens for free. Your support (by listing your business) not only allows educated petsumers a means to find you, you are also showing you support much needed change in this industry.
How much does it cost?
$60.00 for a one year listing.
What information is provided to readers about my store?
Business Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Phone with Area Code
Website (link)
Google Map (link)
Facebook Page (link) – if applicable
Twitter Contact (link) – if applicable
Google+ Page (link) – if applicable
Brief business description (500 characters or less)
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