From the Savage Cat Food website:
In February, Savage Pet was made aware of one cat in Colorado who contracted H5N1, got sick and recovered. Colorado State University Laboratory tested sealed packets of Savage Cat Food using PCR testing for H5N1. The PCR test results were “non-negative” for lot number 11152026 (chicken packets). The product with “non-negative” PCR results was sent to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa for virus isolation testing.
As a precautionary measure for our consumers, we initiated a market withdrawal while awaiting final test results. On 02/17/25 every retailer who may have received the lot code in question was contacted and informed to return it for proper destruction.
On 03/06/25 the virus isolation testing results from the NVSL confirmed the virus to be negative.
On 3/13/2025 Savage Pet was made aware of an additional case in New York of a kitten that was feeding lot 11152026 who contracted avian flu. Further testing is ongoing.
To ensure maximum safety we are modifying our market withdrawal to a recall.
Savage Pet has always been dedicated to the health of its feline consumers. All of our poultry ingredients are USDA inspected and passed for human consumption. Our suppliers follow the National Poultry Improvement Plan which monitors for H5/H7 and work under daily USDA inspection. Savage Pet has adhered to Good Manufacturing Practices and sanitation standard operating procedures for 10 years.
All retailers who may have received the product with lot code/best buy date of 11152026 which was sold in Large and Small Chicken Boxes in November 2024 have been contacted. Any consumers who may still have the affected lot code are urged return it to their retailer for a full refund.

March 14, 2025 at 8:53 pm
This is all so confusing! Two cats got sick from avian flu on opposite ends of the country (one died) and they both consumed the same batch of Savage Cat raw food and yet it ultimately tested negative for avian flu. What am I missing here? Can someone please explain how this is possible? And why aren’t we hearing about more cases from this batch?
Mary O'Toole
March 14, 2025 at 11:20 pm
I bought some Savage Cat about a week before the first reported cases were announced from Northwest Naturals. I contacted Savage Cat and the store I purchased it from and asked if I could return it later if I wasn’t comfortable. I didn’t want a mom and pop shop to get stuck with the cost. Savage Cat told me it would the distributors decision to take it back. That did not settle well with me, as they should have backed up the product and guaranteed the distributor also would be reimbursed. I am now sitting with product from the fall (about $100 in product I cannot afford) that I will NEVER feed my cat, regardless the outcome. I hate that this is happening and a lot of times these are smears on these small producers, but we must be careful.