I’ve been provided with a document sharing what the FDA has been testing for – since 2007 – on jerky treats. Up to mid-November, 2011, the FDA had received 353 reports of illness or death believed to be related to the jerky treats (in 2011). From mid-November to present, the number of complaints reported to FDA has almost doubled to 596 (in less than three months). And this is what the FDA has been doing…
One hundred thirty four samples tested in 2007. Everything from Vitamin D toxicity, to propylene glycol, to melamine. Four samples tested positive for propylene glycol.
In 2008, 2009, and 2010 reports of pet illness had decreased, the FDA tested 23 samples with no results.
In 2011, as reports of pet illness made national headlines, the FDA tested 84 samples. The largest segment (64) was tested for Salmonella. (Though it is not common for Salmonella to cause Fanconi-like symptoms in dogs).
So far this year (2012), the FDA has tested 130 samples. All 130 sample results state “Results Pending”. Fifty-eight samples are being tested for metals and/or organic compounds; seventy-two samples are being tested for DNA analysis. (I have not a clue why the FDA would do 72 DNA analysis on these treats.)
To view the FDA testing document, Click Here.
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has recently been in contact with the FDA on this issue. A phone call to his Washington office – for an update – should be returned by the end of the week.
In December 2008, KraMar Pet Products voluntarily recalled Supa Naturals Chicken Breast Strips in Australia due to 15 reported illnesses to the company (though it is very possible more pets were effected). The treats were believed to cause Fanconi-Like Syndrome – the very same illness reported in dogs today in the US. University of Sydney researchers issued a national alert regarding the treats, but a legal threat banned them from making any further public comments.
Just a few short weeks ago, a Facebook group – Animal Parents Against Pet Treats Made in China – had just over 100 members. Today they have close to 2,200 members. They are even organizing a protest of stores that continue to sell the imported jerky treats on April 1, 2012. (Please join in; send me and the group pictures/video!)
The group has put together the following video…
Please, please, please – don’t be tempted to purchase treats (or food for that matter) when you don’t know the country of manufacture or the country of origin of ingredients. If you are in a store and you see someone buying jerky treats, please warn them that reports of sick and dying dogs are pouring into the FDA.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients? Chinese imports? Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 2500 cat foods, dog foods, and pet treats. 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. www.PetsumerReport.com
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