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Pet Food Ingredients

New for Consumers! RePurpose It!

The decades old process of ‘re-purposing’ garbage into animal food will soon be available for consumer garbage! That’s right – your everyday household garbage can soon go towards feeding animals. (Yes, this is my bad attitude talking…having a little fun with FDA stupidity.)

The decades old process of ‘re-purposing’ garbage into animal food will soon be available for consumer garbage! That’s right – your everyday household garbage can soon go towards feeding animals. (Yes, this is my bad attitude talking…having a little fun with FDA stupidity.)

Re-purposing is the common language term used for the recycling of dead animals, rotting food, rodent infested food and more into animal feed/pet food ingredients. They try to make it sound fancy and meaningful; food had a purpose, then it spoiled or rotted – but no worries, we can re-purpose it! Food has meaning again.

Now, the ever so popular industrial re-purposing of food waste is available for consumer waste. We don’t want all that garbage going to landfills do we?


The truth: nasty, horrid, illegal material is being re-purposed into pet food and animal feed every single day and not one person of authority is doing anything about it. The FDA openly tells industry to ignore law and dump your waste into animal food. As example FDA Compliance Policy 675.200 Diversion of Adulterated Food to Acceptable Animal Food use allows the re-purposing of “pesticide contaminated” food, “industrial chemical contaminated” food, food “contamination by filth” to become animal food/pet food. And of course the worst offenders – the various FDA Compliance Policies that allow diseased and dead animals to be re-purposed into animal food/pet food (CPG 675.400 and 690.300).

None of these Compliance Policies are legal – none of the pet foods or animal foods that utilize these ingredients are legal. Adulterated food is still adulterated – even after you ‘RePurpose It!’.

On an industrial basis, RePurpose It! happens every single day with a multitude of food wastes and animal material wastes. Pet Food consumers are never warned if their pet food contains a ‘re-purposed’ ingredient.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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  1. Holly

    May 31, 2016 at 10:37 am

    FDA needs to be scrapped, and rebuilt from the ground up as an impartial entity with no outside influence. . Not only are they failing when it comes to pet food, but human food is no safer.

    Here’s part of an email I got this morning from Mercola
    The 50 Year Cover Up

    In the U.S., use of antibiotics in food animals rose six-fold between 1960 and 1970. It didn’t take long before scientists started warning that this practice had the potential to create a public health crisis.

    By the end of the 1960s, British scientists found that feeding antibiotics to animals produced resistant bacteria that could be transmitted to humans. A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) task force came to a similar conclusion in 1972.

    At that time, the FDA stipulated that drug manufacturers had to prove their products did not contribute to resistance or risk losing their drug approval. So, the drug industry set out to prove antibiotics in animal feed would not pose such problems.

    As reported by Mother Jones, rather than settle the question, their efforts resulted in a 50-year long cover-up of the facts:

    “[T]he Animal Health Institute, a trade group of animal-pharmaceutical manufacturers, contacted Dr. Stuart Levy, a young Tufts University researcher who specialized in antibiotic resistance.

    The group wanted Levy to feed tiny, daily doses of antibiotics to chickens and see if the bacteria in their guts developed resistance … Levy found a family farm near Boston and experimented on two flocks of chickens.

    One got feed with small amounts of tetracycline. The other went drug-free. Within 48 hours, strains of E. coli that were resistant to tetracycline started to show up in the manure of the birds fed drugs.

    Within a week, nearly all the E. coli in those birds’ manure could resist tetracycline. Within three months, the E. coli showed resistance to four additional anti­biotics the birds had never been exposed to: sulfonamides, ampicillin, streptomycin, and carbenicillin.

    Most striking of all, researchers found that E. coli resistant to multiple antibiotics was appearing in the feces of the farmers’ family members — yet not in a control group of neighbors.

    The results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, were so stunningly clear that Levy thought they would prompt the industry to rethink its profligate antibiotic use, or at least inspire the FDA to rein it in. But the industry rebuffed the study it had bankrolled, questioning the validity of the data …

    In 1977, the FDA proposed new rules that would have effectively banned tetracycline and penicillin from animal feed, but the House agriculture appropriations subcommittee, led by agribusiness champion Rep. Jamie Whitten (D-Miss.), ordered the FDA to wait, ‘pending the outcome of further research.'”

    FDA Complicit in the Antibiotic Cover-Up

    An internal FDA review on the safety of feed additives belonging to penicillin and tetracycline classes of antibiotics, which began in 2001 and ended in 2010, revealed that 26 of the 30 drugs under review did not meet the safety guidelines set in 1973, and none of them met current safety guidelines.

    However, this information only came to light after the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the FDA to obtain the documentation. The FDA is supposed to look at three factors when determining the safety of an antibiotic-based feed additive:

    Are antibiotic-resistant bacteria being introduced into the food supply?
    Are people likely to be exposed to those bacteria?
    The consequences of what happens when people are exposed to those bacteria — would they still be able to get treated with human antibiotics?
    Based on these three factors, the NRDC’s report9 concluded that virtually ALL feed additives containing penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics pose a “high risk” to human health and should not be permitted in animal feed, yet about half of the total sales for these two antibiotics are used for that purpose.

    The FDA knew this for well over a dozen years, yet did nothing to curtail the unsafe use of these drugs. The NRDC report also found that as far back as the 1970s, when many of the antibiotics now used in feed were being reviewed for FDA approval, 18 of the 30 antibiotics were already considered “high risk” for human health, but were approved for use in animal feed anyway.

    Over the years, as warnings about dire human health effects mounted, farmers started using more antibiotics, not less. Between 2009 and 2014, agricultural antibiotic use in the U.S. increased by 23 percent.

    Finally, in December 2013, the FDA issued its long overdue guidance on agricultural antibiotics. Alas, it only went so far as to ask drug companies to voluntarily restrict the use of antibiotics that are important in human medicine by excluding growth promotion in animals as a listed use on the drug label.10

    The rule goes into effect in January 2017. However, farmers can still use antibiotics for therapeutic purposes, and this loophole allows them to continue feeding their animals antibiotics for growth promotion without actually admitting it, since enforcement is lax at best.

    • Cheryl Wild

      May 31, 2016 at 2:05 pm

      Could this be why we are seeing the advent of ‘super bugs’ in humans? Like the one in the news recently? Looks like antibiotics in animal feed could be just as much the culprit (or maybe more) as doctors being to eager to prescribe antibiotics!

  2. Lisa Hayes

    May 31, 2016 at 11:43 am

    “RePurpose” it?? You can add “Decay it forward”…
    And we, humans, call ourselves civilized? My stomach continues to turn more and more each day, the more I hear and read about lack of enforcement and accountability. We’re not our animals’ guardians – we need to be guards – to protect them from those things we “assume” are safe. You wonder why so many of us have become so suspicious and cynical…
    Kudos and great admiration to you, Susan, for your unending knowledge, strength, determination and fight.

    • Susan Thixton

      May 31, 2016 at 11:44 am

      Lisa – I love ‘Decay it forward’! I might have to borrow that title for a future video.

      • Lisa Hayes

        May 31, 2016 at 12:23 pm

        It’s all yours – you’ve earned the “rights”!!

        • Susan Thixton

          May 31, 2016 at 12:24 pm


      • Debi Cohen

        June 1, 2016 at 8:30 am

        So funny, so good!!!! good one Lisa!!!!

  3. Terri janson

    May 31, 2016 at 2:29 pm

    I will continue to homecook. I know our food is not safe either…go organic gmo free if you can. I am taking in a 13 year old poodle and will be de toxing him from PUTRINA
    All I want to say is it is utter bs!. I have curbed my language..we can only do our best

  4. Aimee Jurenka

    May 31, 2016 at 2:39 pm

    Wow; how gross. Do happen to know how the new laws, around pet food, having to meat human standards are going to effect this?

    • Susan Thixton

      May 31, 2016 at 2:45 pm

      To my knowledge – there have been existing laws that require meat and all ingredients to be human grade all along. The Food Drug and Cosmetic Act. But FDA openly does not enforce those laws with pet food or any animal food. There are no new laws that will change anything – we’ve got the laws, we just need authorities to enforce them.

  5. GloriaJH

    May 31, 2016 at 3:26 pm

    Isn’t this practice the way we got MAD COW DISEASE???

    • Susan Thixton

      May 31, 2016 at 3:48 pm

      Yes – it is. Feeding ‘re-purposed’ cattle to cattle.

      FDA does not allow cattle to consume cattle material in their feed anymore, but they don’t care about anything else or any other species possibly consuming their own kind. They even allow poultry litter (the G-rated word for chicken @#$%) to be re-processed into cattle feed. And Cattle ‘waste’ to be fed to chickens. It’s insane.

  6. dianna

    May 31, 2016 at 4:44 pm

    I just feel sick knowing the billions of dollars these so called pet companies are making to kill peoples pets’. why can’t everyone band together and stop buying their garbage ? make your own . I am a old lady who will be doing just that. I was using annamaet on day’s I have been not well. but the love of my fur babies. I just can’t do that to them . I just feel sick

    • Anthony Hepton

      May 31, 2016 at 11:16 pm

      It would be so effective if everyone would just stop buying pet food products that contain adulterated ingredients, even though FDA will not enforce their own regulations that state these ingredients are adulterated. That will not happen until there is a vehicle to bring this information to the millions of pet owners.
      Social media has had an impact on the sales of these adulterated products, but there is still much work to be done. I am making comments to this effect of every web site I can find that entertains such dialogue but we need everyone to pitch in, sure these facts with friends via every channel available, we must get this to go viral.

  7. Batzion

    May 31, 2016 at 6:24 pm

    OMG. Thank you, Susan!

  8. Sherrie Ashenbremer

    May 31, 2016 at 6:52 pm

    This is just wrong

  9. Mary Marseglia

    May 31, 2016 at 10:51 pm

    This Bull Shit is really pushing me to my limit! The FDA, AAFCO they don’t give a rats ass about our poor pets and I’m really had enough. What is wrong with these people and hell the FDA doesn’t even care about human beings since they allow BigPharma Mafia Industry to make all these damn drugs that are killing us and our pets so why do we even need them? We DON”T!!! I wish more people would stand behind people Like Susan and I’m here if you need help. I actually wish I had the Billions that are spent on TV ads, magazine, newpaper ads for the Pet Food Industry because they would already be closed down. I’ve wanted to try to get onto National TV stations, news, some kind of show that tells/shows the TRUTH about the GARBAGE made in the form of ALL Dry Kibble & most canned foods in the entire world, not just the USA and get people to use their Gosh Darn brains, wake up out of the coma of bran washing, and start feeding their pets, their domestic carnivores, on how their bodies are designed! To eat a complete raw diet like they use to eat for 30,000+yrs for domestic dogs; 14,000+yrs for domestic cats! Before the damn PFI became the PFI!

  10. Clayton

    July 4, 2016 at 6:40 am

    This is how all the diseases and bacterias started to spread.
    With human simply ‘creating’ food themselves and use as pet foods.
    I will not support any repurposing foods from garbage.

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