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Pet Food News

Data that pet food regulatory authorities are not talking about.

Pet Food News

Information we are never told unless we learn it from FOIA requests.


Reports of sick pets submitted to FDA by pet owners.

Pet Food Regulations

Pet Food Regulations

Pet Food Committee meeting starts with a big announcement from FDA.

Pet Food Regulations

Topics for this meeting include cell cultured meat and consumer relations.

Pet Food Regulations

FDA continues to deny it.

Pet Food News

Pet Food News

Decades of outbreaks, only one laboratory in the U.S for conclusive testing.

Pet Food News

"Some of those who lost their jobs were responsible for reviewing veterinary drugs."

Pet Food Ingredients

Pet Food Ingredients

What you need to know about chicken meal, beef meal...

Pet Food Ingredients

Or should all testing standards be developed by independent parties?

Pet Food Ingredients

There are so many concerns.

Pet Food Ingredients

A new lawsuit is claiming a popular dog treat is misleading pet owners.

Pet Food Ingredients

In three months. And it is all welcome to be disposed of in pet food.

Pet Food Ingredients

Pollution to one agency, pet food ingredients to another.



Due to Salmonella contamination.


Due to Salmonella Contamination


Multiple products withdrawn.

100% Supported by Pet Owners

Susan Thixton and this website are solely supported by pet food consumers.

If you would like to help support the pet food advocacy work of and be provided assistance in selecting a quality pet food, you can do so by purchasing Petsumer Report, or The List.

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You can help support our consumer association – which sends two advocates to two pet food regulatory meetings a year – by becoming a member.