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Pet Food Regulations

AAFCO's ban of consumers explained – it's worse than we thought

Why is AAFCO banning consumers and advocates? Because they spoke out against the illegal waste in pet food and lack of enforcement of law.

Why is AAFCO banning consumers and advocates? Because they spoke out against the illegal waste in pet food and lack of enforcement of law.

Click Here to sign a petition to STOP AAFCO’s consumer bias.

This madness started in early November 2019. Every pet owner and pet owner advocate that had attended an AAFCO meeting over the past 2 years received an email from AAFCO stating they were banned from attending any future meeting. Click Here to read the AAFCO email. AAFCO gave no details to why pet owners and advocates were banned, they only referenced a lawsuit (Answers Pet Food vs FDA, AAFCO and Colorado Department of Agriculture) that we have no affiliation with.

Pet owners took action, emailing AAFCO Board of Directors and their state government officials regarding the ban. And now, AAFCO has responded to consumers with the following VERY telling statement on their website (bold added for emphasis):

“We are aware there has been some misinformation circulated about attending AAFCO meetings. Non-members—including industry representatives, consumers, consumer advocates, and members of the public—are welcome to attend AAFCO meetings, including our mid-year meeting in January. The registration form is available on AAFCO’s website. AAFCO members have priority access, and the remaining slots are available to other attendees, up to the meeting rooms’ maximum seating capacities.

AAFCO has restricted meeting access only for one pet food manufacturer, which is suing AAFCO, and a select few other individuals involved in the lawsuit because we are concerned that their presence may be disruptive to meeting business. Those few individuals were notified of AAFCO’s decision by email. All others are welcome to attend.”

Who are the “select few” AAFCO banned?

AAFCO or their attorney John Dillard refuses to answer this question.

Are any of those that we know are banned (myself, BC Henschen, Kohl Harrington, Dr. Judy Morgan, and 3 pet owners) affliated in the Answers pet food lawsuit as AAFCO claims?

Absolutely not! AAFCO and their attorney refuse to provide us any evidence to back up their false claim we are affiliated with the Answers lawsuit.

But here is what we do know…

AAFCO’s states “we are concerned that their presence may be disruptive to meeting business“. Here’s the truth to what AAFCO must be considering as “disruptive”:

At a recent AAFCO meeting a consumer advocate spoke out against a feed ingredient that is sourced from expired grocery store foods in their plastic containers – the example given was expired yogurt (yogurt and plastic fed to cattle). This consumer advocate stated to AAFCO the ingredient should not be approved, no child should be drinking milk with phthalates (elements of plastic) in it.

She is one of the “select few individuals” banned from AAFCO meetings.

At another AAFCO meeting a first time attendee consumer advocate asked the committee a question (they didn’t want to answer). He was publicly chastised during the meeting by the AAFCO committee chair.

He is one of the “select few individuals” banned from AAFCO meetings.

At a recent AAFCO meeting a veterinarian spoke out about prescription pet foods being allowed to be marketed to consumers as a drug when they are not held to drug manufacturing standards.

She is one of the “select few individuals banned from AAFCO meetings.

At a recent AAFCO meeting a consumer advocate spoke out against the high levels of lead AAFCO allowed in a mineral supplement.

She is one of the “select few individuals banned from AAFCO meetings.

At a recent AAFCO meeting a consumer expressed her concern that regulatory authorities are ignoring law allowing pet foods to kill and harm pets.

She is one of the “select few individuals banned from AAFCO meetings.

AAFCO’s new system of ‘public’ meetings:

You are considered “disruptive” and banned if you speak up defending proper nutrition for animals. You are “disruptive” and banned if you publicly complain about lack of enforcement of law.

There is no other reason for AAFCO to ban the “select few” other than us speaking out. They used a lawsuit that none of us are affiliated with as an excuse to rid themselves of those that defend pets.

AAFCO’s actions are an initiation of war against any pet food consumer that believes their pet should consume food, not illegal ingredient feed. They must be stopped.

How do we stop AAFCO?

By demanding FDA immediately stop participating in AAFCO meetings. Without FDA participation, AAFCO’s consumer bias is history (and so is AAFCO). AAFCO’s industry serving, consumer banning organization cannot exist without FDA participation.

Click Here to sign a petition demanding FDA immediately withdraw from AAFCO. Please ask every person you know to do the same.

Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

Become a member of our pet food consumer Association. Association for Truth in Pet Food is a a stakeholder organization representing the voice of pet food consumers at AAFCO and with FDA. Your membership helps representatives attend meetings and voice consumer concerns with regulatory authorities. Click Here to learn more.

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  1. Janet Wasserman

    December 15, 2019 at 9:31 am

    This issue needs to be aired in the media by journalists who understand the legalities involved and the FDA involvement with the animal feed and animal-targeted pharmaceutical industries. By keeping this only within the community of pet owners who follow this web site is omitting a huge reservoir of pet owners who need to know about AAFCO, its membership, its relationship with the FDA, its members who are state animal feed officials (and taxpayer funded). Especially concerning is its IRS-approved legal organizational structure designed to prevent any public knowledge of its power in the federal government and how it power affects pet owners and the animal-raising sectors of agriculture. If “Democracy Dies in Darkness” this is surely one of the leading examples of how and why. There should be no reluctance to turn to a free and independent press – before we lose it.

    • Susan Thixton

      December 15, 2019 at 9:33 am

      I’m trying to make that happen.

  2. Grateful

    December 15, 2019 at 9:37 am

    This reminds me of the AAFP ban on The Paw Project attending their conference. This trend to silence animal welfare advocates is a bit frightening isn’t it. And it’s all about money.

  3. Peg

    December 15, 2019 at 9:55 am

    Petition signed and forwarded to many!

  4. Cannoliamo

    December 15, 2019 at 10:52 am

    I don’t believe AAFCO is an isolated circumstance. Since Trump won in 2016 (IMHO illegitimately) I’ve seen partisan and unbalanced decision made at EPA, USDA, USFS, Interior, DHS, DOJ, FDA, and many other agencies. I think there is a top-down cancer of irrational bias that is influencing many of these decision, regardless of denials made by the constituents. Even the judiciary is not immune from this influence and perhaps that is what is biasing AAFCO.

    • ~ Reader ~

      December 15, 2019 at 10:50 pm

      There is no difference. Except what happened before happened in the darkness. Now it happens in the light.

      • Susan Thixton

        December 16, 2019 at 8:00 am

        And without consumer or consumer representatives at AAFCO – everything happens in the dark again.

    • Barbara

      December 16, 2019 at 11:09 pm

      It’s actually been going on, slowly but surely, for decades, under many administrations. One could make a solid case that the capturing of government agencies by industry was well underway when President Eisenhower warned the nation about the military-industrial complex, post WWII. There’s plenty of blame to go around, but that’s not the solution. I don’t know what the solution is, but i believe change can’t begin to happen until we, the people, find a way to come together and take back our constitutional power.

      • Cannoliamo

        December 17, 2019 at 10:03 am

        I suspect you’re correct, but I have some depressing news if you are. I am an environmental consultant who has worked under EPA regulations since EPA was created 50 years ago. If the Sierra Club, the Environmental Defense Fund, Friends of the Earth, the Wilderness Society, the Wildlife Conservation Society, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Earth Justice and about a dozen other heavily funded nationally-recognized environmental groups

        can’t get EPA to protect our natural resources (without resorting to the NUMEROUS lawsuits against EPA), it doe not seem promising that TAPF will be very influential with AAFCO or FDA policies, standards and regulations. Every agency I listed earlier is run by an Industry lobbyist or corporate sympathizer and I suspect AAFCO / CVM are likely under the same influence by the Pet Food Industry. The past 50 years has made me quite cynical about fair-minded regulators in government agencies effect on protecting citizens and consumers from the corrupting influence of the corporations on K Street.

        • ~ Reader ~

          December 17, 2019 at 6:08 pm

          Not to argue, or be disagreeable, but the collective has always been about self-interest and not about being fair-minded. (It’s a reality of human nature). The process is (instead) about balance. That’s why Lobbyists exist, and have for many decades. The difference is, effective Lobbyists are heavily funded. But for a reason, perhaps to protect unpopular causes.

          By comparison TAPF is a consumer advocacy group funded only by donations. Therefore it is difficult for us to get the message out. The environmental groups (just as an example) are well known, get a lot of publicity, probably have a few lawsuits in the pipeline, which is an automatic invitation for like-minded people to join their cause. TAPF (and its cause) struggles for every piece of illumination, because of the intentional deception of an entire industry. Curiously in terms of the PFI violating truth in advertising, this is a notable exception to the standard. This is a fault which has existed for decades, without correction, by other group (whatever side people are on)..

      • ~ Reader ~

        December 17, 2019 at 5:56 pm

        Well said, TY.

  5. Patricia Williams

    December 15, 2019 at 11:01 am

    How can pet guardians trust the list of required ingredients for proper nutrition that are in place from the AAFCO when it’s totally evident how unethical and ill-motivated they are? Very possibly they receive “payoffs” from growers/manufacturers/etc., for the required ingredients/vitamins/minerals/etc. to be included that are not necessary but give huge monetary profit to those companies. I don’t trust a food that states AAFCO approved because I don’t trust the AAFCO any more…and that leads to the question of why I should trust the FDA concerning human policies when they’re in bed with the unethical policies of the AAFCO.

    • Susan Thixton

      December 15, 2019 at 11:22 am

      I do understand your concerns. But…pet food has to be regulated by someone. FDA is at least a government agency held to some level of accountability – AAFCO is a private organization clearly held to no level of accountability. Lesser of two evils.

  6. moviezombie

    December 15, 2019 at 12:04 pm

    signed & donated to get the petition out to more people.

    • Susan Thixton

      December 15, 2019 at 12:06 pm

      Thank you!!!

  7. Julie

    December 15, 2019 at 1:49 pm

    Susan, I have tried 3 times to sign the petition by clicking the link that takes me to First this morning and now twice this afternoon. I click “sign now” and it just keeps buffering. The petition also shows no one has signed.
    I would normally just move on BUT …as we know AAFCO and FDA engage in slimy shananigans. I just wanted you to know. Thanks!

    • Susan Thixton

      December 15, 2019 at 3:30 pm

      You might try in a different browser. Sometimes websites don’t work as well in one browser as they do another.

  8. Paula Terifaj

    December 18, 2019 at 5:29 am

    Signed 7 thanks for sharing.
    I also wrote this article earlier related How Pet Food Companies and AAFCO Mislead Consumers Making Pets Sick.
    You can read here:

    Have a look and share your thought on this

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